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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Last edited by chrisliam2; 11-26-2012, 05:05 AM.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostBecause something finally wasn't meant to be released I have no right to feel like I want to play it? What kind of retarded logic is this?PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View Postsaying you've been waiting for it for years as though it was always meant to fall into your hands (...)
Nothing to do with entitlement my good sir. None of us are "entitled" to play this game. But we most certainly will. And I have been "impatient" since well before the project was canned.
It was never "meant" to leak to the public. That's a pretty laughable notion. It was leaked because someone happened to have it independent of CAPCOM, who ultimately own it. It was leaked without permission, making it effectively stolen. The game cost CAPCOM thousands to develop. It cost whoever first leaked it around absolutely nothing to obtain it because those people tend to be reviewers and the like who usually sign NDAs. Even if one of these people had it privately, they were never "meant" to leak it considering they most likely signed a legal-binding document for the express purpose of "don't talk or release this shit, dickhead." Not the other way around. If they wanted to keep it to themselves there was no reason they couldn't.
You keep describing "entitlement" as if you're reading from a dictionary. Please note that it's not actually a negative thing since you seem to be respectable and not an idiot about it, but at the end of the day, you feel as though you should have it.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
You don't get my point when I say it was meant to leak to the public sooner or later. When something leaks, whatever the reason, it's out. Even if it's in the hands of a few people, I am certain that everything ends up public sooner or later. So yeah, as I said before, as soon as it was known to be in possession of private collector or Capcom employees friends/relatives, I think that from this point it's safe to assume we could expect it to leak to a broader audience sooner or later.
Sure. But it "leaked" to private collectors, who were also under no obligation to leak it further (and most still haven't done so). Again, same thing. Entitlement, it should be released/I should have it. Saying it will DEFINITELY come out really doesn't change anything.
I am surprised the 40% version hasn't already been leaked at this point anyway. You'd think that the "team" and their efforts would have already caused it to lose all its value for people with the fact they're presumably releasing it in its original form and a more "complete" form. I would've thought those that still have it would have tried to sell it for big bucks before they lost the opportunity altogether.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI am surprised the 40% version hasn't already been leaked at this point anyway. You'd think that the "team" and their efforts would have already caused it to lose all its value for people with the fact they're presumably releasing it in its original form and a more "complete" form. I would've thought those that still have it would have tried to sell it for big bucks before they lost the opportunity altogether.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostYeah, I ask myself the same question. But there's something we tend to forget, most of these transactions are underground. I'm pretty sure the game has already been sold to many people. Its value has certainly decreased, so it's a good time to sell. Now the real question is when the modified version will be released, but I'm not sure the team itself can answer that question. But I don't consider it important, I prefer they take their time and polish it as much as possible.
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Postwere the hell do you find these "underground sellers" how are we supposed to know about it and get a chance at buying these betas if we can't offer our money ?
Calm, rational and connected people who don't make too much noise in public.
Loud dick-chimps who throw money out left 'n right and buy everything and anything that reads prototype/collectible and evt. gathers the attention of people with specific interest.
No idea, you have to know people who know people who know people. Take the Assembler forums. There's at least one guy there who apparently has the game. There's the Curator, and probably other guys like him. If you are lucky enough to keep in touch with the good people and you aren't a douchebag, you can potentially have access to these kind of things when the time comes.
But there's no magic formula. It's like if you were asking me: "How can I make sure to get this job when there are so many people applying for it?". You need connections. Either through sheer luck, either through social skills.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostMan that was quick. And now GManWillis "threatens" to release his own build if 1.5 if the other guy doesn't do it first. Funny thing is, he might not even possess it. He's really playing a dirty game...
Our only hope is for the the team to release the modified 40% in the near future and it might increase the chances of releasing the 80% version due to value drop, after all this is just my own speculation, who knows what will happen when they release it !
But someone was kind enough to release Bio Force Ape beta while back, so why don't they just end the drama as this guy did and release the goddamn game to the public ?
Honestly I didn't see the video and I think that this was staged, or it was just a bluff from that creepy guy from Half-Life.
"Hey guys I have 1.5. selling for $2000."
"Yay I'm the first one to post, I sent you a PM, gasp gasp."
"OK RE 1.5 sold."
"Hi I'm the guy who supposedly has contact with the 1.5 mod team, don't you know the word SHARE? OMGWTFFACEPALM! Just release it!"
"Wait you're threatening me just because I don't want to dump it?"
"Yes and I have all builds which the developers have generated by pressing "Compile" on their PSX SDK IDE. If you don't make a community dump I'll release it and your gaem will be worth nothing!"
That's why I only check this thread from time to time now. All this drama for a piece of software is retarded, I'll surely be happy if it gets released but if it does not, no big deal. It's not the cure to some chronic disease/syndrome or the key to solve food distribution in the world. It's just a game.Hail the heros of the revolution!