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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I don't know what everyone is talking about RE1, RE2 and modding.
    This is clearly NOT a mod of RE2 - look at the models, rendering and the animations.
    Its clearly RE1 like - not the same as RE2.
    RE2 had smoother joints in the models, whereas RE1 were all jagged.
    The 'new' waiting animation for Elza, and the way the characters run is another hint to RE1.5 - its faster and looks less smooth as in RE2. Its identical to 1.5 videos online.
    Another way to tell is how they run with the shotgun. In RE1 and 1.5, they run with it upwards, and it shoots faster.
    In retail RE2, they run with it pointing down, and its slower, with less drawback upon firing the gun.

    Add this to the fact that new music and footage has been shown (the garage boss fight) It couldn't be a mod of re2 anyway.
    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


    • I have praised the team I'll admit that but I have been following the re modding community for many years and I have always praised the people that made break throughs or added new 1.5 videos on youtube , I even helped SeiyaK0u with one of his 1.5 mod videos.
      It was nice for me to help for a change since I am rubbish when it comes to modding Though I did do a playthrough on youtube with The elza skin that most people use in there mod videos with music swaps mod and zombie skin change modes It's had over 8000 views on youtube I was very supprised how many people were interested in it.

      I will give praise to anyone who is modding resident evil all the people making there own games like distant memories are amazing that game looks amazing so far, I just hope we get to play it one day unlike the dark biohazard mod.

      and to the team working on 1.5 I look forword to your next update !


      • Although I may be wrong. If this IS a mod of re2, its a friggin good one.
        I doubt they would copy over RE1 animations to use in 2 though .. But the screen with 1.5 Leon in RE2's STARS Office would make it RE2 Retail. Oh IDK what to think LOL
        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


        • @ RaccoonSurvivor - You've completely missed the point - everyone agrees that "the team" is in possession of BioHazard 1.5.

          @ MarkGrass

          I see! On a side note, how much has been done on PC and how much has been done on PSX? As I understand they're not mutually exclusive and present their own individual problems.
          Speaking of custom cut scenes... absolutely nothing, for any version.

          I documented Chris and Jill's scenario flag tables for BioHazard DS, years ago... but that information went to waste.

          Scripts and their officially-named opcodes have been disassembled, for years, and many have manipulated them to their advantage (see MartinBiohazard's beta discoveries, on YouTube)... but still, no one has ever went as-far as to create their own cut scene.
          Last edited by MeganGrass; 12-05-2012, 04:28 PM.
          I'm a blackstar.


          • @geluda, PSX and PC RE modding is essentially identical.(There is a few differences in the formats, but structurewise and how things work is essentially the same) The main difference would be exe's vs the PSX equivilent, but really you don't need to touch the exe at all to make a decent mod. I think most of us just mess with the PC version because compiling a disc everytime to make tests is a hindrance. I think when I actually get a good idea for a mod, I would make it for PC then port it to PSX.

            @RaccoonSurvivor, I think we're talking about modding because the team is essentially modding this proto build using skills community members have been using for a while, nobody is saying that its a mod (unless you're the little man in my head).
            Last edited by EvilMarshy; 12-05-2012, 04:31 PM.


            • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
              Although I may be wrong. If this IS a mod of re2, its a friggin good one.
              I doubt they would copy over RE1 animations to use in 2 though .. But the screen with 1.5 Leon in RE2's STARS Office would make it RE2 Retail. Oh IDK what to think LOL
              No one ever doubted that this is RE1.5. The Pic with the STARS Room is simply a screenshot of them playing around with the Models of 1.5 in RE2's engine.
              Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


              • antiscam edit was a cut-scene.


                • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                  antiscam edit was a cut-scene.
                  If I'm not mistaken, they changed only the text.


                  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                    antiscam edit was a cut-scene.
                    Not if we go by Mark's definition. They just letter-boxed the screen and changed the text.


                    • Talking about cutscenes, I've never made one but I've dismantled one in reverse. Piece by piece I removed sections of the script in Marvins and Leons cutscene until there was nothing left. I was cutting out pieces to see if I could find out similarities to other sections that I had cut out. I was trying to see how it all works, It doesnt seem that complex. Its just a case of identifiying whats what to use it to your advantage.

                      EDIT: The Antiscam video could easily be recreated by anyone, its just load the opcode to set the blackbars in place, then set up a text trigger and press X. Having the black bars and having player input/control are seperate. Essentially MarkGrass is correct in a way that it's not a cutscene in the sense of more cutscene-like scripting going on.
                      Last edited by EvilMarshy; 12-05-2012, 04:38 PM.


                      • Originally posted by DXP View Post
                        Wow....just how much ass kissing is going on here over a game? Look on the modding forums what this 'team' are doing has being done to death, they can change Leon to Roy? So how about giving Sherry the use of weapons or switching an RE3 character to RE2 or hell RE1 isn't that just the same thing?

                        As for everything else...oh boy Irons room has the marshaling yard music check PSM's footage and you will see that. And honestly if it was a save room where is the infamous computer or typewriter? Or maybe you saved using telephones like parasite eve?(that was a joke btw)

                        You people need to stop thinking they can do everything, they have a 40% build that is incomplete you think honestly they can add new functions without being able to add to the main source code and re-compile it into a working PS1 game? And to further that how would you add a function that clearly doesn't exist? Oh we'll add FMV's but wait there is no FMV function code...well shit there goes that option right? That's an example Curator confirmed there was no voices at all on the 40% build so how would they add voices if the function never even existed?

                        As for scripting its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be for example the way functions and commands in a room work are on an order basis in other words put the wrong set of code in the wrong place and the room and game crashes as the load order is wrong. Then you have complex commands like arrays that compare each other for the right values so a correct event can execute, events that save a certain amount of times a player presses a button, commands that set motion of a character mesh including the head orientation. Then of course adding some events and then adding them sure cool now update all the variables that handle that event so the game accepts them. Does that sound oh so easy?

                        So do I think the 'team' are talented nah they have access to the game of course they have all the events and scripts have we? They have everything on a silver platter so as for talented no they have all the code be a bit sol if they didn't right? I had hopes seeing this and then it all changed when everything once again went to hell, deals that were fake, spammers and trolls claiming to have the game itself every-time this appears shit hits the fan 1.5 is a curse and that's all it will be to me now. Here's hoping an untouched pure build leaks since that's all I care about, because when is the fine line between original and bastardization passed?
                        You mad bro ?


                        • Everyone has played their part that's for sure! All I know is that this is a good time to be a fan of Resident Evil and that many great things are coming thanks to everyone's work.


                          • it seems to me that some people are taking too seriously some enthusiastic statements made by re fans who probably don't even know or care much about hacking

                            the team has never said that they are the best or that they are doing this for the first time. When the beta will be released everyone will be free to create their version and showing off their skills.


                            • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                              I'm not taking a jab at you, really, but I've never seen a single mod, application or sentence of information come from you, Carnivol.
                              If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Anyway, I much prefer to point people in the right direction if they approach me with a problem (although some suck big time at listening), rather than hunting down other people's problems and solving them for them (that's what video games are about!). Anyway, anyone who's ever been drunk gaming, been to a podcast recording session (cutting room floor material), or otherwise engage in more friendlier and private conversation with me knows that I'm quite the chatterbox when it comes to all sorts of stuff - be it private, hobby, or work related (usually, for people like me, all 3 are one and the same - to a certain degree)

                              Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                              You mad bro ?
                              he mad.


                              • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                                he mad.
                                Y he mad tho?

