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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
    I could have swore that years ago, in one of the gaming magazines, I read something about a "zapping system" being in place for Resident Evil 1.5, but it was explained very differently than it was implemented in the final RE2, something about the enemy placement being different each playthrough, or randomized. Sounded more like what was done with RE3. I might be misremembering though. Anyone recall anything like that?
    I've never heard of a randomizer feature being implemented in the game. IIRC, the "zapping system" in 1.5 was basically the over-glorified term used for referring to how Elza and Leon's scenarios happen simultaneously and overlap. This was done in response to the queries regarding the somewhat vague and non-definitive nature of the timeline of events in RE1. The feature got carried over and was fleshed out even more with the addition of the A/B scenario system in retail.

    What would be nice to know is if the side character live/die mechanics in one scenario affected the other scenario, i.e. if you let Marvin or Ada die in Leon's scenario, you won't see them in the lab/train segment in Elza's scenario.

    Well I'm going to assume there are a few files on the rom/disc. I'd be happy if they took creative liberties. Theres probably dialog lines (strings) on the disc and such. Its not hard to put a file down with a policeman named bob who did something with this or that. or a researcher in the lab named jerry who did this or that. Or a factory worker named jess who did this or that or found this. Perhaps roy left a file on his attack. "Damn undead got me...wounded pretty badly. I thought a bank robbery would do it, but no...a damn zombie! There's probably some medicine left in the medical room but I won't make it. I just want to know what we've done to deserve this... >EXIT"
    Who knows. But maybe if not all the files are present in the 40% build, they could adapt some of the files in retail to suit the scenario in 1.5. I can imagine things like the vaccine manual and Chris' diary being rewritten to fit 1.5's story. It would certainly be a lot better than making up files on their own, no?
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-11-2012, 01:31 AM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      I've never heard of a randomizer feature being implemented in the game. IIRC, the "zapping system" in 1.5 was basically the over-glorified term used for referring to how Elza and Leon's scenarios happen simultaneously and overlap. This was done in response to the queries regarding the somewhat vague and non-definitive nature of the timeline of events in RE1. The feature got carried over and was fleshed out even more with the addition of the A/B scenario system in retail.
      Ah, okay.


      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post

        Who knows. But maybe if not all the files are present in the 40% build, they could adapt some of the files in retail to suit the scenario in 1.5. I can imagine things like the vaccine manual and Chris' diary being rewritten to fit 1.5's story. It would certainly be a lot better than making up files on their own, no?
        Oh yes, Maybe a few files. But ammo wouldn't have been scattered idiotically because irons isn't a ridiculous sadist in an art musuem police deptartment so that rules out most the retail RPD files. but they could do Instead of lickers "We've encountered zombified baboons, we have decided to call them X"

        Or "Our K-9 unit dogs have become...something else. They mauled my buddy Rick and tore him to pieces and their flesh was falling off, they looked awful, it wasn't rabies..."

        "The emergency shutters are still working. We've got them down currently to seal off the tide of the undead in the east wing. The lights are flickering and I don't know how long til its pitch black inside the precinct...."

        "The Chief was wounded and we are down to a few men. The station is crawling with those things. If we could fix the power and get to the armory we could try and make a last stand."

        "The S.T.A.R.S were right, we thought they were exaggerating, but this is pure hell. How could this happen? That umbrella factory near the station is probably the cause of this. I'm saving one bullet for myself..."
        Last edited by Darkness; 12-11-2012, 01:58 AM.


        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
          Oh yes, Maybe a few files. But ammo wouldn't have been scattered idiotically because irons isn't a ridiculous sadist in an art musuem police deptartment so that rules out most the retail RPD files.
          You sure about that? In 1.5, the RPD seems to be at "war" with Umbrella, or what's left of it anyway. They were conducting investigations that could potentially close down the company, after all. Ammunition could have been scattered around the station in preparation for a possible siege by Umbrella's hired guns. The Umbrella transport container in the parking could have been intentionally left there by Umbrella to wreak havoc at the station. Although it's debatable whether that is the case or if it's just seized material evidence forgotten by the cops in the middle of the outbreak.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-11-2012, 02:03 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            You sure about that? In 1.5, the RPD seems to be at "war" with Umbrella, or what's left of it anyway. Ammunition could have been scattered around the station in preparation for a possible siege. There is an Umbrella transport container in the basement parking with dangerous giant gorilla BOWs after all. Although it's debatable whether it was left their purposely by Umbrella or just seized material forgotten by the cops in the middle of the outbreak.
            Really? I wasn't aware umbrella was "attacking" the RPD in 1.5...
            I assumed the truck was like you said confiscated or it was in lockup


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              Really? I wasn't aware umbrella was "attacking" the RPD in 1.5...
              I assumed the truck was like you said confiscated or it was in lockup
              At this point, it's just speculation, but it's likely since Chief Irons in 1.5 wasn't on Umbrella's payroll and the RPD was trying to shut it down. As for the truck, notice how it seems to have been haphazardly left to run down the slope backwards, although who knows how it got to be in that position.
              Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-11-2012, 02:16 AM.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • Is Chief Irons basically the RE 1.5 wounded cop equivalent, who tells Leon the situation, then dies? I'm guessing Roy plays the same role in Elza's version.
                Last edited by Eteponge; 12-11-2012, 02:22 AM.


                • Star I get what you are saying, its very possible. Guess we'll find out soon ;)

                  Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                  Is Chief Irons basically the RE 1.5 wounded cop equivalent, who tells Leon the situation, then dies? I'm guessing Roy plays the same role in Elza's version.
                  The chief would still be more important, both elza and leon meet the chief, and he doesn't die when you meet him. He lays wounded on the couch. You might go back and find him dead later or missing or dying.
                  Last edited by Darkness; 12-11-2012, 02:27 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    The chief would still be more important, both elza and leon meet the chief.
                    Well, that's important to know. I guess Roy is met by both Leon and Elza as the lone wounded cop then. I had assumed Roy was Elza's, and Irons was Leon's.


                    • accidental doublepost
                      Last edited by Darkness; 12-11-2012, 02:47 AM.


                      • Leon starts on the roof, so he would get to the chief first probably, probably. Elza would get to roy first, hes on the 1f. I bet elza's scene with roy plays out EXTREMELY similiar to claire meeting marvin. "Get out, go rescue the survivors! Leave me!" Leon would get to roy as he dies or turns.
                        Leon getting to the chief first Makes sense so the chief wouldn't get to tell leon "Hey theres a hot blond chick in a firesuit running around the police department!" and I think enig translated an inflames pic with the japanese text and leon said something like "I better report into the chief" and that picture was on the roof.

                        We know elza meets marvin, but not if elza meets ada or if leon meets john or sherry. Also she meets marvin before he is wounded (His leg is bandaged like leon in retail but in the chest)
                        Last edited by Darkness; 12-11-2012, 02:47 AM.


                        • Ada makes a short appearance in Elza's scenario, this was confirmed in an interview. They didn't tell whether you get to talk to her or not though. Since you get to see both Ada and Marvin in Elza's scenario, I think it's reasonable to assume that Elza's side characters also make cameos in Leon's scenario. It is part of the "zapping system" implementation, after all.
                          Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-11-2012, 02:54 AM.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • True, I'm sure leon at least sees john or sherry. I think shes hiding on the 1f of the RPD somewhere and runs away scared and elza finds her close to the RPD exit. Also I know 1.5 is closer to bio 1 graphics but the models still look so much better. The joints aren't as jagged and terrible like in bio 1.


                            • I hope they implant some hilarious lines like barry's mod in RE1 PC !
                              Wesker shots enrico to death then :-
                              Enrico: hell....umbrella....uhh
                              Barry: What the hell let me take care of this !
                              Barry: it's looks like he was killed by a weapon !
                              Last edited by Guest; 12-11-2012, 03:36 AM.


                              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                                What would be nice to know is if the side character live/die mechanics in one scenario affected the other scenario, i.e. if you let Marvin or Ada die in Leon's scenario, you won't see them in the lab/train segment in Elza's scenario.
                                This doesn't really make any sense ... ? There's no A/B scenario in 1.5 While each character's story can be described as having occurred simultaneously, and the developers seem to have accounted for that, the player only takes ONE character all the way through to the end. So it's irrelevant who lives or dies in what "scenario", since you're only playing through as one character.

