Originally posted by Semajer
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As for the % estimates, it's impossible to know. Even "40%" and "80%" don't really mean anything. We're talking about backgrounds, voices, percentage of background completion, musics, cut-scenes, FMVs, documents, balance, etc... It's impossible to put percentages on the whole thing. You can't say that the 40% is half completed compared to the 80% build, it's just a wild guess.
The 80% build seemed nearly finished, but when you dig around and look at what was done, it's not the case at all. I think the game needed a good 2-3 months of development. The RPD still wasn't finished, same goes for the lab, factory, sewers... We don't even know if there were voices or FMVs yet.
But looking at what the team does with the 40% build, I'm pretty sure that if they had the 80% build they could really turn it into a really polished and finalized product (if you omit voices and FMVs, but I don't consider that important). Who knows, someday maybe it might happen. I'm already pretty excited about the idea of having their custom version
