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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It's incredible since we practly know no-one who has ever played this game/beta, Elza Walker and more chars that never "really exist" on the cannon RE story has a lot of stuff from fans, Elza cosplay included !
    I guess DA SANDWICH will release an unofficial official cover box for the project.... I found this on google images:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	5e4d65427798ff1fffe5bd7e8d03dcc2-d59eewp.png
Views:	1
Size:	434.7 KB
ID:	402155
    The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


    • Originally posted by Mae77 View Post
      This is actually pretty good.


      • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
        This is actually pretty good.
        By the drawings of Leon and Elza already legendaries on our brains, it should be the unofficial official cover box
        An maybe a stupid suggestion....
        Since everybody knows this game as "1.5", da Team perhaps could keep that title to the main menu on the game... since we are assuming we'll be able the unfinished beta too, but da Team's project will be the final product...
        Just suggestion.
        Last edited by Mae77; 12-27-2012, 10:19 AM.
        The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


        • It seems a little weird they are already wanting to put out videos showing everyone how they created the project..... but the game isn't even release yet. Don't people release their project for people to play first then release the extra stuff?


          • At least they're releasing something.


            • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
              It seems a little weird they are already wanting to put out videos showing everyone how they created the project..... but the game isn't even release yet. Don't people release their project for people to play first then release the extra stuff?
              Perhaps to increase the hope of playing it soon more and more. And let's do them whatever they want, DA TEAM are true heroes. The end of 15 wasted years of waiting are finishing in the best way than anybody ever believed to be possible.
              Last edited by Mae77; 12-27-2012, 10:34 AM.
              The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                It seems a little weird they are already wanting to put out videos showing everyone how they created the project..... but the game isn't even release yet. Don't people release their project for people to play first then release the extra stuff?
                well, this is a old vison.

                but nowadays many movies release some making off earlier to promo the movie, and they put them all in the later disc release.

                but this project is all about making off!


                • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                  It seems a little weird they are already wanting to put out videos showing everyone how they created the project..... but the game isn't even release yet. Don't people release their project for people to play first then release the extra stuff?
                  They're probably wanting to release some content without showing too much of the game. Besides, it'll be interesting to see the 'Making Of'.


                  • I just hope they don't draw too much attention to them selves, that's my biggest concern right now.


                    • my mouth is watering for the video(s)


                      • yes we dont want capcom acting like square-enix over chrono trigger fan games and mods and hacks ect


                        • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                          yes we dont want capcom acting like square-enix over chrono trigger fan games and mods and hacks ect
                          Doubt they will care, they knew about the two resident evil gameboy color builds that got leaked and didn't care at all. That game was unreleased but 95 percent complete when it was canned.
                          Last edited by Guest; 12-27-2012, 03:11 PM.


                          • I'm sure the Team are cautious of the risks, and will hopefully take care with the 'Making-Of' videos.


                            • Let's not even talk about this. Makes my stomach hurt.


                              • I love drama

