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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I've always thought that the enemy models would all be completed in advance and put on the disc, but would be implemented later on. If the model is on there, but not textured, then the team can surely rectify this!
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
      I'm quite aware. It's probably just unlikely that scene is on the PSM disc. Of course anything is possible. Birkin 2's mutation scene is on the disc.

      Yes, theres The lab with and without fire. of course its crappy ass room jumping. The trial disc has all those backgrounds too. The key will be the team setting up the events that lead up to and cause the fire. It's going to be interesting.

      One thing to note is theres even the lab escape alarm in the 40% build. But as a placeholder, its not ALL EMPLOYEES PROCEED TO THE BOTTOM PLATFORM!!! It's THE NUMBER YOU HAVE REACHED IS NOT AVAILABLE. I hope the team adds the retail lab escape alarm track, because it fits perfectly, the lab barely changed.
      well, well, well, i couldnt understand the alarm woman.
      but in case of a miraculous release, it should be the same of original. i think they can make the game more cohesive, but not too close to the retail one.


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        Hahaha, you're right! She even says, "THIS IS A RECORDING!". XD


        • "Please disconnect the number and try again. This is a recording"
          It's a phone operator message. A placeholder for "All employees proceed to the bottom platform!"
          Use retail's track, problem solved. Fucking love the escape alarm track.


          • It's not simple like that. I think they want to make it as authentic as possible. They have to take Hunk's Tune and place the RE2 Retail Voice. Nothing more and nothing less.
            Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              "Please disconnect the number and try again. This is a recording"
              Ahahah. The best.

              Only thing better than stuff like that is when a game has all of its cutscene voice acting temporarily done by some random chap on the dev team spouting out a bunch of nonsense with the best immersion ever.


              • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                It's not simple like that. I think they want to make it as authentic as possible. They have to take Hunk's Tune and place the RE2 Retail Voice. Nothing more and nothing less.
                Does anyone know if the computer lady's voice is floating around as a soundtrack without the music in the background?


                • I would've chosen this tune

                  for the RPD rather than the Retail RPD Tune..

                  Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  Does anyone know if the computer lady's voice is floating around as a soundtrack without the music in the background?
                  Yep. It is. It's actually inside the RE2 Voice Files.
                  Last edited by Alfred; 01-06-2013, 09:00 PM.
                  Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    One thing to note is theres even the lab escape alarm in the 40% build. But as a placeholder, its not ALL EMPLOYEES PROCEED TO THE BOTTOM PLATFORM!!! It's THE NUMBER YOU HAVE REACHED IS NOT AVAILABLE. I hope the team adds the retail lab escape alarm track, because it fits perfectly, the lab barely changed.
                    Are you even sure that it's the self-destruct system that destroys the lab in 1.5? Remember, the cargo room shutter only opens after the lab is set on fire, so the retail voice file asking people to proceed to the train platform wouldn't really work well. If anything, the intention is probably to direct people into the shelter rooms (just my guess).

                    On the topic of that voice file, the devs probably didn't understand what it was saying, so it probably didn't break the immersion for them much.
                    Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-06-2013, 09:23 PM.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      It being shown on the complete disk doesn't mean it's not in the 40% version in some form or another. We still don't know how much content is in that build, we've barely seen anything from the labs.
                      I think they are getting at that most of the labs probably are not even on the disc... i could be wrong though.


                      • most if not all of the labs is on the trial disc. But theres more than we think on the psm disc, because annette exists. (Albeit as an elza placeholder lmao) so theres at least one cutscene with her probably
                        Last edited by Darkness; 01-06-2013, 10:09 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                          Nah, that's birkin stabbing the manspider, and its from the complete disc, which is bioflames era, aka most of the game is done. However as seen from that PSM 15th anniversary video, theres alot more than everyone thinks on the disc. Sherry crawling into the vents, the hungry dogs ambushing john and elza, Birkin 1 mutating into birkin 2. Power Box Puzzle.
                          So in this build that THE TEAM is working, really have manspider?


                          • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                            So in this build that THE TEAM is working, really have manspider?
                            most likely.
                            Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                            • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                              So in this build that THE TEAM is working, really have manspider?
                              Yes, the PSM footage clear as day shows this. Hell the manspider is in the alpha civilian clothed leon build footage. It was designed and concieved pretty early.
                              Last edited by Darkness; 01-07-2013, 12:34 AM.


                              • The voice is a placeholder. It actually says "We're sorry. The number you have reached is not in service. Please check the number or try again. This is a recording"

                                LOL .. Obviously just a placeholder.

                                EDIT: If the team use the retail track, I think it'd be awesome if the voice recording had a slight echo so it matched 1.5 and Outbreak.. I found it odd that it never did - only in the cutscenes LOL

                                It doesn't echo in the actual track itself which is a shame.
                                It would mean extracting the echoed part and layering it repeatedly over the track from DSC (with no voice)
                                Hell.. I'd do that right now for kicks hehe .. see what it sounded like

                                As for the 'Distant Memories' soundtrack, it sounds more like it should play in the Lab or the warehouses rather than the RPD.. Just my opinion
                                Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 01-07-2013, 04:27 AM.
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

