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  • we don't know whats on the team's disc but not implemented though ;)
    Last edited by Darkness; 12-07-2012, 05:24 PM.


    • I believe we've truly seen most of what is on the 40% and 80% build, there definitely are probably at least a handful of rooms on the disc that just haven't been shown yet, though that's probably rare. However, overall I think we've seen a good large portion of the games through various coverage.
      Last edited by doriantoki; 12-07-2012, 05:29 PM.


      • Who knows what they've done honestly. They could have added all the trial edition room for all we know. Who knows how many custom rooms they have made. I think the RPD will be 100% complete, but I don't know about the rest of the game.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
          I believe we've truly seen most of what is on the 40% and 80% build, there definitely are probably at least a handful of rooms on the disc that just haven't been shown yet, though that's probably rare. However, overall I think we've seen a good large portion of the games through various coverage.
          except theres never been anyone picking the rom apart, modding and analyzing what data is stored on the disc, seeing what could be used, wasn't implemented etc until now


          • There's probably more than what we've seen on the 40% build, even as far as some of the labs, but I'd say a majority towards the end would be unfinished/seen in older photos from magazines, rather than anything seen on the Complete Disc/Inflames footage.
            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              I think the RPD will be 100% complete, but I don't know about the rest of the game.
              Backgrounds for the second half of the game (Factory and Lab chapters) have been publicly available for years, so that should reassure you. The only things missing from the Trial disc for those chapters are as follows:

              - Northwestern Room (never publicly seen before in any form; if it's not on the PSM disc in some form, it will have to be made from scratch)
              - Loading Area (full data exists on the PSM disc)
              - Manhole Area (full data exists on the PSM disc)
              - Elevator Car (uncertain, but full data likely exists on the PSM disc)

              - A-2 Elevator Corridor (an untextured version exists on the Trial disc; it is analogous in design to the Lab's entrance hall directly above, so the skins can be reused)
              - Emergency Ladder Shaft (an untextured version exists on the Trial disc; it is analogous in design to the retail version, so the skins can be reused sans the vines)
              - D-2 Shelter Corridor on Fire (an untextured version exists on the Trial disc; the normal version of this corridor can be easily altered to create a fire version)
              - D-2 Shelters #01 and #02 (an untextured version of each exists on the Trial disc, along with basic object shapes to guide their furnishings; the textures will have to be borrowed from another area or made from scratch; the decorations would likely have to be original creations)
              - Main Elevator Car (an untextured version exists on the Trial disc; it could easily borrow textures from the retail version)
              - Boiler Room (an untextured version exists on the Trial disc; it is almost identical to the retail version, so most of the textures can be reused)

              - The door to the Loading Area as seen from the Factory Entrance is untextured; probably an easy fix. In that same angle, the distant view of the Warehouse shutter is blackened out, which I think is passable.
              - The two rooms of the Scientist Quarters are fully textured but a little dull, so perhaps the team will spice them up if they find it appropriate to do so; I wouldn't object to them being left the way they are.

              Thus, the team has plenty to work with for those two chapters in terms of level design. As for story design... we can only hope for the best I guess...
              Last edited by Enigmatism415; 12-07-2012, 07:53 PM.


              • Why is everyone making such stupid assumptions? Actually, we don't know anything further than official videos and pictures the team made. Maybe they have access to concept arts and material we don't have access to. The truth is, we don't know anything. Just because we haven't seen something previously doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                  Why is everyone making such stupid assumptions? Actually, we don't know anything further than official videos and pictures the team made. Maybe they have access to concept arts and material we don't have access to. The truth is, we don't know anything. Just because we haven't seen something previously doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
                  You kind of made an assumption yourself there by saying, "Maybe they have access to concept arts and material we don't have access to."
                  Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                  • he said maybe, he wasn't assuming they did. Nope.jpeg


                    • Well we've been told from various sources that the PSM build is extremely bare bones. I'm honesty only expecting one or two surprises from it in terms of the rooms it contains, I think we probably know more about it than we think. I do think however there will still be a lot of other content that will surprise us like icons, obsolete backgrounds, code, etc.


                      • Also I've studied the animations and again and again and theres nothing wrong with the fat zombie in the teaser, whoever it was you're mistaken. Also regarding the blood spray its fine on the skinny zombies so you tell
                        Last edited by Darkness; 12-07-2012, 07:57 PM.


                        • Well, but we neither know if this is actually the 40% PSM Build they're working with. Someone just mentioned that like a hundred pages ago and now everyone believes it's the 40% Version, even though we have no evidence that they are working with exactly this version. There may be more builds out there in the wild like a build more completed than the PSM build or a build less completed. We simply don't know...
                          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                          • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                            Well, but we neither know if this is actually the 40% PSM Build they're working with. Someone just mentioned that like a hundred pages ago and now everyone believes it's the 40% Version, even though we have no evidence that they are working with exactly this version. There may be more builds out there in the wild like a build more completed than the PSM build or a build less completed. We simply don't know...
                            I thought Alzaire already said it was the same build that Curator had, so it's the 40% version.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                              Well, but we neither know if this is actually the 40% PSM Build they're working with. Someone just mentioned that like a hundred pages ago and now everyone believes it's the 40% Version, even though we have no evidence that they are working with exactly this version. There may be more builds out there in the wild like a build more completed than the PSM build or a build less completed. We simply don't know...
                              Alzaire already confirmed this is the 40% build. We know from ingame animations this is the same era of development, so this is the 40% build or one extremely close to it for arguments sake.


                              • and if you believe anyone on assembler they got it from the curator
                                IF you believe anyone there ;)
                                Last edited by Darkness; 12-07-2012, 08:11 PM.

