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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • natedmu

    Wouldn't it be cool if this got licensed by Capcom like the megaman x street fighter fangame? I doubt it would because of the legal stuff, but this looks terrific, thanks for sharing!


    MrBZork vor 1 Tag

    interesting idea. worth investigate. origin of playstation may provide bottle around the neck.

    I read these 2 comments on youtube (2. Advent video) yesterday and I am somehow worried. If the Team really contacts Capcom, this project might die soon after. Megaman x Street Fighter is a fan made game that Capcom never worked with. The Team's project however uses at least 40% of Capcom's original work. What do you guys think?
    Last edited by DangerousDave87; 12-11-2012, 04:45 AM.
    Most anticipated game of 2013? Team IGAS Resident Evil 1.5!


    • Originally posted by DangerousDave87 View Post

      Wouldn't it be cool if this got licensed by Capcom like the megaman x street fighter fangame? I doubt it would because of the legal stuff, but this looks terrific, thanks for sharing!


      MrBZork vor 1 Tag

      interesting idea. worth investigate. origin of playstation may provide bottle around the neck.

      I read these 2 comments yesterday and I am somehow worried. If the Team really contacts Capcom, this project might die soon after. Megaman x Street Fighter is a fan made game that Capcom never worked with. The Team's project however uses at least 40% of Capcom's original work. What do you guys think?
      They won't, if there smart they'll have nothing do with Capcom, and probably vice versa.
      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


      • I would love to see the game getting released on PSN, XBox Live and so on. This would bring classic Resident Evil back to a broader audience, and apart from that also showing how many oldschool fans actually enjoy playing a real survival horror game instead of this new garbage. Since it's Crapcom, I really hope the Team will not contact them.
        Most anticipated game of 2013? Team IGAS Resident Evil 1.5!


        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
          This doesn't really make any sense ... ? There's no A/B scenario in 1.5 While each character's story can be described as having occurred simultaneously, and the developers seem to have accounted for that, the player only takes ONE character all the way through to the end. So it's irrelevant who lives or dies in what "scenario", since you're only playing through as one character.
          Why not? The only thing that you would really need is a post-game save file as in retail. Said save file would determine whether the other main character's side characters would appear in the ending of the character you are playing as. Obviously, the only problem with this sort of system is that there would be no data to determine who appears on your first run-through of the game. Although you can get through that by simply having both of the other side characters not appear the first time around (or appear, depending on the subjective decision of the devs). Anyway, the old RE games themselves encourage replaying through the games multiple times (RE1 alternate endings, RE3 epilogues), so it's not like it's out of the question.

          It would be nice if Kamiya or one of the other devs could confirm whether this happens or not though.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-11-2012, 05:01 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by DangerousDave87 View Post

            Wouldn't it be cool if this got licensed by Capcom like the megaman x street fighter fangame? I doubt it would because of the legal stuff, but this looks terrific, thanks for sharing!
            It's a Trap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • Originally posted by DangerousDave87 View Post
              Originally posted by MrBZork
              interesting idea. worth investigate. origin of playstation may provide bottle around the neck.
              I read these 2 comments on youtube (2. Advent video) yesterday and I am somehow worried. If the Team really contacts Capcom, this project might die soon after. Megaman x Street Fighter is a fan made game that Capcom never worked with. The Team's project however uses at least 40% of Capcom's original work. What do you guys think?
              I can foresee three big problems with this:

              1. The fact that the game is apparently the PS1 version means they'd have to redo everything from scratch or somehow build a non-Sony infringing emulator for it (BIOS-less and everything) for it to be released and played on any non-Sony platform.

              2. Assuming nr. 1 doesn't work, there could be a PSN release ... however, with the exception of a few oddball cases, all owners of digital distribution platforms ala. PS Original and Virtual Console have been very reluctant and restrictive in regards to permitting the release of material that weren't originally available on the platform, hacks/modifications of the original code as it was released on the target platform and/or releasing titles that weren't originally released in specific regions.

              3. *and this is the killer* They've seemingly already had some leaks inside their team, which ultimately hurts trust between all involved parties, not to mention that it would also directly associate the team and Capcom with any and all leaks of material that shouldn't be leaked as a result of something like this going official. So basically, any chances of seeing this officially happen probably and most likely died the very moment someone in their team started leaking. Which is very sad. Considering how a partnership on something like this could've ultimately probably resulted in more material (later builds + assets on the cutting room floor) being made available to their team for their project.

              Stuff like getting a ratings certification (ESRB, USK, CERO, ACB, PEGI, etc.), licensing and so forth would be fairly easy and only really comes with a price tag and a little bit of man-to-man time and scheduling. Capcom's easily one of the companies that has the most public acceptance and tollerance towards fan efforts, are easy to deal with in terms of things like this without gettig the "NO COMMENT" or silent treatment followed by a C&D and so forth.
              Last edited by Carnivol; 12-11-2012, 06:20 AM. Reason: BOSS


              • Originally posted by DangerousDave87 View Post
                I would love to see the game getting released on PSN, XBox Live and so on. This would bring classic Resident Evil back to a broader audience, and apart from that also showing how many oldschool fans actually enjoy playing a real survival horror game instead of this new garbage. Since it's Crapcom, I really hope the Team will not contact them.
                I really hope NO. Capcom is a shame.
                They never give a chance for the fans, they never interested TO GO BACK.
                I give for years my fu**** money to them, not for sh** action games, but for old survival horror games.

                They have fu**** Kamiya with Devil May Cry series, and after that they have fu**** Mikami (and push him to make Resident Evil 4 like an action game for the rest of the world that never liked old resident evil style).

                Now, Capcom may cry, THEY HAVE DESTROYED OUR DREAMS.

                Last edited by killer7ITA; 12-11-2012, 06:24 AM.
                I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post

                  2nd time I've seen this tonight
                  Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    I was at one point thinking c2keo, due to his absence ... but as far as I know, the absence reasons are private/personal and not related to anything top secret.

                    Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    I highly doubt she uses a gun in 1.5, That doesn't and wouldn't make sense.
                    Indeed now seriously if Sherry used a gun ... that would be very random and silly shes just a little girl ...

                    @Newsbot , it is true what you have said about the rooms but I don't see that why there won't be any scripts about it or anything .... at least they built the game and there must have been a very little info on the story, otherwise the demo/beta of RE 3.5 is still fun to try.
                    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                    ^ Lol ...


                    • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                      @Newsbot , it is true what you have said about the rooms but I don't see that why there won't be any scripts about it or anything .... at least they built the game and there must have been a very little info on the story, otherwise the demo/beta of RE 3.5 is still fun to try.
                      It's pretty common in the development of a game to create a level, with full details to show the mechanics of the final product. This is done to show how the game looks, and feel, to then make changes according to the feedback of the dev team.


                      • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                        I really hope NO. Capcom is a shame.
                        They never give a chance for the fans, they never interested TO GO BACK.
                        So, them doing Revelations in a more slow-paced style, them resurrecting the extinct fighting genre, them doing 2 retro Megaman titles (and now promoting a fanmade third one), and so forth is Capcom not servicing fans? And if they were to "back/support" a 1.5 release, it's "fuck them" ... because ...?

                        They just can't win. Can they?

                        Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                        They have fu**** Kamiya with Devil May Cry series, and after that they have fu**** Mikami (and push him to make Resident Evil 4 like an action game for the rest of the world that never liked old resident evil style).
                        Dunno if you've noticed, but some developers enjoy doing stuff with a bit of variety. Kamiya couldn't be stuck doing DMC for all of eternity (the new one's pretty rad, by the way, as far as DMC goes ... anyway) and RE4 ending up the way it did was entirely Mikami's fault too - and I'm ever so thankful, 'cause RE4 is one of the candidates for Game of the Forever <3


                        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          So, them doing Revelations in a more slow-paced style, them resurrecting the extinct fighting genre, them doing 2 retro Megaman titles (and now promoting a fanmade third one), and so forth is Capcom not servicing fans? And if they were to "back/support" a 1.5 release, it's "fuck them" ... because ...?

                          They just can't win. Can they?
                          No, currently they can't.
                          They have destroyed Resident Evil Series.
                          They have destroyed Devil May Cry series.
                          THEY HAVE DESTROYED PRODUCTION STUDIO 4.
                          They have pushed away Kamiya and Mikami...

                          What are we talking about?

                          Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          Dunno if you've noticed, but some developers enjoy doing stuff with a bit of variety. Kamiya couldn't be stuck doing DMC for all of eternity (the new one's pretty rad, by the way, as far as DMC goes ... anyway) and RE4 ending up the way it did was entirely Mikami's fault too- and I'm ever so thankful, 'cause RE4 is one of the candidates for Game of the Forever <3

                          1) Ask to Kamiya what is happened after Devil May Cry 1. Ask what is happened about Devil May Cry 2. There's a lot of interview about that... and you discover what is Capcom.

                          2): I'm not interesting about "THE BEST OF THE BEST GAME EVAH", i'm just interesting (in this case) about Resident Evil series, NOW...DEAD.

                          P.S. Revelations is Resident Evil old style? LOL... i don't think so (do you think that a Resident Evil game is just a slow-paced style? You wrong).
                          Last edited by killer7ITA; 12-11-2012, 07:44 AM.
                          I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                          • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                            What are we talking about?
                            You tell me.

                            Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                            i'm just interesting about Resident Evil series, NOW...DEAD.
                            Get a life. Preferably one that doesn't involve collecting guns.


                            • i could've sworn this was a 1.5 thread lol.


                              • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                                Dunno if you've noticed, but some developers enjoy doing stuff with a bit of variety. Kamiya couldn't be stuck doing DMC for all of eternity (the new one's pretty rad, by the way, as far as DMC goes ... anyway) and RE4 ending up the way it did was entirely Mikami's fault too - and I'm ever so thankful, 'cause RE4 is one of the candidates for Game of the Forever <3

                                Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                                2): I'm not interesting about "THE BEST OF THE BEST GAME EVAH", i'm just interesting (in this case) about Resident Evil series, NOW...DEAD.

                                Really, son? If you're really saying that Resident Evil 4 killed the series, you need to go back in time or remember how tired and badly the series was doing before 4 came out. Resident Evil, as a series, was reviewing, selling and being received worse with each subsequent entry until 4 shook it all up. Hell, the entire Survival Horror genre was on death's door. And look at the genre now? The series would be as dead as Dino Crisis, Onimusha and MegaMan if not for Mikami. And the impact that one game had on the entire game industry to this day is monumental. Respect your overlord. Respect Mikami. Respect Resident Evil 4.

                                Resident Evil 4. Forever I am in your infinite amazement.
                                Last edited by randomwab; 12-11-2012, 08:49 AM.

