someone was talking at Ask Capcom forums about this project, that scarried me they could act as in da Chrono Trigger fan game, but I see no one from the Capcom staff has said any word about.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Here's a good refocus. I have heard that computers were originally used as the method of saving in RE 1.5 instead of typewriters. Yet, in the Halloween Teaser, it shows a typewriter being used. While there probably was no saving function in the 40%, and they may have had to do that feature from scratch, has anyone asked MrBZork directly if it will change into a computer for the final release, to be in line with what we know about RE 1.5 save function? Also, I recall reading something about the Crate system being different, but I'm not sure if that's been revealed or talked about yet.Last edited by Eteponge; 12-27-2012, 05:58 PM.
It's probably an Easter Egg. I don't know if anyone asked him, but again, he tells us what he wants us to know. There's no need to harass him with that kind of questions, they will be answered in due time.
I don't think we have any information about how saves are managed in that build. If the game is to be played from beginning to end, a save system is necessary though. It will be interesting to see how they implement it. As for the crates I think we can see one in some screenshots in Iron's office. But they might not be part of that build as well.
Originally posted by yurieu View Posti would NEVAH post anything beta related on capcom forum, no news, no info, no discussion, no projects, nothing.
people just ignore them and it can call sauron's flaming eye attention
Originally posted by Darkness View PostSays who? It's possible. Title Screen has load game
EDIT: Found it! It was actually *YOU* who suggested, on 11/01/2012 in this thread that the typerwriters were added to bring saving function to the game, and I quote ...
"Same for the typewriter, looks like they are going to be able to make it so we can save, amazing!"
This was in response to someone who wrote, "Typewriters that where nowhere to be found in the original", in response to the Halloween Teaser. And then anaho wrote, "Sorry, but the typewriter saving is a dead give away to me that this uses the regular RE2 engine."
I think Capcom lost a big deal with this game. Since PsOne emulation is easy for psp and ps3, they could release it as a downloable game completing the missing parts. many psp users were pissed since they didn't recieve a RE new game. I suggested that in their forums but hadn't official reply. It seems they decided to forget definitively that work. Btw, it's funny that in spanish forums some fools are wishing a release from Sandwich for Xbox Live and Psn, other members say them again and again this is a fan work and more idiots appear with DA WISH XDLast edited by Mae77; 12-27-2012, 07:43 PM.The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostFound something online gents, I guess there is more to the sewers on the 40% build than we originally thought.
Also, my assumption is that this clip is from the 80% build, but I'm not too sure. Does anybody know?
Originally posted by LongTimeLurker View PostYep, only a f***ing idiot would do that. However it would be naive to think that Capcom aren't for instance keeping track of threads like this one right here...
btw, i doubt Capcom set its flaming eye of mordor outside its forum. becuz what is important to us, they dont care. they dont even care about RE anyway.
Originally posted by Akimbo View PostThat's great!
Also, my assumption is that this clip is from the 80% build, but I'm not too sure. Does anybody know?