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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    I noticed the magazine as well and man it does bring back some memories. I still have it somewhere, but I don't know where.

    I kinda get a "rush" when new Playstation stuff comes out, granted this game is not new at all.

    Thanks for the screenshots dude! I love to see 1.5 in HD!


    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      Do you feel the same way about 1.5 Annette? Look at that blocky body and faceless head.
      It seems like she and Ada share the same torso model:

      maybe since everything is better than the darkside chronicles annete. but ill stick with ada because of her cool 90's pants.
      Last edited by yurieu; 01-01-2013, 10:53 AM.


      • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
        maybe since everything is better than the darkside chronicles annete. but ill stick with ada because of her cool 90's pants.
        Speaking of DSC, I liked Annette in there. She seemed more human and not as much of a bitch as she appeared in RE2.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          Speaking of DSC, I liked Annette in there. She seemed more human and not as much of a bitch as she appeared in RE2.
          I think they got confused about which Annette was the correct one while making DSC. Since Annette was a good character in 1.5.

          DSC: I'll kill my husband, please take care of Sherry for me!


          • That's why I like the DSC version of her more. She has a more realistic feel to her instead of wanting to avenge William. She did seem to care for Sherry more in DSC than in Bio2. In Bio2, apart from the one instance of meeting her with Sherry, she really didn't seem to give a big F about her.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              That's why I like the DSC version of her more. She has a more realistic feel to her instead of wanting to avenge William. She did seem to care for Sherry more in DSC than in Bio2. In Bio2, apart from the one instance of meeting her with Sherry, she really didn't seem to give a big F about her.
              Not really, in BH2, Annette did gave big F's for Sherry. When meeting Claire for the first time, she got worried and ran after Sherry in the sewers.
              The second time, when she learned that Sherry was infected, she finally snapped out of it and tried to save her daughter from her husband.


              • Hrm, well I haven't played any of Claire's scenarios recently, so my memory probably is failing me. Honestly I don't like Claire A/B. I play Leon B the most as it's my favorite.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  she really didn't seem to give a big F about her.


                  • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                    Not really, in BH2, Annette did gave big F's for Sherry..
                    what makes her so epic compared to TDC is she is more of the Darth Vader about Sherry. And in RE2 her end is awesome no matter what sequence you make.

                    in fact, for me, she is so much relevant than Ada.

                    Originally posted by The_15th View Post
                    Last edited by yurieu; 01-01-2013, 01:26 PM.


                    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                      It's either a minor graphical error or something that occurs because they're running it on an emulator (PSX, according to the video). It also happens in the PSM video when Elza examine the shutter controls in the west hallway.
                      Also, did anybody else notice that they seem to have fixed the brightness/contrast issue with the ADT masks? Compare the wall to the left in the before and after pictures:

                      Do you feel the same way about 1.5 Annette? Look at that blocky body and faceless head.
                      It seems like she and Ada share the same torso model:
                      Interesting, so Annette still wasn't fully textured in the bioflames build? It makes it seem even more incomplete than is led to believe.


                      • I can't wait to see if they add in all the missing rooms, events, items. I think they could do all of this. Cutscenes can easily be made, but what about animations? What about the missing enemies like the Alligators? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

                        I think once they are done, this build will be much more complete than the INFLAME build. Because every room will be there. Untextured stuff will be textured. Cutscenes, scripted events, and so on.

                        The anticipation for this is killing me. It may be a bastardized version of the game, but I'd take any build over no build at all.
                        Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-01-2013, 01:40 PM.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • This thread reads like a 3-4 man private message, with speculations, what-ifs and "gimmes". -_-
                          I'm a blackstar.


                          • Amen, brother.


                            • Never seen that RE3 cutscene .. The first time I ever saw Mikhail was him lying down inside the tram..

                              The new 1.5 video looks awesome - hotkeys for language swapping is a cool feature.
                              Seeing untextured Linda and Annette finished looks nice.

                              Just one question.. why isn't she named Linda - I suppose Leon and Ada has that certain ring to it hehe
                              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                              • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                                Never seen that RE3 cutscene .. The first time I ever saw Mikhail was him lying down inside the tram..

                                The new 1.5 video looks awesome - hotkeys for language swapping is a cool feature.
                                Seeing untextured Linda and Annette finished looks nice.

                                Just one question.. why isn't she named Linda - I suppose Leon and Ada has that certain ring to it hehe
                                Looks like linda is just plain wrong.

