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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
    The RE2 Trial have tiny differences in the background like the Umbrella Factory entrance, the Unknown room with the Umbrella Mouses, the FUEL Puzzle in the Lab have different angles (Where supposed to be a boss battle) and other but mostly are the same..,
    Are you comparing the RE2 Trial backgrounds with those of the Inflames build of BH1.5?

    And to what "unknown room" might you be referring?
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-10-2012, 04:58 PM.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      Are you comparing the RE2 Trial backgrounds with those of the Inflames build of BH1.5?

      And to what "unknown room" might you be referring?
      I'm comparing the trial background with the 1.5 from the inflames... these are from the Trial disc extracted and used as a mod by MartinBiohazard from youtube, the Entrance of the Factory, the Room with the Umbrella Mouses near the Computers, the images from the Fuel Puzzle in the Lab that i can't find anywhere:
      From MartinBiohazard: The Factory Entrance with the Unfinished Door (The White One)

      This is from SeiyaK0u from the RE 1.5 MOD on youtube at 3:04 there is the Unknown Room:
      From this video there was an image comparing the room showed at 3:04... at the Factory video there was a comparing pic too and the Fuel Puzzle where Leon fights against Birkin Beta with the missing angles... i hope that anyone understand me... if there is so much youtube links, i will upload some images as soon as i find... Sorry for bad english...


      • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
        I'm comparing the trial background with the 1.5 from the inflames... these are from the Trial disc extracted and used as a mod by MartinBiohazard from youtube, the Entrance of the Factory, the Room with the Umbrella Mouses near the Computers, the images from the Fuel Puzzle in the Lab that i can't find anywhere:
        From MartinBiohazard: The Factory Entrance with the Unfinished Door (The White One)

        This is from SeiyaK0u from the RE 1.5 MOD on youtube at 3:04 there is the Unknown Room:
        From this video there was an image comparing the room showed at 3:04... at the Factory video there was a comparing pic too and the Fuel Puzzle where Leon fights against Birkin Beta with the missing angles... i hope that anyone understand me... if there is so much youtube links, i will upload some images as soon as i find... Sorry for bad english...
        Ahhh, the infamous pre-rendered backgrounds that created some controversy regarding the status of Inflames' final build.

        Originally posted by Ys1 View Post
        Let's have a look at the period of December 7 1996 - December 21 1996

        Take a close look at this room:

        And a closer look:

        Now, here's the Inflames screenshot of this room:
        This piece of information suggest that Inflames' build was not, in fact, the latest final build in production. But...

        Originally posted by Ys1 View Post
        Not only is the lighting different, but the camera is very slightly repositioned:

        It's thought that because the light is off it's from an earlier build, but not necessarily given some of it's accompanying data (above.)
        Look above. The ceiling only has 3 lights in Inflames' and Complete Disc's background. In the Trial's background, you can see 4. What this means is, that even if these pre-rendered backgrounds were indeed created after Inflames' final build, they were never implemented in the game. Why? It's simple. Director's Cut Dual Shock was released in August 1998. That's where the Complete Disc footage comes from. There's no logical explanation as to why Capcom would use, for its official footage, an outdated final build (the same that Inflames had) if they had a newer one (as the pre-rendered backgrounds seem to suggest). Either they went back and decided to scrap those pre-rendered backgrounds from newer builds, or, the game (BH 1.5) was cancelled before they could create a new build that contained those backgrounds.

        BioHazard YouTube Channel
        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
          Look above. The ceiling only has 3 lights in Inflames' and Complete Disc's background. In the Trial's background, you can see 4. What this means is, that even if these pre-rendered backgrounds were indeed created after Inflames' final build, they were never implemented in the game. Why? It's simple. Director's Cut Dual Shock was released in August 1998. That's where the Complete Disc footage comes from. There's no logical explanation as to why Capcom would use, for its official footage, an outdated final build (the same that Inflames had) if they had a newer one (as the pre-rendered backgrounds seem to suggest). Either they went back and decided to scrap those pre-rendered backgrounds from newer builds, or, the game (BH 1.5) was cancelled before they could create a new build that contained those backgrounds.
          If you're wondering about the different screen areas shown in those images; Overscan
          As for the lacking red glow in the pure render; probably just a case of an in-game applied effect, either a mask or a simple transparancy effect.


          • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
            This is from SeiyaK0u from the RE 1.5 MOD on youtube at 3:04 there is the Unknown Room
            This room is well-known, it just has a slightly different arrangement in the Inflames build. I think that the RE2 Trial version is the final one. If you're confused about location, just consult the Factory map that I compiled, it's about 99% accurate.

            It's true that the contents of the northwest room are unknown; only its location, shape, and door placement are known, and such information is sufficient for drawing up a basic 2D map.
            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-10-2012, 06:57 PM.


            • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              If you're wondering about the different screen areas shown in those images; Overscan
              As for the lacking red glow in the pure render; probably just a case of an in-game applied effect, either a mask or a simple transparancy effect.
              Does the PSX actually apply overscan though? It's a nice explination but ONLY if that is the case.


              • Yup, it does. It cuts away 8 pixels on each side of the screen frame.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • And depending on your TV or analog capture device (and/or its settings) there might be even more gobbled up.


                  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    And depending on your TV or analog capture device (and/or its settings) there might be even more gobbled up.
                    I want to believe you, but isn't the camera in the Complete disc version more elevated and pointing further down, albeit very slightly? If they were truly the same, you'd be able to crop the Trial background and make it look identical (sans the characters and red glow) to the Complete disc version.


                    • I thought that was a possibility too, but look to the right of the background. In the Trial disc, the light on the wall is almost on the edge. In Inflames' and Complete Disc's footage, you can see a small portion of the wall next to the light. That's probably why Ys1 said the camera was slightly positioned.

                      Another piece of evidence that the backgrounds do not match: the cargo stacked to the left. In the Trial disc it's positioned diagonally and nearly obstructs the red light of the test tube at the top. But in the other two, it's more horizontal-placed and less obstructive.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Could be the layer masks skewing things a bit. But, yeah, the bit on the right is at least a bit curious, but on the left ... that could've just been the result of the changed ratio of the image (from 320x240 to a stretched 720x480-esque frame on the TV/capture device), the masks creating a better "depth" effect and everything just getting combined with how RED is like the absolute worst color for any type of accurate preservation in ancient low-bitrate picture compression formats.


                        • Well, here are the images from the Trial Version vS de Inflames version...
                          Click image for larger version

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                          Click image for larger version

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                          Sorry for a lot of attachments...
                          Last edited by STARSRedfield; 11-10-2012, 09:50 PM. Reason: Missing Pictures


                          • About the December 7 and December 21 backgrounds of the lobby and parking area, both sets are supposed to be implemented in the game. The December 7 BSS file is supposed to load the parking area and the lobby combined. The window to the right of the double doors are missing in this version of the area, so that's probably where you're supposed to go through to cross between the rooms. The December 21 is for the parking area only, with the windows intact. There's also a BSS file for the lobby only and again, windows are intact. The scene between Marvin and Elza happens before the window breaks, as the cutscene angle for it only exists in the lobby-only .BSS file. He isn't injured yet during the scene, so the breakage of the window probably has something to do with Marvin getting bitten there. The bioflames picture of the parking area with Elza is from the combined lobby + garage version of the area.
                            Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-10-2012, 10:52 PM.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              About the December 7 and December 21 backgrounds of the lobby and parking area, both sets are supposed to be implemented in the game. The December 7 BSS file is supposed to load the parking area and the lobby combined. The window to the right of the double doors are missing in this version of the area, so that's probably where you're supposed to go through to cross between the rooms. The December 21 is for the parking area only, with the windows intact. There's also a BSS file for the lobby only and again, windows are intact. The scene between Marvin and Elza happens before the window breaks, as the cutscene angle for it only exists in the lobby-only .BSS file. He isn't injured yet during the scene, so the breakage of the window probably has something to do with Marvin getting bitten there. The bioflames picture of the parking area with Elza is from the combined lobby + garage version of the area.
                              GREAT attention to detail, that makes perfect sense, leon and marvin are talking in the shack, zombie busts through the window or something and has a bite of marvin.

                              EDIT: wait, wasn't the infection caused from a wound to the leg? Seems unlikely it happens to the leg from the window...
                              Last edited by Darkness; 11-10-2012, 11:44 PM.


                              • @Biohazard_star

                                Precisely. Once the glass breaks, the Factory Lobby and Factory Entrance become fused into one "room." This is justified by both the sequence of the background files and the broken window pane itself.

                                However, the repositioning of the police car strikes me as odd.

                                Before ambush:
                                Click image for larger version

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                                After ambush:
                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	401952

                                The police decal and side mirrors appear in one angle and not the other... Hell, if you look at the position of the front left wheel, you'll realize that the car has been completely turned around! Then again, the simple fact that a door remains untextured leads me to believe that other details such as this could have been overlooked as well.

                                I'm amazed that those damn zombies could have crashed a police car through a solid iron wall:
                                Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-11-2012, 12:10 AM.

