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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by GrrMew View Post
    Agree, i read that too. And here's a part of that interview:

    REFANB: Before the final version of Resident Evil 2 was released, there was an earlier version which was different. This version also had Leon and the voice acting seemed to be complete. Was this also done by you and then you were called back, or did you only do the version of Leon we got in the final game?

    PAUL: I did do an earlier version of the game. I was then asked back, I believe a few months later to record additional dialogue. I have truly forgotten what changes we made. Fans of the game know so much more than us actors. How you find all these details is amazing to me. I wish I had a manager with those skills!

    Here's the link:

    Does the voice of Elza is the same of Claire recorded with the actress Alyson Court?????????
    Last edited by PROTOBOY; 11-06-2012, 03:43 AM.


    • Where is this background from? Is it a custom background? Perhaps this is on the other side of the locked bathroom door! I'm just talking for sheer fun here, got no idea if Diminion has any involvement in this project, but I always liked this room and was always curious about where it came from.


      • With the way those crazy blood-thirsty apes chase Leon down, i'm kinda hoping the team implement the 'quick turn' and 'auto-aim' features to the controls, if it's even possible that is.


        • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
          i'm kinda hoping the team implement the 'quick turn' and 'auto-aim' features to the controls, if it's even possible that is.

          If the game is anything like the Japanese Biohazard, then the Auto-aim is probably on by default (it was disabled in the US/EU versions). Guess it might be possible to see whether auto-aim was in the game or not by looking at some gameplay footage of the game. It "should" be very visible (struck me that I've never actually "searched" for that)


          • It's in, in the videos where Elza shoots at the crows on the landing pad she turns automatically to shoot at them.
            Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-06-2012, 07:17 AM.


            • Awesome, thanks for the info guys.. good to know! I remember playing leech hunter in RE0 and I can only imagine how difficult it would be to kill those evil chimps without those 2 controls. They really help to get out of a tight situation sometimes and 1.5 looks like it can get quite frantic.


              • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                Capcom doesn't really care about consistency when it comes to RE and it shows.
                Pretty wrong. CAPCOM care a lot about consistency. That's why Alyson Court, for example, has voiced Claire in every single one of her appearances. They strive for consistency when they can, but there are often external factors that prevent them from getting a certain actor back for another appearance (contract issues, conflict between projects, actor doesn't want to do it, etc). Their first line of thinking is, if the actor was actually good, bring them back as much as possible. But that's not always possible.

                Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                Ok... So nobody can really claim or deny that it is actually him.
                Well... yeah, you can, because it sounds nothing like him. The voices on the Complete Disc were probably just placeholders by some off-the-street types, as the script was never actually completed (which would line up with Haddad being contracted to it with the intention to record, but not actually doing so until later).

                Haddad was likely referring to the so-called "uncut script" of the final version of BH2 that was released which had quite a few differences with the lines actually in the game.
                Last edited by News Bot; 11-06-2012, 10:40 AM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • But the complete discs are at the end of the 1.5 development era, Not sure if the 40% build has auto aim.


                  • I think it's more than obvious that the 40% buld has the auto aim function, you can see it clearly on the PSMuseum video.
                    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Pretty wrong. CAPCOM care a lot about consistency. That's why Alyson Court, for example, has voiced Claire in every single one of her appearances. They strive for consistency when they can, but there are often external factors that prevent them from getting a certain actor back for another appearance (contract issues, conflict between projects, actor doesn't want to do it, etc). Their first line of thinking is, if the actor was actually good, bring them back as much as possible. But that's not always possible.
                      Hm. Well, whatever they are "striving" for, they haven't been really good at it then, regardless of their intentions.


                      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        Hm. Well, whatever they are "striving" for, they haven't been really good at it then, regardless of their intentions.
                        They're almost infinitely better than most others out there that are actually in the same "league" and thus actually fair/appropriate to compare them to.


                        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          They're almost infinitely better than most others out there that are actually in the same "league" and thus actually fair/appropriate to compare them to.
                          Okayyyyyy......why you creepily go out of your way to defend Capcom is bizarre and misplaced here. If we could get back to topic rather than deriving discussions of how awesome and great Capcom is out of nothing, and likewise from sucking Capcom's dick at every opportunity, that might lead the thread back to relevance.


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post

                            I found it! Its in, because this is the room elza is in!
                            Darkness, you rock! I don't recall seeing this picture before and it definitely has some implications for the B1 layout...

                            Do you have any more stills from PSM (besides the ones with bloody clothes)? I don't recall seeing that one in any of the videos.

                            I am strongly inclined to believe that the vent depicted is the other side of this one in the Kennel:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_kennel_01.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	70.9 KB
ID:	401918

                            They appear to be about the same height, but more importantly, with a few slight modifications, they fit nearly perfectly together on my map. It's a bit of a stretch given the elevation, but it might also be the source of the dogs in the firing range.


                            • Originally posted by Josh-san View Post
                              Okayyyyyy......why you creepily go out of your way to defend Capcom is bizarre and misplaced here. If we could get back to topic rather than deriving discussions of how awesome and great Capcom is out of nothing, and likewise from sucking Capcom's dick at every opportunity, that might lead the thread back to relevance.
                              I don't think it's very wise to talk like that to Carn.
                              Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-06-2012, 01:35 PM.


                              • These are all the non PSM video stills I could find, Enig. Wish the curator would have been a little nicer in his giving of footage, but come here soon that wont matter anymore ;)

                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Darkness; 11-06-2012, 01:40 PM.

