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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • kjljh
    Last edited by Darkness; 12-02-2012, 07:48 PM.


    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      I just think it's tricky to say for certain what these guys have and don't have at this point
      (And by that, I'm not just referring to their seemingly sweet talent pool)
      Well those are pretty much the options. What's obvious is that their work is based on their own efforts and information that has been learned from later builds (Inflames' images, etc). Whether they have a new source of information or even have access to certain assets, that is to be determined, but we do know a lot about the PSM build already and there aren't many options to go about doing what they're doing. In many cases when it comes to things like 3D models we already have official images to make comparisons, so at least in this case we have the ability to say for certainty what it is and what it isn't. When it comes to unseen backgrounds however that's a different story, but we do still have a lot of material to work with. There's only so much they can learn without access to someone with knowledge on the 80% build, unless it's glaringly obvious that this is the case it's pretty safe to assume a lot of this is their own work.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        Isn't that the radio room, and not the interrogation room? I could swear I've seen pictures of the interrogation room before because I remember it looking so similar to retail even before seeing this picture from mrbzork.
        If memory serves, the consensus is that Roy is found in the southern interrogation room, as depicted in the two Inflames-exclusive images. Maybe someone can further weigh in on this? Perhaps you saw somebody's original background design (c2keo, DXP, SonicBlue, etc.)?


        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
          If memory serves, the consensus is that Roy is found in the southern interrogation room, as depicted in the two Inflames-exclusive images. Maybe someone can further weigh in on this? Perhaps you saw somebody's original background design (c2keo, DXP, SonicBlue, etc.)?
          I'm starting to doubt I saw it at all to be honest. I usually save every image I come across but I haven't been saving them all that often lately. If it was anywhere it might have been in that collection of scans that was posted a while ago but has recently been removed, or it was from one of inflames' pictures. I really don't know. It was the exact same angle as this:

          What I remember is that the walls were more grey and cold looking than the brown walls of the retail room, the glass pain was there as was the table, the chair and the shelf against the wall, although there were fewer objects lying around. If I remember correctly there's a coffee mug on the table and the shelving unit was a metal one as opposed to a wooden one.

          It's killing me now, I specifically remember sitting there and thinking "wow that looks just like the retail room." I need to make sure I'm more persistent in saving everything I come across because you always find moments like this one where your memory simply isn't good enough. It's possible it was a dream, I do have very vivid dreams, but I'm pretty positive I was a wake for this one lol. Urgh, this is going to rack my brains.


          • @geluda

            If you manage to come across it again, do share it. I am quite curious myself.


            • 22 Days more and 1.5 will be Live and Kicking!... Mr.BZork is an amazing guy uploading another video...

              So... ROJ (DJ) is not in the 80% Build, why scrapping him? It's supposed to be the Partner of Leon in this Build... his partner as a Police not a playable character...


              • Is there any chance of Golgotha and Salem being there already? Or do they only exist as concept art?
                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                • Thought Marvin is his partner. roy is just 1.5's version of retail marvin. A doomed guy.


                  • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
                    22 Days more and 1.5 will be Live and Kicking!... Mr.BZork is an amazing guy uploading another video...

                    So... ROJ (DJ) is not in the 80% Build, why scrapping him? It's supposed to be the Partner of Leon in this Build... his partner as a Police not a playable character...
                    It's just "More info", the tba is set to be in like 2013 or so..


                    • Geluda, perhaps you're mistaking it for this video (check 9:00) ?

                      Last edited by Kegluneq; 12-02-2012, 07:35 PM.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Man the interrogation room would look rad in 1.5. So here's a 1.5'd RE2 retail room.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	claireside57 copy copy.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	173.5 KB
ID:	402017
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • I assume the weird dark purple tint is to reflect the lack of power?


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            I assume the weird dark purple tint is to reflect the lack of power?
                            Yeah, and I was trying to add that 1.5 "blue" tint. Sadly it couldn't been done properly, but still looks ok.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                              Geluda, perhaps you're mistaking it for this video (check 9:00) ?

                              Quite possibly, although it's not exactly how I remember it. The shelving unit was more like an aluminium rack of shelves and the table was proportioned the same as in the retail room although the room wasn't quite as squashed together. I remember looking at the things on the shelves and wondering if there were any items that might be of interest. I don't know, I think I'm just going to have to give up on this one! I somehow doubt I could be the only person to have seen a picture of this background with such vivid description, it's almost as if I'm making it up as I go along that's how unsure I am now of what I actually saw. Perhaps I watched that video and had a dream the same night taking influence from what I'd just watched, my dreams are pretty damn realistic. I follow this every day so it's not like I haven't been thinking about this game on a regular basis... Well, I've posted it now so if someone sees it and knows what I'm talking about, great.


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                Thought Marvin is his partner. roy is just 1.5's version of retail marvin. A doomed guy.
                                Better him than the old "Black guy dies first"

