It's still kind of early to say whether something will show up on X'mas or not. Let's just wait for a few days.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
They could very well release a demo, but it would have to be a very clean one if they don't want the modding/hacking community poking around the game files and finding stuff that shouldn't be out to the public yet. I guess another option is for them to make a trailer showcasing one long continuous retail-quality segment of the game, kind of like a "Trial Edition", but only in video form. Looking back at the released Advent videos, it seems like a good deal of missing areas from the first floor and basement areas of the RPD have already been fully recreated, so that's already like half of the first major locale in the game playable without the need to jump around rooms. ;D
EDIT: And on the topic of recreations, I think the team missed out a placard beside the kennel's entrance door. I could be wrong though.
Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-22-2012, 09:56 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
I don't think it's a big deal that they missed a sign. They can easily implement it later on by adding to their render.
I wouldn't mind a 10 minute video showcasing the entire RPD. I think at this point the entire RPD is finished and they are either working on the sewers, factory or labs now. The sewers is only 3 floors, so maybe 20 rooms max, but still, they have a lot of work a head of them. Then again we don't know how much of the sewers are on the disc nor do we know how much they've done to the sewers or if they've even started on them.
I don't think it's a big deal that they missed a sign. They can easily implement it later on by adding to their render.Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-22-2012, 10:32 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostI don't think it's a big deal that they missed a sign. They can easily implement it later on by adding to their render.
I wouldn't mind a 10 minute video showcasing the entire RPD. I think at this point the entire RPD is finished and they are either working on the sewers, factory or labs now. The sewers is only 3 floors, so maybe 20 rooms max, but still, they have a lot of work a head of them. Then again we don't know how much of the sewers are on the disc nor do we know how much they've done to the sewers or if they've even started on them.Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!
Whatever happens tomorrow and Monday will make me happy anyways. Now is the big update on Xmas Eve or XMas Day? I would think Xmas Eve as that's when everyone opens presents and such, at least my family and friends have.
Here is the update to the project I released a few months ago. This is a Christmas gift for all those who have been following the scene for a long time, and those who have been eagerly waiting for the release of the teamᵀᴹ.
BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project
Screenshots: The screenshots have been upscaled to 320 pixels per 240 pixels. The file format is .JPEG. This was done to enhance your experience using SkyDrive's interface. You will find 2 different categories of screenshot sets; location and graphical walkthrough. In the location segment, you will find the screenshots divided by area and, if too large, broken up among the different places of that area. The designations used were as official as possible; as such, don't be surprised to find some unconventional names that are not frequently used. Unfortunately, such was not possible for all locations, so some liberties were taken and I opted for designations that seemed to match the surroundings. The graphical walkthrough section is separated (one for each character). The screenshots are arranged chronologically. It's my personal interpretation of the narrative and gameplay progression of BioHazard 2 Prototype. The influences of my final choice were the retail product, the maps that were discovered a few years ago on the Trial Disc and the countless discussions that I read and participated in and THIA over these years. This is by no means an official playthrough, nor is it intended to be.
Below you will also find two more additional sets that can be downloaded. 1.) Contains the files released in SkyDrive in the genuine resolution (250 pixels per 188 pixels) and unadulterated order. 2.) Contains the files gathered in all of these years that were scattered in forums. I have included them for two reasons: they have a particular sharpness that helps to weed out details with less difficulty; they have been our source of information for 10 years or more. I have spoken with B.Zork and the THIA staff, and this release does not compromise neither the restoration project that the teamᵀᴹ has been engaging in for the last months, nor any leads on the final build that we might have in the future should it surface, respectively.
Special Thanks to Alzaire for clarifying some bits of info that were crucial to put together several segments of the graphical walkthrough.
Special Thanks to Inflames for providing us with these screenshots. This community would have never grown into this if he didn't have the kindness to share with us his exclusive material.
Magazine Scans: The magazine section has been updated. It contains the magazine covers of the respective scans. The majority of the covers have the same file format and resolution as the respective scans, but a few of them don't. Unfortunately, not all magazine covers were found. The new update is still missing the magazine front covers of Games Masters Issue #48 (November 1996) and Tips & Tricks Issue #37 (January 1998), albeit the last one has a back cover. The original uploader of Neo Issue #1 (October 1997) magazine told me that there was no front cover for that publication. I spoke with Lamont (from ASSEMbler) who offered to create a custom magazine cover for me. I was stunned by her fantastic work. She made an astonishing job combining a modern era logo with a vintage magazine design. However, please understand that this is not official cover. Nor would I have done this if there was an actual front cover.
You'll notice that the few tidbits from the previous edition have been left there. They are not a mistake. In the new update, you'll notice a couple more. I left them there for a few reasons. Part of what I find entangling about reading magazine scans of the past (written more than a decade ago) is reliving the spirit of the gaming journalism back then; the perception that the public had of these games when they were released, and how Survival Horror was defined in that time period. Some magazine scans sum up that feeling perfectly. The marginal magazine scans that you might have noticed that had nothing to do with BioHazard 2 Prototype in the previous edition were there because I found them while I was searching for magazine scans of BioHazard 2 Prototype. But there was a stronger reason why they were there left there. All of them have something in common: they display BioHazard betas from other entries of the franchise. They aren't covered extensively because this is not what this project aims for, but, I still felt it was my obligation to pay my tributes to, the people who uploaded these magazine scans and enriched our community with further knowledge, and the BioHazard betas not so commonly known by the lesser hardcore fan. After all, BioHazard 2 Prototype is itself an unfinished beta.
Special Thanks to Lamont for donating the Famitsu Weekly Issues (#403 #411, #413), Review Special (December 1996) and Special Edition (October 1997) magazine covers, and for creating a custom magazine cover for Neo Issue (#1).
Special Thanks to SeiyaKou for donating the BioHazard Archive Reprint Edition, Playstation Plus Issue (#3), Secret Service Issue (#45, #70) magazine covers.
Special Thanks to true_kiat for donating the Official Spanish Playstation Magazine (Edicion Oficial Espanola de Playstation Magazine) Issue (#2) magazine covers (and new high-quality scans!).
Special Thanks to Ridley W. Hayes and for everyone who contributed to his fantastic magazine database for donating the CD Consoles Issue (#24), Computer And Video Games Issues (#180, #181, #182, #186), Console News Issue (#9), Das Offiziele Playstation Magazin Issue (#7), Edge Magazine Issues (#37, #38, #41, #42), Electronic Gaming Monthly Issues (#88, #89, #91, #94#, #96, #97), Fun Generation Issues (#53, #56), GameFan Books Resident Evil 2 Survival Guide, Game Informer Issue (#54), Game Pro Issue (#99, #105, #108, #118), GamesMaster Issue (#71), Hobby Consolas Issues (#71, #73, #246), Hyper Playstation Re-Mix Vol. (2), Joypad Issue (#57), Maniac Issue (#40), Next Level Issue (#10, #12, #24), Official UK Playstation Magazine Horror Special Issue, Play the Playstation Issue (#2), Playstation Magazine Issue (#6), Playstation Plus Issue (#16), PSM Issue (#1), Russian Official Playsation Issue (#30), Tips & Tricks Issue (#24, #35), Ultra Game Players (#99, #100), Video Games Issue (#61, #62, #63, #66) magazine covers.
Video Footage: Contains all the video footage of in a single file. The video footage contains its respective source, in case you might be interested in acquiring a copy.
Enjoy! Merry Christmas!
Originally posted by Kegluneq View PostHere is the update to the project I released a few months ago. This is a Christmas gift for all those who have been following the scene for a long time, and those who have been eagerly waiting for the release of the teamᵀᴹ.
Enjoy! Merry Christmas!Last edited by Eteponge; 12-22-2012, 06:49 PM.
Awesome work there man! It seems you took a lot of time organizing all of this.
On another note, I managed to get my hands on a DTL H1001 Playstation debug unit. I saw GManWillis had one on sale at Assembler so I jumped on it. It's in great shape and for $100 it's a good deal. Now time to display it by my Net Yaroze system. I'll probably use my Net Yaroze or DTL to playthrough RE2 once it's released (note I did not call it 1.5, as it technically is RE2).
I just need to locate a NR Reader to complete my Dev hardware collection. I already have a NPDP, a dev Dreamcast, a dev PS2, a dev NDS, just want that a NR Reader!Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-22-2012, 07:03 PM.
I noticed something interesting at the 2F section of RPD at "Perimeter" of Keluneqs Pics. Theres a picture of the roof with Leon where down left you can see the truck burning. But there's the same picture with Elza and the truck not burning. Maybe a hint how Leon got in or a puzzle?Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!