Always wondered, do you guys know what happened right before Leon says "That's just freakin great, now what I am gonna do!?" on the RPD roof? I also wonder if Paul Haddad voiced in 1.5 as well.
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Tyrant View PostAlways wondered, do you guys know what happened right before Leon says "That's just freakin great, now what I am gonna do!?" on the RPD roof? I also wonder if Paul Haddad voiced in 1.5 as well.
a chopper evac without him,
Or the van seen on ground floor in-game, crashing into the side of the precinct.
Most folks here do not think Haddad did Leon's voice this early, I am inclined to say the same. Their voices don't quite sound alike.Last edited by DSC; 12-28-2012, 11:51 PM.
Originally posted by Tyrant View PostAlways wondered, do you guys know what happened right before Leon says "That's just freakin great, now what I am gonna do!?" on the RPD roof? I also wonder if Paul Haddad voiced in 1.5 as well.Seibu teh geimu?
Thanks for the replies guys, I don't think he sounds like Haddad either.
In case you guys haven't seen this, this article really got me excited for 1.5 (sorry for blurry eras).
So where does this leave us now? the fact its pretty clear zorks avatar is legit and the build they supposedly have is the 40 percent build.... and we thought the 40% build wasn't that far into production yet (sewers "are not" in the 40 percent build).....Last edited by Guest; 12-29-2012, 01:58 AM.
Originally posted by Tyrant View PostAlways wondered, do you guys know what happened right before Leon says "That's just freakin great, now what I am gonna do!?" on the RPD roof? I also wonder if Paul Haddad voiced in 1.5 as well.
Originally posted by Akimbo View PostAs Geluda said, it's both, they'll be releasing the original, untouched, 40% beta. They're also working on the beta to add all the missing parts and try to make it alike to the 80% version.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostAm I the only one here who thinks Leon's voice in 1.5 is EXACTLY like Paul Haddad?Last edited by Darkness; 12-29-2012, 10:02 AM.
Originally posted by Darkness View PostI think its haddad. He's just talking a little differently because 1.5 leon was a little cocky, had a slightly different personality. He said mid 1996 he started doing voicing for capcom for RE2. That's 1.5 time.
Anyway glad to finally join this conversation, I just hope I get a nice spot on the Zorkmeisters ass since we seem to start where he ends. lol <---My old site
Originally posted by Treeman View PostHi guys, been monitoring this post since it started, every bathroom break I read the new posts, so I decided to join to point out something that you guys may have missed. According to the links above, Mikami said that Elza runs to the police department seeking protection. It makes no mention of her riding a motorcycle, maybe that crashed cycle has nothing to do with her, maybe it's just a background thing. Also, Mikami is asked if there will be a resident evil 3 and he said that they haven't determined that yet, which means that 1.5 was not supposed to be an end to the series like so many on here claim, they were just waiting to see if 1.5 would have been profittable enough to justify another sequel.
Anyway glad to finally join this conversation, I just hope I get a nice spot on the Zorkmeisters ass since we seem to start where he ends. lol