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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I should never have posted this.
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    Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-05-2013, 12:02 PM.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      This is not from anyone on the team or anyone affiliated with them.

      I've been in talks with a owner of 1.5 recently and I asked for a picture of the debug menu.
      Are formally private / unknown RE 1.5 owners coming out of the woodwork left and right now because of The Team? If this is not from The Team, or the one who supplied their Build, is it even from the same Build? Or a different one?
      Last edited by Eteponge; 01-05-2013, 01:59 AM.


      • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
        Are formally private / unknown RE 1.5 owners coming out of the woodwork left and right now because of The Team? If this is not from The Team, or the one who supplied their Build, is it even from the same Build? Or a different one?
        I think they are getting paranoid now. Once 1.5 is released by The Team, anyone who owns a copy will be out of all their money. Maybe that's why they are coming forward.

        This guy I've been talking to, he knows of the project by The Team and is not happy about it getting released. He would prefer it to be a collectors item. I don't agree as you will eventually get bit rot and the disc/iso will be worth nothing. It will be impossible to recover anything that has sustained this damage.

        As far as what build it is, I am thinking it's the same. I haven't asked him about it yet.

        And to anyone who asks or PM's me, no I won't reveal who this is nor do I intend to pressure him into releasing it.
        Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-05-2013, 02:05 AM.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          I think they are getting paranoid now. Once 1.5 is released by The Team, anyone who owns a copy will be out of all their money. Maybe that's why they are coming forward.

          This guy I've been talking to, he knows of the project by The Team and is not happy about it getting released. He would prefer it to be a collectors item. I don't agree as you will eventually get bit rot and the disc/iso will be worth nothing. It will be impossible to recover anything that has sustained this damage.
          The PRICELESS permanent preservation of an ultra rare beta for the masses to enjoy is far more significant than a few hundred or few thousand dollars, especially when bitrot and disc damage is clearly at stake with a beta this old. Video games are created and meant to be played and enjoyed by the masses, not held up for a few elite hoarders to enjoy like Cartman on South Park in the episode where he had his own personal Amusement Park all to himself where no one else was invited, and then was all saddened and pissed off when *gasp!* other people might actually get to enjoy it! (The horror!) Having myself been a part of the early emulation scene from 1997 to 2001, among the group that was all about the preservation of video games and betas (I was around and present during the time when the original Earthbound Zero cart was dumped), I've always had an issue with people who keep betas locked away until they bitrot. Especially when, for example, additional Earthbound Prototypes that have surfaced have sold for several thousand bucks even *AFTER* the game was dumped years ago, so I don't think that's actually always true about the value becoming useless.
          Last edited by Eteponge; 01-05-2013, 02:19 AM.


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            On the topic of the debug menu, I got a fresh picture for you all confirming the Lobby is numbered as 103.

            This is not from anyone on the team or anyone affiliated with them.

            I've been in talks with a owner of 1.5 recently and I asked for a picture of the debug menu. Here's what I got from him. Granted he sent the image in the PS1's native resolution, so I used Photoshop to raise it to 3x it's normal resolution.

            That's a very old picture and isn't real. Believe they came from some German guy who was experimenting with some hacking briefly. Made a few pictures and caused some excitement, but shown to be fake and discrepencies later on.


            • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
              That's a very old picture and isn't real. Believe they came from some German guy who was experimenting with some hacking briefly. Made a few pictures and caused some excitement, but shown to be fake and discrepencies later on.
              Fake? Then fudge, I've been had! LOL.. how long ago did this picture come out? If it's fake and old, I have never seen it.

              Well then don't get too excited guys.. My bad then. I thought I had something here, guess not..
              My Head-Fi Page


              • I found the same image in my backup folder from April, 2010. So yeah, couple years old. XD


                • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                  That's a very old picture and isn't real. Believe they came from some German guy who was experimenting with some hacking briefly. Made a few pictures and caused some excitement, but shown to be fake and discrepencies later on.
                  Good to know. With every authentic owner of RE 1.5, there are always far too many fakers using doctored screenshots.


                  • Bullzaire, opsy, bulls eye!


                    • I'm surprised you were actually... gutsy enough to post that. It's like you were asking to get your PM inbox swarmed (before Alzaire shot them down anyway).
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                        That's a very old picture and isn't real. Believe they came from some German guy who was experimenting with some hacking briefly. Made a few pictures and caused some excitement, but shown to be fake and discrepencies later on.
                        It's from Upaluppa. He's actually a member of THIA and the best Hacker and AR-Code maker of Resident Evil I've ever seen. And yeah, it's a fake.
                        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                        • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                          It's from Upaluppa. He's actually a member of THIA and the best Hacker and AR-Code maker of Resident Evil I've ever seen. And yeah, it's a fake.
                          Code maker....

                          Do you know if he's made any AR codes for Beta 2 and Biohazard 1 alphas?
                          Been looking everywhere for codes that I can use with my PS1 cheat cartridge. Ones I found only work with epsxe


                          • Hope that's what you're looking for. You can use Google Translator to translate te page.


                            Couldn't find some for the BH 1 Alphas, though..
                            Last edited by Alfred; 01-05-2013, 04:59 AM.
                            Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                            • So when do guys think they will release the game? They oftan mention 2013 15th anniversary for RE franchise I think they mean Raccoon City story years which was july 1998 RE 1 or september 1998 RE 2-3 or October 1998 RE CV. Januari 1998 was RE 2 released but thats to good to be true.
                              Last edited by GamerTak3r; 01-05-2013, 05:28 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                                Fake? Then fudge, I've been had! LOL.. how long ago did this picture come out? If it's fake and old, I have never seen it.

                                Well then don't get too excited guys.. My bad then. I thought I had something here, guess not..
                                I remember that image from some time back, it's a fake lol

