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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The 'character' (was he ever given a name) featured in the very first version is wearing clothes very similar to Chris's Saturn exclusive costume. Just a place holder or any more info regarding this guy?

    Also which of these era's is the build that The Team has?
    Last edited by [STARS]TyranT; 01-08-2013, 04:23 PM. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
    Review and contributor for


    • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
      Tokyo Game Show Build (Era 2 Build)


      Famitsu Weekly Build (Era 3 Build)

      Hmm, I don't think I agree. You seem to have inverted era 2 and 3. What you show in era 2 is probably the build just before the PSM build. As for your era 3, it would be era 2, with very basic elza and leon models. What do you think?

      Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
      The 'character' (was he ever given a name) featured in the very first version is wearing clothes very similar to Chris's Saturn exclusive costume. Just a place holder or any more info regarding this guy?
      Always been Leon in the artworks.

      Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
      Also which of these era's is the build that The Team has?
      Era 4, PSM build.
      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 01-08-2013, 04:27 PM.


      • He has it right, the civilian jacket Leon version should be before the other one.


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          If only they knew...
          Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
          What's that supposed to mean? Welsh hasn't said anything further on BioHazard 3.5 and he refuses to take on anyone's questions.
          And so it begins... I love this community. XD


          • Why exactly? His era 3 Leon and Elza models are very basic. The game seems to be a much earlier version than the one featuring Leon with a white Jacket.


            • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
              The 'character' (was he ever given a name) featured in the very first version is wearing clothes very similar to Chris's Saturn exclusive costume. Just a place holder or any more info regarding this guy?

              Also which of these era's is the build that The Team has?
              Actually Leon with the Police uniform is from 1996, Chris Saturn from 1997, even months later the scheduled BioHazard 2 release.


              • Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
                Era 1 older version. You will find difference between this and era from TGS. [ATTACH=CONFIG]7856[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7857[/ATTACH]
                Don't quote me on this, but I think it's the other way around. The press images were released in TGS (August 1996) and the video footage was released in V-Jump Festival (July 1996).

                Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                Hmm, I don't think I agree. You seem to have inverted era 2 and 3. What you show in era 2 is probably the build just before the PSM build. As for your era 3, it would be era 2, with very basic elza and leon models. What do you think?
                I have given this much thought, but it's difficult to estimate which one is older based solely on the existing footage. Both builds contain the same camera angles and enemy placement. If there were any images of the western hallway's (shutter) door in the Famitsu Build, we could check if it incorporated the shorter entrance (and thus be closed to PSM Build), or if the shutter was no longer glitched like in the TGS Build (using the same camera angle). Another way to find out would be looking at B5F Hallway footage where Leon fights the Phantom-Spider (and see if the pre-rendered backgrounds are the same as in the TGS Build or, instead, match those of PSM Build). Unfortunately, neither option seems to be available. Therefore, I looked at the dates of the released footage. The TGS footage only showed up at an event of Tokyo Game Show, in August 22-24 (not sure about the exact day). The Famitsu footage was first shown in Famitsu Weekly in November 1st. Given that the japanese media seemed to follow closely the development of BioHazard 1.5, I think Era 2 is the TGS and Era 3 is Famitsu.

                Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                And so it begins... I love this community. XD
                Hahahaha, don't worry, it's okay. But if there's a chance of learning more about BioHazard 3.5 one has got to take it.
                Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-08-2013, 04:52 PM.

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • Ah very good point of course. I always forget Saturn version of 1 was post 1.5. Thanks.
         The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                  Review and contributor for


                  • If I can find my notes in my backup folder, there's a couple of different aspects that I have listed about the reason civilian jacket is era 2 and not 3. Also the note that Keg makes that in the Japanese media, the era 2 footage shows up only once and earlier than era 3 is another indication. But, we don't know for sure I suppose without any discs.


                    • Well, the only thing I know is that white jacket leon build has the manspider, and the other one has the german shepherds. But we don't know about the inverse.

                      Also, you're talking about november. Wasn't the era 4 build from november? The video with the white jacket Leon is apparently from september 96.


                      • I'm a bit saddened by the fact that they re-used Dobermans for the basis of the Zombie Dogs instead of the much more reasonable German Shepherd, actual police dogs. It's rather contrived that the Doberman is the only dog breed in the entire series that really gets infected with the t-virus, even though the Cerberus project intended to use multiple breeds and there is even concept art of a fucking zombie Saint Bernard.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          Well, the only thing I know is that white jacket leon build has the manspider, and the other one has the german shepherds. But we don't know about the inverse.

                          Also, you're talking about november. Wasn't the era 4 build from november? The video with the white jacket Leon is apparently from september 96.
                          Yes, Era 4 Build (PSM) was from November. The video footage of Hyper Playstation Re-Mix Vol. 3 is dated November 27th, and that's footage from early Era 5 Build.

                          Era 3 Build (Famitsu) was not from November 1996. That's simply the date when it was first seen.

                          And Era 2 Build (TGS) is not from September 1996. It might have been shown sometime later, but Tokyo Game Show was held in August that year.

                          Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                          If I can find my notes in my backup folder, there's a couple of different aspects that I have listed about the reason civilian jacket is era 2 and not 3. Also the note that Keg makes that in the Japanese media, the era 2 footage shows up only once and earlier than era 3 is another indication. But, we don't know for sure I suppose without any discs.
                          Please, try to find them. I've been searching for clues that could evidence one being ahead of the other, but I have been unable to find anything except the dates of when they were first shown.

                          Also Alzaire, from what you learned when you were in contact with Curator, do you happen to know if the Web-Spinners were in Era 4 Build? I have extensively searched for this enemy in all the footage available of that build, but I have not come across a single image or video that showcases it..
                          Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-08-2013, 05:53 PM.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • Does in this build have the proto Leon with short hair??
                            I guess that it's the first version of Leon.


                            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                              The video footage of Hyper Playstation Re-Mix Vol. 3 is dated November 27th.

                              Era 3 Build (Famitsu) was not from November 1996.
                              Usually print magazines are printed with the date of publication of the next month. So for example, they will produce in January an issue released with the date "February" on it.

                              And then, there is all the delay between when the developers decide to show some footage; they record it; send it to the media; the editor in chief from the media decide of a publishing date; and the magazine with the developer's footage is finally released. Sometime there are just a few days between the first and the last step and sometimes a few months.

                              Sorry if i add a new layer of confusion, but this should help understand [a little] better why some news seems to come later than they are supposed too.
                              Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                              • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                                Everyone needs to kick back, chill out and stop bickering. You all should store up that rage for the ensuing RE3.5 discussion that will be taking precedence sooner then we think.
                                i didnt understand this. need help.

