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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Seems a tad bit too wide to be the west stairwell hallway, although it's definitely possible. It could also be an early version of the southern part of the second floor hallway. There is what appears to be either a vending machine or a cabinet on the right side of the room.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Yeah, it's the same room. That one had me stumped for the longest time.

      Regarding my cleaned-up backgrounds, I try to use the source that's the sharpest - and without any on-screen texts, watermarks, logos, or other such frippery to clutter up and confuse the screen. When I do have to deal with them, I do my best to p-shop them out - or in worst cases, crop them off. It's just a pique of mine. I've hated those damn things ever since they started popping up on every video and still image years ago. I can never get rid of them all - but those I can, I will. I know some of you out there feel the same way.

      I could have gotten the second and third backgrounds lobby from the Curator's long peek, but my copy is more blurry than I'd like and c2keo's recreations are almost spot-on. I could have used c2keo's for the first image, but it wasn't that hard to get the actual background out of the Halloween Teaser - and I know you guys would prefer the original whenever possible. Grab a frame here, grab a frame there, then there, do some crude p-shopping, a bit of air- and feather brushing to remove what leftover graphic garbage I can and voila!


      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
        Seems a tad bit too wide to be the west stairwell hallway, although it's definitely possible. It could also be an early version of the southern part of the second floor hallway. There is what appears to be either a vending machine or a cabinet on the right side of the room.
        Although the floor and the wall's trim are consistent in both shots, the real key lies in the window placement. The window that's closest to the camera in the Inflames image is the same one that's visible on the back wall to the left in the TGS photograph.

        Also, don't let the word "hallway" mislead you; it seems to be more like a foyer with a winding corridor seamlessly joined to it.
        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-13-2012, 01:15 AM.


        • Ah, I see what you mean now. If you put it that way, it's definitely the same room. You can even see a small white rectangle above the window in the Elza pic which could be the same circular lights in the Leon pic. Nice job. Do you also have a date for the game show photograph?
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • The game show photograph was part of an image collection given to me by Alzaire many years ago, and at that time I recall either him or Kim himself saying that the location depicted was on either 2F or 3F. As for the date and location of the photograph... I don't know for sure but they probably would. I would actually love to know what build it is. The picture is labeled "demo," so if it indeed depicts a demo, I'm guessing that it must have more continuity than the curator's PSM build. In other words, if that guy is playing as Elza and she is seen on 2F, he must have used the western stairwell or elevator from the western hallway to get there. Had he been playing as Leon, I would instead say that he's simply on his way to the Lobby from the Helipad.

            Also keep in mind that, if my theory about 2F and 3F having nearly identical elevator corridors is correct, then one image could be from 3F (most likely the one with crows and missing window panes), while the other could be on 2F. This may account for a slight difference in lighting (although the quality of the supposed TGS image is too low to make any accurate judgements).

            If the images are from different floors, my guess would be that Inflames' contact was making his way from the Helipad down to the Lobby as Leon, and thus his screenshot was taken on 3F very early in the game. The guy playing the demo, however, probably started with Elza in the Lobby and was making his way up to 2F, only to find the double doors leading to the main 2F hallway to be locked. I interpreted the small white rectangles as being reflections in the window panes, which are probably intact on 2F but broken (or never rendered) on 3F.
            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-13-2012, 04:08 AM.


            • I assume the demo is from a later build than Curator's. Even in the bioflames build, the hallway seems to be incomplete (missing detail on the windows) so they probably only got around to making that hallway in Era 5. Not to mention TGS '96 apparently happened in August, so it precedes the time frame Curator's build was compiled. I remember someone mentioning that the game show pic of the hands-on preview was taken at a closed door event for the press.

              That is really awesome, I wonder how hard it would be for the team to add more door loading screens so its not just the metal door with a plastic sound for every door/elevator...
              This shouldn't be too hard for them to do, as even the people on the RE modding forums are capable of doing this already. 1.5 shares a bunch of door models with RE1 and RE2 retail anyway. They'd only have to make a few custom doors, like the double doors used for the P-4 Lab and the automatic doors used in the lab.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • The second and third floors interest me. am I correct in assuming that all the information and any maps we have are purely speculative? There are a handful of screenshots available, but other than that, aren't those two floors basically entirely unknown? Does anyone know if the conference room where Elza fights her boss is on 2f or 3f? I was thinking it was generally assumed to be 3f but I can't recall... also, the chief's office is on one of those floors as well, right?


                • The meeting room and the chief's office are assumed to be within proximity of one another because they're both lavishly furnished, compared to the rest of the station. We have translated subtitles for a scene with Leon on the helipad where he says he has to report the current situation to the chief. There's also another one where John and Elza are in the meeting room before the gorilla mini-boss and he asks her not to go the helipad. If you put two and two together, the rooms are probably separated by maybe a hallway or two apart and are both closely located to the helipad.

                  If you think about it, there's a whole lot of parallels between Leon and Elza's scenario (same boss fights, events, etc.). If the interrogation room where Elza finds Roy in is only two rooms away from the lobby, the chief's office where Leon has to go to report to the chief is probably only a few rooms away from the helipad as well. Then there's also Leon's sewer access which is right next to the parking garage where he fights his pair of mutant gorillas, so the helipad (which connects to Elza's sewer access) probably isn't very far off from the conference room where Elza fights her pair of gorillas. But of course, it's all just speculation at this point, like you said.
                  Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-13-2012, 09:57 AM.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • That's very interesting, about the scenarios paralleling each other. I mean I'd thought about it scenario wise, but I'd never given much thought to the locations and relative distances each character traveled. I wonder what else could be hiding up on the second and third floors? I know there's also a medical room, a radio room, and a media room, and I assume they are on the 3rd floor due to the number on the bottom right of this screen.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	eFI6E.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	79.1 KB
ID:	401975
                    On the other hand, there was the door 1.5 in that basement stairwell, so that makes me doubt the numbers refer strictly to floor numbers..


                    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      I've got a chipped PSOne, a high quality RGB scart cable and a 28" Panasonic CRT TV! I want to play this game as it was intended to be played to the highest of quality, I'm fully prepared! I think all I need to do is get a couple of Japanese Playstation cases to print off the covers and I'm all set for the full experience.

                      I've got a very close friend of mine who has no idea any of this is going on, he's not the type of person to spend time browsing the Internet. He always loves surprises, he never really looks into games untill they're sitting there in his hands ready to play, this is one of the hardest secrets I've tried to keep but I'm just going to go round his one day and give it to him there and then. He knows a little bit about the existence 1.5 through me and always expresses his excitement about it as RE2 is also one of his favourite games, but he doesn't know any details about it and doesn't realise that it's actually in people's hands right now being modified.

                      I kind of envy him because this would be the ultimate way to experience 1.5, knowing nothing about it and then just one day out of the blue havig an entirely new RE game to play. It will be a good day for everyone!

                      I used to have a chipped PS1 many years ago, my first import game was tekken 3 and parasite eve those were the days lol.

                      Doe's anyone know where I can get another modded ps1 these days ? The old import shop I used to get things from is now just a cybercafe , And Ebay wont allow them for sale so I heard. I live in london btw.

                      I just know if the game doe's come out none of the emulators will work for me , I have very bad luck when it comes to things like that
                      Last edited by chrisliam2; 11-13-2012, 10:41 AM.


                      • Those numbers are random for the most, they make no sense whatsoever.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • Yeah. After spending quite a lot of time gazing upon the public media of the game ... there really doesn't seem to be much of a logical structure to those numbers.

                          Initial guess was that they somehow represented level/room ID and entrance ID, but seeing numbers repeat themselves quite often in footage for different rooms ... they're either incomplete info or represent something else (actors?)


                          • Let's ask Kamiya! trolololololo (Joking obviously)


                            • I can't find the name of the track that plays when leon meets ada in the R.P.D parking garage on youtube, Its not Ada's theme..


                              • Searched youtube, couldn't find it. It's not any of the Malformations, or the Fight with Monster. I think you already asked in this thread though? And someone posted it? I could be mistaken however ...

