Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Last edited by justinlrich1993; 11-11-2012, 04:56 PM.
Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View PostHonestly, I'd rather say this community is to blame. 1.5 has a tendency to stir up the worst in people, including myself, and I have a feeling that when it is finally released, most are going to be very satisfied with the result.
I guess when people want something so rare, so badly - things like this happen .. *jumps up and down with excitement* can't wait to play this.. Claire or no Claire."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
well. I think this situation is completely normal!, i mean come on, be real a lot of people here in this community has been waiting for this release since how much? 5 6 or maybe 7 years. Now its so close to their (us) dream become true, so they are excited and need more info, because honestly like RaccoonSurvivor said, the lack of information is the problem here, maybe with some more info its not necessary a video, maybe put some screenshot like the sewer zone, or some other areas that we didnt saw before would be good to start a topic about that screenshot instead or "complain" about that door, that text, the voices, etc.Last edited by GrrMew; 11-11-2012, 05:50 PM.
Originally posted by GrrMew View Postwell. I think this situation is completely normal!, i mean come on, be real a lot of people here in this community has been waiting for this release since how much? 5 6 or maybe 7 years. Now its so close to their (us) dream become true, so they are excited and need more info, because honestly like RaccoonSurvivor said, the lack of information is the problem here, maybe with some more info its not necessary a video, maybe put some screenshot like the sewer zone, or some other areas that we didnt saw before would be good to start a topic about that screenshot instead or "complain" about that door, that text, the voices, etc, and one more thing.
If you people could just wait and see instead of assuming random stuffs we know nothing about, and all of that from just a trailer which might not be representative of the "final" game. Stop sending messages and crap like that, we don't need anymore trouble with a team of such talented people who are working hard FOR US and don't seem to ask anything in return.
I don't see the problem with giving some feedback to the team, as long as we don't act like assholes doing it.
If people perceive something to be the problem, then expose it gently and let the team decide for themselves if it should be changed or not. They are bound to be more focused with the technical stuff, so it's likely they will overlook some small stuff. Having a community pointing it out, concretely, with useful suggestions and in an organized, neat manner, with cordial writing is not going to hurt anyone's feelings. Just do it in a proper manner, and I'm sure the team will be thankful that the community is trying to do whatever they can to help, even if it's just for the little things ;)Last edited by Kegluneq; 11-11-2012, 06:38 PM.
You know, it is possible for people to contribute and have nothing to do with B.Zork and "da team" - and maybe that's for the best, if you know what I mean. This is the closest we've gotten to RE15 in years, so let's not blow it on our end by acting like a bunch of six-year-olds with our hands out constantly whining for some cookies. No offense meant, none taken I hope. There's things we can do on our own while we wait for them to get done. Like I'm doing with "A Story of RE15." Sure, I've had to go off in a different direction, since I don't have the actual game at my disposal, but at least it's something. Same goes for the PMOD work by Marvin and SeiyakOu (and felixnew, to a lesser extent), Black Crow and Enig's attempts to reconstruct the game maps, c2keo and DXP's recreated backgrounds, Alzaire's archiving of info over these past few years (talk about a contributor!), all the people who have scanned magazine articles or collected images, original artwork and those funny cartoons and flash anims - even the kind folks who host this blog, and so on. If you really want, those of you who wish to join in can find something to contribute to the RE15 effort. We still need English dubbed dialogue. We still need replacement (or placeholder) cutscenes. The blogger who's doing the faux RE15 box art - I forget his name - there's another good example of a positive contribution. There's so many ways to chose from ....Last edited by RMandel; 11-11-2012, 06:51 PM.
I have a background in ameteur audio production and i've done video production in the past, and I wish i had the resources to be able to contribute either music or FMV. If i had the tools, there would be little reason why some of the retail game's fmv's couldn't be tweaked to work for 1.5, for leon anyway. I've flirted with the idea of using some of the footage from romero's re2 advertisements to construct some sort of opening video in the vein of resident evil 1, however I don't think there is enough footage available to make a coherent video of that format...
Originally posted by Darkness View PostWould just need to make new fmvs alltogether probably. Which is alot easier than it was in 1997.
I assume its the same reason they are going for text over redone voice acting. To undertake that would be costly, and likely wouldn't match up. I think of it like the star wars special editions. They added all sorts of CG and such but it sticks out like a sore thumb. If there was a way to recompose the elements we already have that are guaranteed to be from that time period, the effect would blend in better, but would be less coherent. Basically, damned if you do, damned if you don't, haha.