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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • With regards to John, I was going by those scrapped notes. They explain a lot - to me, anyway. While the "secret John" notion may have been scrapped early on for him being just a civilian, the original core concept DID resurface in RE2. That's an NPC with a secret identity - which is Ada, of course. If you follow the paper trail - at least what's available online - the basic idea goes all the way back to RE15 and the original intent for John. So YES - in that sense, anyway. Of course, if anyone knows of or finds a Grant Bitman reference anywhere in either game ....

    You know, I've always found it ironic how so many scrapped ideas end up being reused later on in subsequent RE games - regardless from level of development they came. Maybe not the whole concept - just part of it or the basic notion - but still .... Just look at all the stuff originally thought up for RE15 that's popped up later on. It's had a lot of influcence on the franchise for a game that was scrapped.

    I also forgot to mention a better connection being made with RE1. Elza Walker being changed into Claire Redfield and the addition of the STARS Office. Other little things too, like some of the memos and the fax sent to Chris about Chief Irons. All you get in RE15 are some rather vague allusions. Nothing personal to which you can relate. You get that connection and rather solidly with RE2. Aside from her looks, and at the risk of offending any fanbois out there, Elza is essentially a stock character. We know almost nothing about her and learn little more, if anything, as the game develops. Leon's a different case, and that may be why he was kept over Elza. We get more involved with him personally in RE15 (and RE2) than we do Elza, thanks to the way his side of the plot develops. Of the two, based on story alone, Elza was the most expendable as a major character. She was the best choice to be changed or replaced - and so she was, for a new character (Claire) to whom we could better relate and get more involved with as we play the game.
    Last edited by RMandel; 01-14-2013, 04:29 PM.


    • John Clemens in BH1 was an Umbrella scientist who regretted what he did right before he became a zombie. John in BH1.5 is just a regular joe civilian. There was no "original intent" for him. Likewise with Clemens, who would have only been a behind-the-scenes sort of character whose identity was pretty readily apparent.

      Many scrapped ideas do get used, but people try and force connections a bit too much.

      Elza was cut because she had the personality of a paperweight.
      Last edited by News Bot; 01-14-2013, 04:33 PM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Rmandel, now this you is a man that can make a career in conspiracy I love your ideas to be honest. I always love different viewpoints and opinions.
        ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


        • In terms of pace and narrative, I think the game that reflects best the BioHazard 1.5 spirit is BioHazard 3 (which, coincidentally, attempts to emulate BioHazard's). It's a game that cares little for its plot and story; most of these elements are background noise to be dissected by the player after, carefully, paying attention to details of its surrounding world and reading most of the in-game files. It's main focus is survival: trying to get from point A to point B while facing only as many obstacles as necessary. The emphasis on action (particularly when facing herds of zombies) is, yet again, something I feel that was recycled from BioHazard 1.5.

          I don't get a lot of vibe of BioHazard 1.5 out of BioHazard 2. Aesthetically, the game seems to be its equivalent, with many of the characters and story elements being re-used, but the pure nature of the game is something else. The atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic scenario is completely missing from it, and the survival aspect seems to take a few steps backwards after the plot begins to develop into a conventional dramatic narrative. It's a matter of personal opinion, but on these aspects, BioHazard 2 completely failed to deliver and BioHazard 1.5 seemed to be much more adequate, even if its plot and storyline were nowhere as elaborate.

          BioHazard YouTube Channel
          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


          • I always thought the RPD looked best in re1.5. it was creepier because it was so clean. Its like being in an office building alone. It looks like there should be people all over the place, but instead its either empty or filled with the undead. It almost gives me a mary celeste vibe.


            • Elza's bike was a 95 or 96 ducati.

              She was into professional motocross. Hence the firesuit. There must have been a raccoon city motocross park or race team or something since her firesuit has Raccoon on it. Yes, she's no claire redfield. But to say she's not interesting isn't fair, since we never got the chance to actually learn everything intended.


              • Just nit picking here, but she's not wearing a fire suit, she's wearing motorbike leathers. Also Motocross is generally a dirt bike sport not a road bike sport; Elza rides a road bike and although while not impossible is not really evidence of her being a motocross rider.


                • Whoops, I meant to type motoGP. However motorcycles aren't my strong suit, I'm more into nascar.
                  Her outfit sure as hell looks like a firesuit though..especially in game.


                  • She's with the Raccoon University racing team. Why the University has a MotoGP racing team? I have no idea.


                    • I know another BGM of RE1.5 that was reused in RE2 final, some people probably already know, but anyway, I will show you:

                      Listen the BGM in the last part of this BH Complete Disc video (where Leon is on the roof of the RPD and then jump):

                      Now compare it with the RE2's BGM used in the area where are the emergency stairs of the RPD:
                      The page you were looking for could not be found. You may have typed the address incorrectly or you may have used an outdated link.

                      What you think?


                      • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                        I know another BGM of RE1.5 that was reused in RE2 final, some people probably already know, but anyway, I will show you:

                        Listen the BGM in the last part of this BH Complete Disc video (where Leon is on the roof of the RPD and then jump):

                        Now compare it with the RE2's BGM used in the area where are the emergency stairs of the RPD:
                        The page you were looking for could not be found. You may have typed the address incorrectly or you may have used an outdated link.

                        What you think?
                        You're right! It's the outside ambience track. I don't know if the music part of the track was reused but the howling, screams, moans definitely were.


                        • Yeah, all these moans is from RE1.5, but the music I not know, maybe.
                          Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 01-14-2013, 07:43 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            Whoops, I meant to type motoGP. However motorcycles aren't my strong suit, I'm more into nascar.
                            Her outfit sure as hell looks like a firesuit though..especially in game.
                            It's hard to say if her suit is leather or not, but it's her protective suit for riding in whatever the material is. It reminded me of this picture, I believe this is official art? This is her bike.


                            • Sport bike racing suits are generally made of very thick leather. I use the top section of one in junction with Kevlar jeans as part of my riding gear.
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • elza would of been an amazing character I love her oufit I wish they would of given claire the outfit as an extra but At least I can mod my pc version with her outfit.
                                When I was a kid I was instantly drawn to elza and from the moment on I always used to import Amercian game magazines like EGM those were the days lol.
                                Of course now we have internet we can see anything we want about 1.5 image wise.

                                Also I know everyone is very hopeful that we are getting this game sometime during this year but remember anything can happen so always brace yourself for something like that but Here's hoping all goes well for the team working on this game , I wish them all the best and luck in the world lol.

                                I have a question as well , in the 40% version does elza have the gorilla boss fight ? I remember seeing her in a room with John and a huge table and the gorillas came through the ceiling.

