Originally posted by Darkness
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Darkness View PostSee the biggest thing will probably be event triggers and flags. We have footage of birkin 3(maybe?) stabbing the man-spider hybrid and it finally dying. This would be after it follows around leon/elza in the labs bursting through the floors and being an overall nuisance. Also when birkin 3/4 whichever you wanna call it jumps down from the roof/ceiling and attacks leon in the area in 1.5 that looks like the power shaft from retail. During that scene Leon hears the noise and looks around up at the ceiling/roof just like leon/claire A when birkin bursts through the tile. (I think this is complete disc footage?) Except when hes really far gone in 1.5 he's still calling out for sherry.
Let's say for example you have a boss trigger in a room; if you walk across x coordinate and flag a isn't checked the game won't trigger the boss sequence, but say you play part of the game complete a certain objective and it marks off flag a, when you return to x coordinate the game will check and recognise that it is supposed to execute the boss sequence, at which point it will run a bunch of script, diplay boarders, play animation, change the camera angle, play sound file, load FMV etc, which each in them selves are just flags that turn on and off.
The way the game is designed really is not that complicated, it's just a bunch of yes and no questions/answers that determine what happens in each individual room every time it's loaded. If the person who is responsible for event and scenario scripting has all the appropriate animations, sound files and various other commands, they could put together a cutscene of pretty much anything they wanted within the boundaries of the system.
This is why I ask:
Originally posted by Gemini View PostI'm not sure I understand your meaning of "encryption", but assuming you meant file formats and how they work the answer is "maybe". My experience with PlayStation hacking taught me one very important lesson: each game is a beast in its very own way. Still, given the code CAPCOM writes in most of their productions, I can safely assume working with a Bio engine is generally a much easier task than, say, taking a Konami game and reprogramming it to taste like jelly beans (I've done that with the Japanese version of Symphony of the Night, and boy if the code in there sucked big dinosaur balls). In other words, if they were able to come this far, while probably fixing bugs and adding features that were never there (or never implemented as intended, check out the reworked title screen in the Halloween teaser for more evidence), then rivaling with CAPCOM's level of productions shouldn't be out of their reach.
If they've actually made tools for this purpose I imagine the project could be going along very smoothly.
Edit: Obviously my lack of knowledge makes it sound a lot simpler than it actually is, I'm sure it's a lot more difficult in practice and there's many complications that I can't make a comment on.
Originally posted by Darkness View PostThe hardest thing would be AI and such. If theres no AI implemented for the baby gators or the big one I don't have any clue how making it would go. Maybe they do? Things like new weapons they can probably easily do. Voice acting? we can make 1997 capcom quality from a home pc with a decent mic. FMV's are doable these days too. The toughest would be hard coding and AI implementation, we don't know if the 40% build has spiders, birkin 2 or 3 or 4 or the baby gators/ gator boss.Last edited by Guest; 12-04-2012, 09:08 PM.
Yeah, we are summing up things that are way above our knowledge, but not the teams.
The good news might be that the 40% build would have incomplete half baked code on it that might help them with the understanding of how it works and or how to do it....
Originally posted by Darkness View PostYeah, we are summing up things that are way above our knowledge, but not the teams.
The good news might be that the 40% build would have incomplete half baked code on it that might help them with the understanding of how it works and or how to do it....Last edited by Guest; 12-04-2012, 09:19 PM.
Originally posted by geluda View PostThey may even be able to import some things from RE1 if certain commands are broken or missing, item storage or saving for example.
I never even thought of this. If its the same engine, you're right. They might be able to bring over RE1 psx saving and item boxing. Maybe. If anyone was wondering why it was a type writer and not a memory card you know now. And saving might not have even worked in the 80 % build...so we don't know if the memory card thing was even true or could ever be proven/discovered.
I've never seen the screenshots that are supposedly around of the strange looking 1.5 item box that looks like a trash compactor.Last edited by Darkness; 12-04-2012, 09:23 PM.
NVM I found it scouring around, inflame's sneek peek video footage http://www.bioflames.com/Biohazard2_sneakpeek.zip
It's got all the characteristics of 40% too with the weapon holding animations and the leon placeholder for brian irons
If the chief's office is a safe room, will there be safe room music? Will there be other safe rooms?
Wow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?
As for everything else...oh boy Irons room has the marshaling yard music check PSM's footage and you will see that. And honestly if it was a save room where is the infamous computer or typewriter? Or maybe you saved using telephones like parasite eve?(that was a joke btw)
You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist? Oh we'll add FMV's but wait there is no FMV function code...well shit there goes that option right? That's an example Curator confirmed there was no voices at all on the 40% build so how would they add voices if the function never even existed?
As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?
So do I think the 'team' are talented nah they have access to the game of course they have all the events and scripts have we? They have everything on a silver platter so as for talented no they have all the code be a bit sol if they didn't right? I had hopes seeing this and then it all changed when everything once again went to hell, deals that were fake, spammers and trolls claiming to have the game itself every-time this appears shit hits the fan 1.5 is a curse and that's all it will be to me now. Here's hoping an untouched pure build leaks since that's all I care about, because when is the fine line between original and bastardization passed?Last edited by DXP; 12-05-2012, 02:52 AM.
Originally posted by DXP View PostWow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?
As for everything else...oh boy Irons room has the marshaling yard music check PSM's footage and you will see that. And honestly if it was a save room where is the infamous computer or typewriter? Or maybe you saved using telephones like parasite eve?(that was a joke btw)
You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist? Oh we'll add FMV's but wait there is no FMV function code...well shit there goes that option right? That's an example Curator confirmed there was no voices at all on the 40% build so how would they add voices if the function never even existed?
As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?
So do I think the 'team' are talented nah they have access to the game of course they have all the events and scripts have we? They have everything on a silver platter so as for talented no they have all the code be a bit sol if they didn't right? I had hopes seeing this and then it all changed when everything once again went to hell, deals that were fake, spammers and trolls claiming to have the game itself every-time this appears shit hits the fan 1.5 is a curse and that's all it will be to me now. Here's hoping an untouched pure build leaks since that's all I care about, because when is the fine line between original and bastardization passed?PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Not really sure where that outburst came from. Are they overpraised? It depends entirely on your perspective. Of course they're getting praise. They're going to release a game that people have been waiting 15 years for, as well as update it to very high quality standards in the process. We don't know what they can and cannot do with certainty, we can only speculate, however, on that same note, who else has made this much progress in creating a playable 1.5 using existing assets from inside the community? No one.Last edited by doriantoki; 12-05-2012, 04:59 AM.
Originally posted by DXP View PostWow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?
As for everything else...oh boy Irons room has the marshaling yard music check PSM's footage and you will see that. And honestly if it was a save room where is the infamous computer or typewriter? Or maybe you saved using telephones like parasite eve?(that was a joke btw)
You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist? Oh we'll add FMV's but wait there is no FMV function code...well shit there goes that option right? That's an example Curator confirmed there was no voices at all on the 40% build so how would they add voices if the function never even existed?
As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?
So do I think the 'team' are talented nah they have access to the game of course they have all the events and scripts have we? They have everything on a silver platter so as for talented no they have all the code be a bit sol if they didn't right? I had hopes seeing this and then it all changed when everything once again went to hell, deals that were fake, spammers and trolls claiming to have the game itself every-time this appears shit hits the fan 1.5 is a curse and that's all it will be to me now. Here's hoping an untouched pure build leaks since that's all I care about, because when is the fine line between original and bastardization passed?Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!
Originally posted by DXP View PostWow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?
You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist?
Oh we'll add FMV's but wait there is no FMV function code...well shit there goes that option right? That's an example Curator confirmed there was no voices at all on the 40% build so how would they add voices if the function never even existed?
You know that Capcom logo that starts at the beginning of the Halloween video, but that was shown also by Curator, exactly, that's FMV call code.
As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?
So do I think the 'team' are talented nah they have access to the game of course they have all the events and scripts have we? They have everything on a silver platter so as for talented no they have all the code be a bit sol if they didn't right?
I had hopes seeing this and then it all changed when everything once again went to hell, deals that were fake, spammers and trolls claiming to have the game itself every-time this appears shit hits the fan 1.5 is a curse and that's all it will be to me now.
Here's hoping an untouched pure build leaks since that's all I care about, because when is the fine line between original and bastardization passed?
Instead of being grateful that they are fixing it to let everyone enjoy the game, you are too busy throwing shit to other people work, as usual. The funny thing is that you were the one believing that what they shown were the actual Capcom backgrounds, so the line is invisible if you are the one judging it.Last edited by SonicBlue; 12-05-2012, 05:23 AM.
Woah. Captain butt hurt to the rescue. What the heck. People need to stop thinking the PS1 is some sort of impenetratable bastion.
Gemini here, while we've disagreed on many translation things (RHDN threads on SotN and CC <3), has done insane technical stuff on many games, I've done some barebones ASM hacks myself on a few games, PP has added complex code to Tales of Phantasia that detects specific audio clips and prints subtitles, detects party members and changes certain terminology accordingly, alters grammar suffixes based on names ( support genders too), and some of the guys I host on my server have done sweet redesigns to PS1 and NDS games (totally restructuring their battle systems, adding new tutorials for them, etc.)
Also, adding playback hooks for FMVs and XA streams is a piece of cake. I've pointed at the translation community for years, but people don't seem to comprehend the technicalities involved in many games.
Originally posted by DXP View PostWow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?
As for everything else...oh boy Irons room has the marshaling yard music check PSM's footage and you will see that. And honestly if it was a save room where is the infamous computer or typewriter? Or maybe you saved using telephones like parasite eve?(that was a joke btw)
You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist? Oh we'll add FMV's but wait there is no FMV function code...well shit there goes that option right? That's an example Curator confirmed there was no voices at all on the 40% build so how would they add voices if the function never even existed?
As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?
So do I think the 'team' are talented nah they have access to the game of course they have all the events and scripts have we? They have everything on a silver platter so as for talented no they have all the code be a bit sol if they didn't right? I had hopes seeing this and then it all changed when everything once again went to hell, deals that were fake, spammers and trolls claiming to have the game itself every-time this appears shit hits the fan 1.5 is a curse and that's all it will be to me now. Here's hoping an untouched pure build leaks since that's all I care about, because when is the fine line between original and bastardization passed?
Thre really is no need for such a foul attitude , people are just throwing ideas across to each other , you know people do that on a forum right ?
Originally posted by DXP View PostWow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?
You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist?
As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.