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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    1.5 would have had more character development. That's what interests me. That's because of More working together. Which doesn't kill the survival horror because there were alot more enemies and 1.5's scenery was much more morbid.
    Pretty sure that's the opposite of the truth. One of the noted things all through the 1.5 > 2 Final transition was how they actually cut out the third character in each scenario to focus and develop what little character development existed in 1.5, and there was at least a few months spent at the beginning of 1997 rewriting/developing every character's relationships so that they weren't as paper thin as their 1.5 counterparts.
    Last edited by randomwab; 01-15-2013, 10:39 AM.


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      MrBZork posted 1 hour ago
      put another making in the making and then it is make for some later news of new making to come

      Some kind of cryptic message related to the project or just my paranoia?, i donĀ“t understand what is he really saying
      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-15-2013, 10:46 AM.
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      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        which she, to the player's ultimate surprise, actually doesn't even find (despite going through hell and back again).
        One more consistency/homage/stupid copy from RE2 on RE1; in the original, Chris can't find Barry (Capcom didn't even fix that massive plot hole in Rebirth) and in the sequel, Claire can't find her brother. Every time I read someone making a nice comment about Capcom's scripts, I can't help but laugh.
        Which make me think that while I do understand where you and New Bots are going, I can't help but think that Elza is a better character than Claire - because seriously, siblings or not, it doesn't add any background or depth to her character that Elza already have (except the firearm training thing. That was a smart move). I like the fact that Elza and Leon (in RE1.5) are two new characters with no link to RE1 (but again, Randomwab explanation makes a lot of sense).

        It is just... when I see this picture it screams "Elza" to me. And Elza sounded a lot more though (with her "daredevil biker background" has she was advertised in several magazines) than Claire ("I am Chris little sister").
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          • From what we know, the only thing Claire and Elza share is their bad taste for outfits. And with Elza that only covers the fire-proof vest she has in game, while Claire is like the character with the worst outfits ever in gaming history. Other than that, I find Elza's design to be way more interesting than Claire.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              From what we know, the only thing Claire and Elza share is their bad taste for outfits. And with Elza that only covers the fire-proof vest she has in game, while Claire is like the character with the worst outfits ever in gaming history. Other than that, I find Elza's design to be way more interesting than Claire.
              Still think her Darkside outfit is a great redesign.


              • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                Pretty sure that's the opposite of the truth. One of the noted things all through the 1.5 > 2 Final transition was how they actually cut out the third character in each scenario to focus and develop what little character development existed in 1.5, and there was at least a few months spent at the beginning of 1997 rewriting/developing every character's relationships so that they weren't as paper thin as their 1.5 counterparts.
                But is it? RE2 doesn't really feel that developy(for lack of a better term).
                Leon meets solely ada sure, she runs off retardedly everytime they learn something, she feeds off him, using him, he takes a bullet for her and somehow he falls in love with her. I know they probably expanded upon ada and leon's relationship in 1.5 but we won't know for sure until the glorious team finishes
                Claire loses john and its all on sherry to be claire's character development. Which they did a good job on.
                I just feel with how theres more partnership, working together in RE1.5 how they couldn't have made some great moments and character development


                • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                  Still think her Darkside outfit is a great redesign.
                  Definitively better, but that's not coming for her original design. :/ Her outfit in Degeneration is the most meh thing on Earth.

                  Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                  , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                  • I think I'm the only guy on the whole universe that liked her pink biker outfit from RE2 better than any other redesign...


                    • Claire is far much character and personality than young and naive Elza. You just like her more since she is still innocent and not *played* by you. By 'you' I mean people who choose her over Claire. And plus I love the Claire voice acting in RE2. Its perfect. not like Barry in RE1
                      Wesker: Hmmm. A Mansion.
                      Barry: What is it!?
                      Wesker: As I said. It is a mansion.
                      [shooting from distance]
                      Barry: What was that?
                      Jill: [looks stupid , stares ground, calculates sum of squares]
                      Wesker: It was a gun shot. Handgun prefebly. Now, Jill can you go?
                      Barry: I go. Crhis is...
                      Wesker: Cut the crap and go!
                      Barry: But..
                      Wesker: You are stupid as *****. You don't fit to do this. You don't recognize handgun sounds and have no idea what A MANSION looks like.
                      Barry: Okay, let's meet in this hall if something gomes up. Jill, take this, you know how to use lockpicks. I have no idea why it was in my pocket anyway since I don't know how to use it in first place anyway
                      Jill: [continues to look stupid NOTE: lack of personality]
                      Wesker [kills himself with gun]
                      Barry: What was that.
                      Jill: Look! Wesker killed himself.
                      Barry: Ahhh. This looks bad. Better report it to Wesker.
                      Jill: [looks stupid but smart enough to recognize how stupid Barry is]: Ohhh, barry
                      Barry: Let's split up look for any clues!
                      Jill: What about Wesker?
                      Barry: I'll examine him later. Let's meet here in case something comes up.

                      ... few moments later in one safe area.

                      Rebecca: Hi Sir! I am Rebecca. Who are you?
                      Chris: I am manga style stupid *****
                      Rebecca: Can I come with you
                      Chris: Sure. Just make sure you take Iteb Box with you
                      Rebecca: Yes Sir!

                      ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                      • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                        One more consistency/homage/stupid copy from RE2 on RE1; in the original, Chris can't find Barry (Capcom didn't even fix that massive plot hole in Rebirth) and in the sequel, Claire can't find her brother. Every time I read someone making a nice comment about Capcom's scripts, I can't help but laugh.
                        Which make me think that while I do understand where you and New Bots are going, I can't help but think that Elza is a better character than Claire - because seriously, siblings or not, it doesn't add any background or depth to her character that Elza already have (except the firearm training thing. That was a smart move). I like the fact that Elza and Leon (in RE1.5) are two new characters with no link to RE1 (but again, Randomwab explanation makes a lot of sense).
                        The first part isn't an inconsistency/homage/stupid copy from BH1. In BH1, original and remake, there is no "set path" or "canon" version of events. They weren't written that way. They followed the same rules with BH2, and also introduced the Zapping System. BH2 is a mixture of all four of its scenarios. For the remake of BH1, there was nothing to fix, and CAPCOM at the time actually stuck to the true definition of remake by making an active decision very early on to not change things too much. On top of this, because Iwao left CAPCOM shortly before BH1's release and the series writers were very peculiar about going back and treading on things, they kept the scenario faithful to the original. That's the same reason they never actually showed how the outbreak in the mansion happened in BH0, only who did it.

                        There's no canon to BH1 or BH2 apart from what is dictated by the writers elsewhere. It's a mix-and-match of every scenario and every event, and some things happen which aren't written in the scenario, and some things don't happen canonically even though they are depicted.

                        I don't see how anyone could conceivably think Elza was a better character when Claire is literally everything she was, only more. Name, occupation and appearance changes aside, Claire is just a better written Elza.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 01-15-2013, 12:08 PM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • No one really thinks elza is vastly superior, we just love her because she's mysterious. 15 Years shes been hyped. Look at all the claire avatars. We just want to meet her 'alter ego'. Elza looks cool, and apparently had spunk. Claire didn't feel spunky.


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            No one really thinks elza is vastly superior, we just love her because she's mysterious. 15 Years shes been hyped. Look at all the claire avatars. We just want to meet her 'alter ego'. Elza looks cool, and apparently had spunk. Claire didn't feel spunky.
                            Thanks for bringing out the obvious Mr. Captain-obvious-and-I-dont-read-what-others-post.

                            But yes, you are right. I wouldn't say I love her. But sure she is fun and 'original' concept of a bad-ass biker zombie slayer.
                            ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                            • Comment

                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                In BH1, original and remake, there is no "set path" or "canon" version of events.
                                That's not what I am talking about. It just don't make any sense to start the game with "Let's find Barry" and not find him in the end (dead or alive). This got nothing to do with canon or not, but how to tell a story. Putting the name of Barry to make it personal is a good idea... but not finding him is completely retarded. It is like you lose sight of your goal in the middle of the mission. It would have make a lot more sense for Chris to just say "I don't know what that sound is, maybe it is from the other team. I'll go investigate it".

                                Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                and also introduced the Zapping System.
                                Ah yes, the infamous zapping system of RE2. RE2 was so promoted using this feature, where "the choices made by one character will influence the adventure of the other one". In the end, we have the choice between using a jacket or a machine gun, and releasing some kind of gas in the final lab. So the zapping system is resumed to 2 choices. This is exactly what retail RE2 is for me: all hype and nothing else. Give me RE1 back!
                                Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page

