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  • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
    Wesker dies in all the endings.
    In all the endings, Wesker's death is explained. His comeback was just a dumb move.
    Thank you for taking the time to list all his deaths. Most of the people who assume that Wesker doesn't die in RE1 didn't look in the power room.

    I always thought that Capcom brought Wesker back in RECV because they were afraid to not reach their selling expectations.
    Back in the days, when the RE series was Playstation only, I remember that fans were extremely pissed at the news that the next RE will be for Dreamcast only. Most of the comments were negative, among "Eff you Capcom, I won't buy a Sega console so I can play the next RE". Until Capcom showed a trailer with Wesker in it, and suddenly everybody wanted to buy a Dreamcast to play RECV.
    That was, of course, before Capcom announced that they screwed Sega and the RE fans and released even more Wesker footage on the PS2 version of RECV.
    So yeah, for me, Wesker's return is just a selling point, for both Sega and Sony versions of the game, and got no other legitimacy.
    Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


    • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
      I feel that some of you have become so blinded by your loyalty to 1.5 that irrespective of if or when it gets it released, it turns out to be worst than Operation Raccoon City or something, you'd still claim it's a better product that Resident Evil 2.
      Nobody said it would be better than RE2. Some aspects of it are better, others are not. Overall, it depends on what people expect from the game in terms of atmosphere, settings, gameplay and nostalgia. Stop thinking people are brainless idiots.
      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 12-29-2012, 08:32 PM.


      • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
        Did you ever played RE1? I can't believe you just said that.
        Depending how you play, Wesker either dies impaled by Tyrant in the "Tyrant room"; or killed by chimeras in the room with the triggering device. There is nothing vague about his fate: he dies, period.
        Yes, I did just say that. You know why? It's 100% correct. His fate was left vague just as every event in BH1 is. The developers have even stated this, and the in-universe reason for it is that Chris and Jill's memories were foggy. It doesn't matter how you play the game. You still don't get Rebecca and Barry together, for example, and one main character is always locked in a cell. How you approach the game doesn't change any of these, just as it doesn't change the fact that they intended for Wesker's death to be undetermined.

        Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
        Thank you for taking the time to list all his deaths. Most of the people who assume that Wesker doesn't die in RE1 didn't look in the power room.

        I always thought that Capcom brought Wesker back in RECV because they were afraid to not reach their selling expectations.
        Back in the days, when the RE series was Playstation only, I remember that fans were extremely pissed at the news that the next RE will be for Dreamcast only. Most of the comments were negative, among "Eff you Capcom, I won't buy a Sega console so I can play the next RE". Until Capcom showed a trailer with Wesker in it, and suddenly everybody wanted to buy a Dreamcast to play RECV.
        That was, of course, before Capcom announced that they screwed Sega and the RE fans and released even more Wesker footage on the PS2 version of RECV.
        So yeah, for me, Wesker's return is just a selling point, for both Sega and Sony versions of the game, and got no other legitimacy.
        Wesker's return had absolutely nothing to do with sales. He wasn't even popular in BH1, let alone after people assumed he was dead. He was brought back because they liked the character and wanted more use out of him, and we know Sugimura was a big fan of BIO1's scenario. Really unsubstantiated conjecture.

        Originally posted by randomwab View Post
        I honestly feel your entry point into the series really decides how you feel about Wesker. If you started with the first game, his return in Code:Veronica comes off like a stupid retcon. If you started with Code:Veronica or later, it doesn't.

        Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't News Bot's first Resident Evil game Code:Veronica? Wouldn't surprise me if that's why he felt it was left more vague. I also attribute his bizarre hate of Shinji Mikami to that too :3
        My first game was BH1, I didn't actually play CV until it came out for the PlayStation 2. I didn't think of the series as highly as I do now at that time. I also don't hate Mikami, far from it, I'm just not afraid to point out when he's not responsible for things he's touted for.
        Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 08:34 PM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          Yes, I did just say that. You know why? It's 100% correct. His fate was left vague just as every event in BH1 is. The developers have even stated this, and the in-universe reason for it is that Chris and Jill's memories were foggy. It doesn't matter how you play the game. You still don't get Rebecca and Barry together, for example, and one main character is always locked in a cell. How you approach the game doesn't change any of these, just as it doesn't change the fact that they intended for Wesker's death to be undetermined.
          To be fair though, whether Chris or Jill are locked up, whether Barry or Rebecca survive, no matter the variable in your playthrough, Wesker died. That's not undetermined, it's a fact. I very much doubt anyone even asked any developer about the "openness" of Wesker's death until C:V showed him alive. Why would they? It was a certainty after the first game. They had no reason to ask until he was suddenly alive again, by which point "OH, we always left that to be vague!". Wesker's surviving is an absolute retcon.


          • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
            To be fair though, whether Chris or Jill are locked up, whether Barry or Rebecca survive, no matter the variable in your playthrough, Wesker died. That's not undetermined, it's a fact. I very much doubt anyone even asked any developer about the "openness" of Wesker's death until C:V showed him alive. Why would they? It was a certainty after the first game. They had no reason to ask until he was suddenly alive again, by which point "OH, we always left that to be vague!". Wesker's surviving is an absolute retcon.
            The vague comments were made immediately after BH1's release, though. Not after CV. There are certain things in both BH1 and its remake which happen no matter how you play, but aren't referenced or actually happened. Wesker's survival/death was one of them.

            It's something we'll ask Kenichi Iwao about considering he wrote BH1.
            Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 08:39 PM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              The vague comments were made immediately after BH1's release, though. Not after CV.
              Shit! Fair enough then. Seems bizarre to me that they'd call that into question so soon, but whatever. Bloody Resident Evil plot!
              Last edited by randomwab; 12-29-2012, 08:39 PM.


              • What annoys me more is that I don't think they ever decided what virus Wesker was infected with, or they changed it due to no notes being left for it. It seems fairly certain that it was originally the G-Virus given that it's the only virus in the series with the actual ability to raise the dead, but it's now a t-Virus variant, which can't revive the dead. Unless they went the confusing route and meant "it's a t-Virus" since it's the name for a collection of viruses rather than a single one.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Is Birkin giving Wesker the virus (as mentioned in, I think, Wesker's Report 1) still canon? It always seemed strange to me that Birkin had in his possession arguably the most effective virus seen in the series, the pinnacle of what they were working on, yet injected himself with G. I know he did so in a moment of desperation, but "his precious G-Virus" really can't compare to whatever Wesker got.


                  • After RE3 RE begins to have more plot holes than Mass Effect 3


                    • Yeah, Birkin still gives it to him. Assuming it was the G-Virus, it was not actually very effective as it didn't have a high success rate and was incomplete, which is why Birkin failed to adapt to it and transformed. The "modified t-Virus variant" thing throws a wrench into that, though, but at least they included a memo saying it only had a probability of revival and a lower probability of superhuman shit.

                      It's complicated further when you consider that BH5 adds that the virus was expressly developed and provided by Birkin under Spencer's order as part of the Wesker Project. The goal of the t-Virus Project was to create a virus perfect for the creation of B.O.W.s, and another which was simply an improved strain of Progenitor ideal for creating a new human race. The G-Virus' importance to that plan seems to have sort've been forgotten about.

                      Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                      After RE3 RE begins to have more plot holes than Mass Effect 3
                      I'd like to see a list.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 08:53 PM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • You guys remind of the depressing day when i bought the dreamcast for the first time back in 2000, i returned to the retailer in the same day of purchase, because it caught on fire due to overheating, but i was lucky enough to get it exchanged for a new PSOne
                        This was retailer's reaction when i showed up at his shop along with the burned dreamcast LOL !
                        Last edited by Guest; 12-29-2012, 08:59 PM.


                        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                          You guys remind of the depressing day when i bought the dreamcast for the first time back in 2000, i returned to the retailer in the same day of purchase, because it caught on fire due to overheating, but i was lucky enough to get it exchanged for a new PSOne
                          This was retailer's reaction when i showed up at his shop along with the burned dreamcast LOL !
                          my ps1 caught fire too... so much smoke in the air...


                          • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                            Wesker dies in all the endings.
                            Ending 1: Jill doesn't save Barry, Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant.
                            Ending 2: Jill doesn't save Barry and saves Chris, Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant.
                            Ending 3: Jill saves Barry, Wesker goes to the power room and is killed by Chimeras.
                            Ending 4: Jill saves Barry and Chris, Wesker goes to the power room and is killed by Chimeras.
                            Ending 5: Chris doesn't save Rebecca, Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant.
                            Ending 6: Chris doesn't save Rebecca and saves Jill, Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant.
                            Ending 7: Chris saves Rebecca, Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant.
                            Ending 8: Chris saves Jill and Rebecca, Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant.

                            In all the endings, Wesker's death is explained. His comeback was just a dumb move.
                            Nope, you are right! i clearly remember him being dead now when getting all 8 endings. I just forgot which way he died through each ending, thanks for the list.


                            • I haz a question, i never saw any door animation in RE 1.5, it wasn't implemented or what?


                              • Originally posted by Dust View Post
                                I haz a question, i never saw any door animation in RE 1.5, it wasn't implemented or what?
                                The early build we are familiar with only has the metal door animation, however it has a plastic door sound. We don't know if the inflames final era build had more or all of them. I hope the team will be able to add all of them.
                                Last edited by Darkness; 12-29-2012, 09:42 PM.

