that's a retail mod lol
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by drunkdog View PostIt was also stated a few times i believe by Mikami ( dont take my words as 100 percent truth as i dont remember if it was him or not for sure) that 1.5 was gonna be the last game.... and as far as elza not crashing in to the police station... she is wearing a bike racing suit.... and she starts where a bike has crashed through the main doors of the rpd.... just puttin two and two together.
Is this new? I get a resident evil 2 vibe from that picture for some reason....
Originally posted by News Bot View PostOn that note, the attack on Birkin was NEVER the cause of the outbreak in Raccoon City. The cause of the outbreak was the virus leaking into the city sewer system via the mansion, that is the "cannibal disease." The attack on Birkin only caused a spike in infection that then led to the city's football stadium being overwhelmed and the resulting horde flooding the streets. The city was screwed either way, the latter was written more for drama than to actually explain how the virus infected the city.
Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View PostI think HUNK deserves his own game. He's way to under utilized.Last edited by yurieu; 12-29-2012, 12:58 PM.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostYou're just repeating what the devs once said. From what we know, most of the game is very similar to RE2 in terms of scenario and events. Same characters, same virus, same boss... RE2 just has less interactions between those characters and features a Tyrant.
Without just mimicking what the devs said, tell us exactly why 1.5 wouldn't have had a led to good sequels. No speculations please. And the argument that Umbrella was done for is not a valid one, since Capcom got rid of it offscreen before BH4 even began.
Re2 had less interaction??? from what we know Elza and Leon never cross path's or even talk in 1.5. 1.5 had both the g and t virus', it also contained vaccines and a ton of other interesting stuff that was gonna take the story in a different direction. I'd say there are more differences then similarities to be honest. I mean, event wise, it was SOME WHAT similar but the fact that you can play as Marvin and Annette can survive... and tons of other stuff i could sit here and name for quite a while. its a clear indicator the game was pretty different at its core.Last edited by Guest; 12-29-2012, 12:55 PM.
Originally posted by yurieu View Postyeah but the games make peoples confused (ADA: "so the rats were the carriers of the virus!")
Originally posted by Darkness View Post1.5 seems more interesting to me. It just has a better looking flow of events. And the backgrounds look better. More realistic.Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 01:04 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
I think it's be kinda cool if either Leon or Elza ran into Hunk in the labs. Maybe a wounded USS officer would do as well. Maybe similar to how Annette shot Ada in retail, your character running then a USS guy pulls a gun on you, only to get killed by a Gorilla or something else.
I had this thought, if the team can implement new modes, maybe they can implement a third scenario staring Grant Bitman (alpha Leon) as he tried to escape the R.P.D. Maybe have him escape on the helicopter and show Leon witnessing them escape. I think it's be a good prelude scenario. That way it shows them escape and when Leon's scenario starts on the roof of the RPD.Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-29-2012, 01:08 PM.
Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View PostTrue that is alot of awesome to fit into one game...
So he should get his own little series thenheh
he cant fit the oldstyle RE, solving puzzles, finding keys, villains drama... hes more like Medal of Honor or BF guy.
Originally posted by yurieu View Posti dunno, one thing i hate in ORC is that "boo-hoo! masked soldiers rox!"
he cant fit the oldstyle RE, solving puzzles, finding keys, villains drama... hes more like Medal of Honor or BF guy.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI'm repeating what the dev's once said because they were right and I have actually done a fair amount of research into it.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI never said 1.5 wouldn't have led to good sequels, only that they would've paled in comparison without a decent writer. Umbrella's downfall was fully explained between CODE:Veronica, Gun Survivor 4 and BH4. Nobody likes to look at the big picture, though.
I don't think it's a valid argument overall. RE2 is a far better product overall, I am pretty sure I can agree with that and I understand why they wanted to restart the game from scratch. But I don't agree when people say its (lack of) quality invalidates good sequels. You can also have a wonderful game that leads to poor sequels. There's no correlation.
Originally posted by Darkness View Post1.5 seems more interesting to me. It just has a better looking flow of events. And the backgrounds look better. More realistic.
Originally posted by drunkdog View PostRe2 had less interaction??? from what we know Elza and Leon never cross path's or even talk in 1.5. 1.5 had both the g and t virus', it also contained vaccines and a ton of other interesting stuff that was gonna take the story in a different direction. I'd say there are more differences then similarities to be honest. I mean, event wise, it was SOME WHAT similar but the fact that you can play as Marvin and Annette can survive... and tons of other stuff i could sit here and name for quite a while. its a clear indicator the game was pretty different at its core.
The story was no good. That was their argument. The similarities you're referring to are in stage progression, give or take a few gameplay similarities (vaccines, partner characters). Without the full scenario, which doesn't exist, it's impossible to detail every single difference and each improvement the released game made. The developers are not trying to lie to you or push an inferior product. Every single one of them believed the game was bad, for both story and gameplay reasons, and the final product was better.
They couldn't have existed in the 1.5 world because if 1.5 got released, Noboru Sugimura and FLAGSHIP wouldn't have been around to create them. You're dealing entirely in whicky-dicky hypothetical situations with no logic. Once more, I never said it would invalidate "good" sequels, only that these sequels would not have matched the quality of the series as it exists today. In the end, BH1.5 was an inferior product for many reasons and it was rightfully scrapped.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostHmm yeah, but that's exactly what I'm saying. More interactions between the different characters in RE1.5. Look at Marvin, Kendo, Iron in RE2... We see them less than 1 minute each.Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 01:25 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Would you consider the walking dead a "family get-together"? I don't think so... RE2 lacked the horror and isolation aspect the first one had. The themes were different, and that was the point. You said their role were cut-down to amp up the horror, but instead they focused on the Claire-Leon relationship, and Sherry as well as Ada were often present as well. I don't see a big difference at the end. You never feel isolated in that game. Never. There's always someone who shows up for a cut-scene or to save you.
As for the scenario, yes, we won't have the details. But the "pitch" is nearly exactly the same. No need to debate 1000 years about that, but I don't take things as "granted". I don't listen to someone who says his game is "shit", nor do I listen to an idiot like Ridley Scott who thinks Prometheus is perfect and doesn't need a director's cut. You seem to talk in absolutes, everything seems to be black and white, and everything is stated as a fact, even though these are, at the end of the day, mere opinions.
Ultimately, with the game being incomplete, we won't have answers to those questions. But I tend to think that the "what if" scenario concerning sequels wouldn't have necessarily ended up being very different from what we have today.
The Walking Dead is written and designed with character interaction and chemistry in mind and the Telltale game is not a Survival Horror game. It is not a valid comparison. BH2 still had the horror and isolation aspect in a new setting. BH3 and CODE:Veronica as well. They achieved this through balancing the involvement of other characters and making sure the focus was on the player character and not AI characters. The Walking Dead and BIOHAZARD are two fundamentally completely different games in terms of both writing and design.
Claire and Leon had no real relationship or any meaningful interactions, they met and decided to cooperate in order to accomplish the goal of the game's Zapping System. Sherry and Ada's roles were greatly revised and were ultimately more interesting, with Ada being a spy for some other organization opening up a whole new avenue for the series storyline to go down if they ever did decide to drop Umbrella and Sherry's role being far more true to a scared little girl running for her life.
The "pitch" for anything is nearly exactly the same if you generalize enough. You're entitled to disregard the opinions of a 50-man development team. That does not however lend your opinion or conjecture any credence. Your "what-if" scenario is simply nonsense based on flimsy reasoning and forced logic, fundamentally.Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 01:52 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium