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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by kaka84 View PostYou must yse popsconverter v1.6 and at the game code put SLPS01222 and it works!!Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-08-2012, 03:34 PM.
"Prototype 1.5!"
"I wanna try it out even more than [Biohazard] 6"
"...[and yet] Nothing"
It looks like BZork-san made a comic poking fun at drooling fanboys fussing about RE6 and how much they want to play BH1.5 instead... and yet crying about it does nothing.
I lol'd a little and raged a little
Did you compress it?
edit: ok so now I tried with PsGUI300beta, popsconverter, compressed, uncompressed... Nothing changes, always a black screen and nothing works.
I really don't get why since the other BH1 betas I downloaded work fine. Maybe the iso is corrupted?Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-08-2012, 03:54 PM.
I enjoyed resident evil 6 and im still playing it now , I love playing as ada the most.
But I also love the classics of course. But (I) don't think it's as bad as people say , But I also enjoy playing Operation raccoon city , I know alot of you don't but hey we all enjoy different things.
I respect that , just hate when people don't respect what I enjoy , they say it like I should not get any enjoyment out of these games.
Yeah, I used the same guide.
What is the size of your eboot? 320 mb?
edit: I think I know why. My beta has a .img format, apparently it causes problems. Did you convert an .iso of the beta?
If yes, where can I download this version?Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-08-2012, 04:11 PM.
Originally posted by Carnivol View Posthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of...lid_characters
I see many names changing on the English cast.
(and bringing back Cam Clarke as Liquid's hardly mention worthy, as he, like Nolan North, pretty much seem to live in studios fulltime. Conveniant, sure, but annoying for those who might get tired of hearing his voice in everything.)
And even with SOME consistency in its cast, the MGS franchise is still a larger inconsistant mess than RE and the only "consistency" related detail worth truly applauding it for is how TwinSbakes reunited things for rerecording of speech Konami only had in shitty, low-nitrate PS1 audio quality ('cause along with writing proper contracts, the one thing Konami of yesterday can't handle for shit is proper archival of their assets)
There was no change in the English VA "main" cast in subsequent sequels. Ever. Only one character was changed, and that was Gray Fox for Twin Snakes (which means squat in term of consistency since MGS fans consider Twin Snakes a piece of shit). None of the other characters were replaced. The "name changing" in the English cast that you're probably referring to are the alias used by the VAs in the first game. I can't quite recall the reason why Konami did this at the time, but I believe it had something to do with some restrains of the VAs in the industry and the company trying to get a proper VA budget. The VAs were credited under another name (an alias) and the thing was kept off the record under until years later. I'm sure someone who has worked in this area during that decade can explain what I'm talking about.
It is kind funny for you to applaud Twin Snakes when that's probably the second most controversial title of the series. Not only did the English team butcher the fantastic script that was translated and localized by Jeremy Blaustein, but they messed with the accents of some characters from the first title, taking out the uniqueness of these characters and leaving the script and voice-acting poorer than before. In an attempt to make the script "truer" to the japanese release, they pretty much fucked every single scene that was so brilliantly crafted in the original. And no, the decision to replace the original voice-acting wasn't because it was a "shitty, low-nitrate audio quality poorly archived" asset. It was because in the original recordings some outdoor sounds were hear able, like subways and cars. The location used to record the voice-acting wasn't properly sound-isolated, so they couldn't re-use it for Twin Snakes. Budget cuts...
All of this just goes to show you how unprofessional Capcom is dealing with something so basic as this. They can't find English localization and translation teams worth shit and they can't keep any VA consistency, even for japanese releases. Plenty of games did it in this era, but Resident Evil, a game so appealing to the western market failed every single time. That says a lot about Capcom and the fuck they give to the North American and European audience.Last edited by Kegluneq; 11-08-2012, 04:20 PM.
BH2 Beta is full of bugs, even if you managed to boot the game, it with still freeze when you reach the police station, believe me i tried it before, just check out the compatibility list :
I strongly recommend you to play it on a ps3 3.55 or 4.21 CFW with multiman installed which can play all PSX regions and betas without a single problem, just burn it on CD with overburn option enabled in Nero and you're good to go !Last edited by Guest; 11-08-2012, 05:01 PM.