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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
    You're wrong about the camera not altering the shape at all, given how it uses a different FOV compared to most games (60° in RE, 45° in many other productions). And the shape is, once and for all, VARIABLE. It's not oval or circular, slightly one or the other: it stretches, extends, and reduces depending on a ton parameters the game can chew on.
    when i change the FOV in a modeling program, it makes the guy look all weird, but he has not changed. not one pixel. same with reality...

    maybe i am missing something in the real-time rendering of the graphics...perhaps that makes it not look distorted...? but the shadows are still visibly different majority of the time. and the lighter area around the darker part is never present.
    Last edited by J0shuaKane; 12-07-2012, 03:55 PM.


    • It would be funny if after 15 years and all this the 1.5 mod becomes more popular in the hearts of the fans than the retail game.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        It would be funny if after 15 years and all this the 1.5 mod becomes more popular in the hearts of the fans than the retail game.
        If it's made correctly and true to the actual 1.5, I think it has great potential to be just as popular with fans. I know I'm eagerly awaiting it's release.

        However we all know about Dark Biohazard and it's affect on the fans, and that turned out to be a huge let down.....
        Last edited by Original Sin; 12-07-2012, 04:10 PM.
        Tired of Stupid... sigpic


        • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
          If it's made correctly and true to the actual 1.5, I think it has great potential to be just as popular with fans. I know I'm eagerly awaiting it's release.

          However we all know about Dark Biohazard and it's affect on the fans, and that turned out to be a huge let down.....
          If it is a huge success, I hope it pushes Capcom to release their own more accurate and legitimate version. Possibly as a bonus game in an RE2 remake?


          • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
            However we all know about Dark Biohazard and it's affect on the fans, and that turned out to be a huge let down.....
            As always some fans will be simply disappointed, some will act like butthurt&jelly children, some will go around claiming there's a conspiracy, some more won't even care at all, the rest of 'em will just enjoy the game. Nothing new under the sun.
            Last edited by Gemini; 12-07-2012, 04:22 PM.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              As always some fans will be simply disappointed, some will act like butthurt&jelly children, some will go around claiming there's a conspiracy, some more won't even care at all, the rest of 'em will just enjoy the game. Nothing new under the sun.
              I agree. Whether we see a mod, or an actual RE 1.5, it will effect people differently. Obviously people who own an actual 1.5 disc will probably be angered that their once "exclusive" game is now publicly available. But for true fans, like most of us on this forum, I think we'll all be very appreciative that we have something nostalgic and "new" to play.
              Tired of Stupid... sigpic


              • What the team is working on is not a mod, its the real 1.5, whether theres a difference of a shadow or not.
                They are just making it less ass backwards and broken. Semi playable. Maybe completely playable, I can't speak for the esteemed mr zork.
                Zombie animations don't look strange either.


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  What the team is working on is not a mod, its the real 1.5, whether theres a difference of a shadow or not.
                  They are just making it less ass backwards and broken. Semi playable. Maybe completely playable, I can't speak for the esteemed mr zork.
                  Zombie animations don't look strange either.
                  I disagree. Even if it is using an actual 40% build, it has it's own custom made rooms and therefore is a mod in some way shape or form... We can go back and forth on a debate of shadows, blood, animations, etc. but it's all just opinions until we get an actual release to play.
                  Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                  • Obviously people who own an actual 1.5 disc will probably be angered that their once "exclusive" game is now publicly available.
                    Does the antiscam video ring any bells?

                    As always some fans will be simply disappointed, some will act like butthurt&jelly children, some will go around claiming there's a conspiracy, some more won't even care at all, the rest of 'em will just enjoy the game. Nothing new under the sun.
                    It will certainly be nice to see the community move on.

                    LOL@shadow argument - definitely the most trivial, and perhaps, pointless argument I've ever seen, here. Wow.
                    I'm a blackstar.


                    • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
                      Obviously people who own an actual 1.5 disc will probably be angered that their once "exclusive" game is now publicly available.
                      More like their "exclusive" build. Until the final build is released, there will continue to be plenty of fire for BH1.5. In fact, the team's mod will further stoke it.


                      • If the inflames build is still out there this release could affect it. especially since the team is going to try and emulate the final build


                        • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
                          Whether we see a mod, or an actual RE 1.5, it will effect people differently.
                          I clearly said a mod or Actual 1.5 release. I didn't specify a 40%, 80% or other build. I was speaking in general... A public release of an 80% build will render privately owned 80% copies useless,same for a 40% and so on...

                          I'm well aware a 40% build or modded release won't fill in for a complete build.
                          Last edited by Original Sin; 12-07-2012, 05:03 PM.
                          Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                          • Playstation Museum selling all his PS1 games. LOL (?)


                            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                              If the inflames build is still out there this release could affect it. especially since the team is going to try and emulate the final build
                              There's only so much they can do. There is no public media for the Medical, Radio, or Media rooms, for example. It's true that this was also the case for the 1F East Hallway and the Interrogation Rooms (as we've seen), but those rooms are easier to make educated guesses about. The three aforementioned rooms will be complete shots in the dark unless they are on the PSM disc in some form, which seems unlikely since they don't even have corresponding Inflames images or public media for that matter. Those were just three examples; who knows what else they'll have to imagine themselves. Thank heavens for the Trial backgrounds! My guess is that the team will have to construct as many as a dozen newly designed rooms from pure imagination, and that's not including the dreaded Sewers either.


                              • For the medical room they should use the concept room that was made for RE2 retail.
                                My Head-Fi Page

