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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    But anyways guys, even if it's unlikely the game will be released xmas, I still have hope for it. The fact that MrBZork has not spoken out about it again leads me to believe this. A lot of people out there think it's XMas and MrBZork has not commented at all on this. On YouTube, everyone believes it's Xmas, and MrBZork has not said otherwise.
    Pretty sure you'd be a good adept of conspiracy theories


    • That's true, video did show him mutating into the second form but unless we see it, we don't know for sure if this build is the same, could've been plenty more others that are one month less than others which have bits missing, just got to wait and see I guess.

      It will just be interesting how they can fix the game being broken at the end obviously with it not being able to go past a certain point (as in like Biohazard 2 Beta 2) would they keep it broken? Try to add in bits from the final?
      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


      • They'll be able to make it completable. These guys got rid of the door 3.4 etc. messaging and debugging menu. If it'll fit on the rom they can do it I bet. If they can figure out certain flags like moving a character around, animations during cutscenes, etc it'll be great. Of course this'll all be text without voiceovers. they can disect the gorrila cutscene's flags as a basis for adding new ones.


        • Who knows, I guess we can all wait to see what and how it plays out in the end
          Zombies...zombies everywhere...


          • Sorry if someone already made this question...but, is this video from the 40% build? i love the song playing in the background while you fight with Williams.


            • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
              Sorry if someone already made this question...but, is this video from the 40% build? i love the song playing in the background while you fight with Williams.

              in the end, his voice when he dies looks like paul haddad.


              • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
                Sorry if someone already made this question...but, is this video from the 40% build? i love the song playing in the background while you fight with Williams.

                Wow I've never seen that video before. So if this video is any indication it seems that Leon is behind Elza in terms of real time progress, as for Elza Birkin comes out of the elevator and rips the pipe off the wall, in this video Birkin already appears to be in the room with the pipe, suggesting she'd already had her encounter with Birkin.

                On a second note this looks so much better than the Birkin battles in retail!
                Last edited by Guest; 12-14-2012, 07:16 PM.


                • That's from the last era, when they removed the gun animations from the characters. High possibility the track isn't in the 40% either
                  Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                  • That's the final era of development, retail lazy gun holding animation. That song however we have floating around and was JUST posted a page back for download.


                    • It's got the bioflames watermark, so it's from the 80% build.


                      • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                        That's from the last era, when they removed the gun animations from the characters. High possibility the track isn't in the 40% either
                        The next question is, if that's the case where did the footage come from?


                        • I thought that footage was from INFLAMES source, back in 2001. It's too bad that the source just disappeared. Think if the team had a more complete build, think of what they can do!
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Not sure if it was from the inflames source though, the video appears much smoother/clearer and has Japanese text at the beginning, maybe it's from somewhere else? (Comparing it to the other video footage)
                            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                            • Didn't Inflames only have screen shots from his source? I'm pretty sure I remember him saying his video footage was from promo videos and VHS tapes he had collected over the years.


                              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                                Didn't Inflames only have screen shots from his source? I'm pretty sure I remember him saying his video footage was from promo videos and VHS tapes he had collected over the years.
                                Seems like a promo/snippet to me. The Japanese text at the start pretty much gives it away.
                                Zombies...zombies everywhere...

