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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
If Roy has been added in then there's no doubt, they can create in game cutscenes. Roy was not in the 40% build at all and they created him along with the scene. Truly they are pro's. I wonder what other surprises they have in store for us?Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-02-2012, 11:42 AM.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostThe interrogation rooms remained untextured even in the "Inflames" build, so I doubt it.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]7600[/ATTACH]Last edited by Guest; 12-02-2012, 11:52 AM.
On a separate note, did anyone save the scans from this page? I've been trying to access it for a while now but the page is no longer there.
Same, but if they make this a full fledged game, then that is truly awesome. I don't know if they will got hat far but a man can dream, no?
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostSame, but if they make this a full fledged game, then that is truly awesome. I don't know if they will got hat far but a man can dream, no?
Originally posted by Darkness View PostIf they can add roy/ script events with him in it they can probably do everything they need. You can't underestimate these guys. I'm tellin ya
Originally posted by yurieu View PostIs this the real ROY or a re-skined leon or mod leon?Last edited by Darkness; 12-02-2012, 03:20 PM.
Originally posted by Darkness View PostBro that's an original model. They got some fucking mad skills. Of course they based it on the one inflames picture we have and the concept art, its so perfect looking..
Couldn't help but drop in for a second to comment after the Advent clip. I'm the one who accidentally started that "Roy in the Radio Room" business, and it was my bad based on a misinterpretation of the data then available. They've got him in one of the Interrogation Rooms, where he belongs, per Alzaire's research. Roy's model in the clip looks a lot like one that got recreated a while back, and has been available for a while for download on the RE 1 2 3 Modding Forums and other places. Great job on recreating the Interrogation Room, "da team." Looking forward to more peeks and previews. Now, back to my vacation ....
I love how the video is 1080p
REmake 1.5!
Originally posted by Darkness View PostBro thats an original model. They got some fucking mad skills. Of course they based it on the one inflames picture we have and the concept art, its so perfect looking..
Originally posted by Carnivol View Post"Looks perfect," but still make claims of it being someone's custom model? Huh.Last edited by Josh-san; 12-02-2012, 03:41 PM.