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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Big shit! I can do better photoshop than that.


    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
      Stop posting those f****** pictures. What are you trying to accomplish?
      If it isn't ok just ask, you don't need to get so pissed off... that's why I asked for mod permission. I didn't wait for their approval, but if it isn't ok I'll remove them.
      Last edited by Aleff; 11-03-2012, 09:02 AM.
      Hail the heros of the revolution!


      • I thought it was whatever kind of exclusive 1.5 leak on the game itself, rather than useless private message pictures. Surprising how he can only release information but no evidence to support it. I mean, even I could go around, make up random facts, exchange a few posts with BZork and then just go for the lightspot. Given how 99% of what he posted were already known facts, all I can say about this guy is that he's the usual attention whore - the very moment people started ignoring him he turned into an even bigger dickhead because his toy's broken. Anyways, the only "new" information he gave us was about the supposed release date on halloween, but that's technically bullshit as you don't postpone a release just because of one person who's gone missing or unavailable, you'd do that because of technical difficulties. In other words, the only new slice he gave us sounds all but true.
        Last edited by Gemini; 11-03-2012, 09:15 AM.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • I remembered I actually have an account here. Then I remembered why I don't really start conversations or post in general. This place and all sonic hacking forums have the same kind of politics and drama. Stop it with all the politics and drama and talk about what actually matters. Why can't you all just talk about the trailer that was released? Also, it's like a religion or cult to some people, it's like "Don't speak the name of God or you'll get stoned" Freedom of speech is there for a reason. I think when this project was first announced, I was one of the first to say it was bullshit and fake, I'm not gonna hide behind the fact that I was completly wrong. But when I did say it was all fake n gay n everything, I had one person say something along the lines of "well if you think its fake then promise you wont play it when its released" I thought to myself just because I'm expressing the way I feel I'm not allowed to play something that may be or may not be real. It's like everyone makes up their own little personal rules and regulations to suit them. "You can't say that", "You can't post that" etc etc Who the hell are you to say who can't say what, regardless of whether it jepordises a project or not. I find it all very amusing at times. I say post what you want as long as it follows the rules set up on these boards, thats common sense I say, but what I say isn't law and no one has to listen to me, like all of you aswell.

          Stop trying to sensor people, if information was leaked it was more than likely a small hiccup by a team member. You can't go bashing messengers just because they posted certain info, we're not living in ancient china where messengers were getting beheaded left and right because they didn't like what their leader was saying. Some people really think in an arsed backwards way sometimes. Take some time to think about what you say. I do believe I have more to say, but I simply won't because I can't quite think of a way of phrasing it or expressing it to where it has any meaning, rather than mindless ranting.(This is a generalised post btw not targeted at anyone specific)


          • GMan, *In Arnold Voice* You son of a bitch! This is why the community gets cheated out of things. I'm a member at Assemblergames and I will request that he gets banned. He is fucking up all the teams work. It seems like he just wants to kill the project.

            On another note I find it odd that the team hasn't rel;eased the original 1.5 first. I think releasing the original would raise the anticipation for the modded version.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Honestly, this game brings more arguments than anything I've ever seen in my life.
              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


              • EvilMarshy: Sir, You could summarize your point simply saying: "stop crying/whining, go on, talk about game, shit happens, be done with it". Surprisingly, after chewing long chapter of yours, I do agree with you.

                J0shuaKane: that quote simply states that in drama one with not so much grey cells recreates drama and flows on top of it; no good made. period. more reasonable? i do hope.

                Anyway, be the "leak" true or false, re-posting such images is not wise and mature IMHO; shows only that re-poster does not respect anonymity - means nothing, eh, suppose yourself own where involved with the project and one you trust puts up an image with name on it while you discuss parts of something.

                You might as well go ahead and post these shots to Capcom public forum too. Bring the attention and shut whole thing down, e.g. go cry to pillow why we did not get 1.5 again. Eh, this gets repetitive.

                But, if I may, to come down to topic:

                Is this font used in our trailer belongs to some other resident evil series different than resident evil 2 retail, i think its resident evil 1

                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                • Indeed,

                  I've started shit with this game in the past, which resulted in a year long ban here. Reading what GManWillis is doing reminded me of what I did in the past. That was my fuck up, and I have thoroughly apologized to THIA members. I have since tried to make amends and become a good member here. I acknowledge I started a shit storm, even back in 2007 I added fuel to the fire. It was my fuck up and I have overcome what I have done in the past. Since then I have become a good member. So I do apologize again to all of you.

                  This is what happens in the RE community. One snippet on 1.5 and everyone is like a bunch of raging lunatics (like COD players). Fuck GManWillis, don't fuck this up!

                  I've also contacted Zork via YouTube and mentioned that I hope this does not compromise the project at all. I feeld bad for the team members now..
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                    Honestly, this game brings more arguments than anything I've ever seen in my life.
                    yeah that It doe's. Not with everyone mind you, But im afraid there will always be a few idiots out there , that break the rules or use abusive and rude comments.

                    It just seems when ever we get close to 1.5 some stupid childish drama has to unfold and then everything get's out of hand, then 1.5 slowy fades aways never to be seen.


                    • Hrm.. GManWillis sent me a friend request on Assembler. I'll bite and see what he says..
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Click image for larger version

Name:	Oh+no+not+this+again+_a5406e286e00839a9f1f55c4f83988fc.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	77.0 KB
ID:	401889


                        • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                          It just seems when ever we get close to 1.5 some stupid childish drama has to unfold and then everything get's out of hand, then 1.5 slowy fades aways never to be seen.
                          Oh man, don't jinx it please. This can't be happening yet again. But we gotta stay positive right?


                          • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post


                            • The video has over 25k hits nice
                              I like how they added claire missing picture.

                              about gman thing i hope this does not things up.


                              • I am not really knowledgeable on modding, but as far as I know, PSOne modding and hacking is brutally harsh. And they even can make character animations? Cool.

