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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    No one really thinks elza is vastly superior, we just love her because she's mysterious. 15 Years shes been hyped. Look at all the claire avatars. We just want to meet her 'alter ego'. Elza looks cool, and apparently had spunk. Claire didn't feel spunky.
    Maybe not in RE2, but by CODE: Veronica she had a bit of a trace of Sarcastabitch. Then again, she had to put up with both Steve and Alfred, so it's understandable...

    About 1.5's scenario, I think the comparison News Bot made with the Outbreak series is very apt. Here are some guys and girls to control, plop them in a dangerous area, get to the finish line. Some random crazy stuff happens to throw the player a curve-ball (The front shutter broke down, ZOMBIEINVASION! A manspiderpig is stalking you! A bigger monster has creamed manspiderpig into oblivion!), and then some light plot elements (That monster is Sherry's daddy!) to make things interesting.

    From what we know of 1.5, it's more about groups of random survivors working together to survive. And just like Outbreak, not all the players will make it to the end, depending on how good you are, or the actions you take. We have cops, repentant researchers, civilians, and a little girl. It looks like we can gain more insight into the world of 1.5 through the character's "occupations". I'd elaborate a bit more, but I gotta go to work

    Note, I haven't actually played much of Outbreak, aside from a few matches in File 2. Just before the servers shut down. Oh well, game pissed me off anyway!


    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
      No one really thinks elza is vastly superior, we just love her because she's mysterious. 15 Years shes been hyped. Look at all the claire avatars. We just want to meet her 'alter ego'. Elza looks cool, and apparently had spunk. Claire didn't feel spunky.
      Phhf .. you clearly haven't seen her 'mature' in Code Veronica (except the crying over Steve - that was pathetic LOL)
      She's daring, and a bit of a tomboy - the scene where she throws Sherry's pendant into the furnace vat, protecting Sherry.
      Her fights in her B scenario .. Creating the DEVIL G-Vaccine for Sherry.
      Saving Steve after killing Nasforatu by herself..

      I mean Christ, she had the balls to blow up the helicopter wall - Leon didn't LOL
      If i'm honest, Claire has a much better character than the rubbish they have now - Helena, Sheva, RE5 Jill haha

      To say she is the ONLY RE character not to have formal training - she did well. Her part in Degeneration only sucked as they wanted Leon to be the ''big'' star as usual She could have done so much more if they had let her.. though the slap in the face scene was priceless

      I loved her Battle Results screen from CV - She has a full body suit and her bike - homage to ''Elza'' technically Claire.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	l.png
Views:	1
Size:	392.0 KB
ID:	402296
      Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 01-15-2013, 01:15 PM.
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
        That's not what I am talking about. It just don't make any sense to start the game with "Let's find Barry" and not find him in the end (dead or alive). This got nothing to do with canon or not, but how to tell a story. Putting the name of Barry to make it personal is a good idea... but not finding him is completely retarded. It is like you lose sight of your goal in the middle of the mission. It would have make a lot more sense for Chris to just say "I don't know what that sound is, maybe it is from the other team. I'll go investigate it".
        Isn't it implied in the beginning that he was already dead?
        Chris: Where's Barry?
        Wesker: Well, I'm sorry, but he's probably...
        Jill: No...


        • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post

          I loved her Battle Results screen from CV - She has a full body suit and her bike - homage to ''Elza'' technically Claire.
          That's the homage to the bad perspective and very bad taste in character design.


          • There's one thing that has bothered me in RE2 and RE3 and that's the timeline of the outbreak. This came as a result of having Leon and Claire enter Raccoon city instead of already being in the midst of the outbreak as Leon and Elza were in 1.5. It raises more questions than it answers. For example, if Leon is working in Raccoon city, why does he live so far away? I can buy the answer that it's his first day, and he's planning to move to Raccoon city at some point. However, this raises even more questions. Why is Raccoon city recruiting from outside the city? Is there really such a shortage of workers from within the city that they have to bring outside help? The size of Raccoon city is at least 100,000, that they wouldn't have any problems finding police officers from within. This leads to the next issue. Upon arriving, we see that a welcome party was planned for Leon. This would mean that things would have been generally okay between the time the party was planned and Leon's imminent arrival. Assuming the officers did not plan the party long in advance, and probably the day before, the outbreak would have occured in a VERY short time frame. Did no one think to call or tell Leon that there was a freaking Zombie outbreak? Are we to assume that Leon lives so far away as to make this difficult or impossible? And that just feeds back into the first query, why does he live so damn far away? Another question related to this. From RE3 and the Outbreak games, we learn two things. That the outbreak happened somewhat gradually, with people still living their everyday even in the midst of a very alarming amount of zombies. Just think of the bar scenario in Outbreak. There are a huge amount of zombies that swarm the place, while people inside are carrying on their merry way. RE3 also gives us the impression that there is news and media coverage regarding the outbreak to the outside world, and even news and media coverage leading up to it. Would Leon and Claire have been oblivious to all this media coverage. Would Leon not have thought to call and make sure everything was okay. DOES HE REALLY LIVE THAT DAMN FAR AWAY. Claire going into the city can clearly be explained as being brash/reckless/tomboy/stupid, but Leon's entry is so contrived. Speaking of contrivances, my final question, why does Jill dive out of an exploding building in RE3? Why would she wear such a preposterous outfit when she knew damn well that the zombie outbreak had already occured?


            • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
              That's not what I am talking about. It just don't make any sense to start the game with "Let's find Barry" and not find him in the end (dead or alive). This got nothing to do with canon or not, but how to tell a story. Putting the name of Barry to make it personal is a good idea... but not finding him is completely retarded. It is like you lose sight of your goal in the middle of the mission. It would have make a lot more sense for Chris to just say "I don't know what that sound is, maybe it is from the other team. I'll go investigate it".

              Ah yes, the infamous zapping system of RE2. RE2 was so promoted using this feature, where "the choices made by one character will influence the adventure of the other one". In the end, we have the choice between using a jacket or a machine gun, and releasing some kind of gas in the final lab. So the zapping system is resumed to 2 choices. This is exactly what retail RE2 is for me: all hype and nothing else. Give me RE1 back!
              In regards to the Barry thing, I think you need to rewatch the openings for Chris and Jill. They acknowledge that the missing character is missing, but beyond that, finding them is NEVER a focal point.

              As for the zapping system, that's actually not what it was intended to be. That's what magazine previews exaggerated it as being. But it actually refers to the four scenarios and the ability to switch between them, and the fact that one scenario fills in details in another and shows events which occurred at the same time. Crappy translation aside, here's the basic explanation:

              --: Is it impossible to create one totally new stage for other character?

              K: I can say it is almost impossible....
              In the movie "Back to the future", the 2nd was kind of another side story of 1st movie, when I saw the movie, it made me more understanding of 1st movie and I wanted to do that. But Resident Evil 2 is a game, not a movie. It was hard to create everything to match the real world.

              --: For example?
              K: Well, we have to create all game flow in the story, get key here and use it there or enemy point is here.... we have to think about all of the game flow and zapping system. It was like change here, so have to change there..... It going to be a problem if some of the events didn't happen.... if I made the game to just go through the story, it not a game anymore.
              "Zapping System" refers more to the fact that the four scenarios occur at the same time, so certain things were adjusted so that they match the opposite scenario. It has very little to do with things in one scenario affecting another.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                There's one thing that has bothered me in RE2 and RE3 and that's the timeline of the outbreak. This came as a result of having Leon and Claire enter Raccoon city instead of already being in the midst of the outbreak as Leon and Elza were in 1.5. It raises more questions than it answers. For example, if Leon is working in Raccoon city, why does he live so far away? I can buy the answer that it's his first day, and he's planning to move to Raccoon city at some point. However, this raises even more questions. Why is Raccoon city recruiting from outside the city? Is there really such a shortage of workers from within the city that they have to bring outside help? The size of Raccoon city is at least 100,000, that they wouldn't have any problems finding police officers from within. This leads to the next issue. Upon arriving, we see that a welcome party was planned for Leon. This would mean that things would have been generally okay between the time the party was planned and Leon's imminent arrival. Assuming the officers did not plan the party long in advance, and probably the day before, the outbreak would have occured in a VERY short time frame. Did no one think to call or tell Leon that there was a freaking Zombie outbreak? Are we to assume that Leon lives so far away as to make this difficult or impossible? And that just feeds back into the first query, why does he live so damn far away? Another question related to this. From RE3 and the Outbreak games, we learn two things. That the outbreak happened somewhat gradually, with people still living their everyday even in the midst of a very alarming amount of zombies. Just think of the bar scenario in Outbreak. There are a huge amount of zombies that swarm the place, while people inside are carrying on their merry way. RE3 also gives us the impression that there is news and media coverage regarding the outbreak to the outside world, and even news and media coverage leading up to it. Would Leon and Claire have been oblivious to all this media coverage. Would Leon not have thought to call and make sure everything was okay. DOES HE REALLY LIVE THAT DAMN FAR AWAY. Claire going into the city can clearly be explained as being brash/reckless/tomboy/stupid, but Leon's entry is so contrived. Speaking of contrivances, my final question, why does Jill dive out of an exploding building in RE3? Why would she wear such a preposterous outfit when she knew damn well that the zombie outbreak had already occured?
                Leon had just finished Police Academy, with exceptional scores and as top of his class, and was hired by/applied to the Raccoon Police Department, which really isn't uncommon. He was moving to the city, presumably with all his belongings already moved before him, and Resident Evil 2 opens with his arrival to the city, after, I believe, being delayed at least a day by something I can't remember (the source for that may or may not be SDPerry/not canon).

                In addition, the outbreak of Raccoon was long in build-up, with many reported sightings and incidents all through late August/early-mid September, but what is actually considered the outbreak was pretty short, I think it lasted around five or so days, from about the 24th/25th through to the 30th. If both Leon and Claire were on the road for several days, it's vaguely possible he never heard about it. I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in at least one game in the series that the incident was downplayed in the media around the US, in part due to Umbrella's influence and the government not wanting to spread panic about a near apocalyptic scenario destroying an entire city that they couldn't handle.

                Honestly though, the whole thing around the army sealing off the city but both Leon and Claire entering blindly is one of the only real story faults I find with the first couple of games. If News Bot has any further info on this one, I'd love to hear it.
                Last edited by randomwab; 01-15-2013, 02:18 PM.


                • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                  I loved her Battle Results screen from CV - She has a full body suit and her bike - homage to ''Elza'' technically Claire.
                  Well, its a nice style, from a fictitious world, the red leather suit is not appropriated for public(but for some other moments). never saw this screen, CV is hard. the visuals lacks polish.

                  as for elza, her punk biker dude style is very welcome, but its an artwork. but in the game looks like she just leaved the race.


                  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    There's one thing that has bothered me in RE2 and RE3 and that's the timeline of the outbreak. This came as a result of having Leon and Claire enter Raccoon city instead of already being in the midst of the outbreak as Leon and Elza were in 1.5. It raises more questions than it answers. For example, if Leon is working in Raccoon city, why does he live so far away? I can buy the answer that it's his first day, and he's planning to move to Raccoon city at some point. However, this raises even more questions. Why is Raccoon city recruiting from outside the city? Is there really such a shortage of workers from within the city that they have to bring outside help? The size of Raccoon city is at least 100,000, that they wouldn't have any problems finding police officers from within. This leads to the next issue. Upon arriving, we see that a welcome party was planned for Leon. This would mean that things would have been generally okay between the time the party was planned and Leon's imminent arrival. Assuming the officers did not plan the party long in advance, and probably the day before, the outbreak would have occured in a VERY short time frame. Did no one think to call or tell Leon that there was a freaking Zombie outbreak? Are we to assume that Leon lives so far away as to make this difficult or impossible? And that just feeds back into the first query, why does he live so damn far away? Another question related to this. From RE3 and the Outbreak games, we learn two things. That the outbreak happened somewhat gradually, with people still living their everyday even in the midst of a very alarming amount of zombies. Just think of the bar scenario in Outbreak. There are a huge amount of zombies that swarm the place, while people inside are carrying on their merry way. RE3 also gives us the impression that there is news and media coverage regarding the outbreak to the outside world, and even news and media coverage leading up to it. Would Leon and Claire have been oblivious to all this media coverage. Would Leon not have thought to call and make sure everything was okay. DOES HE REALLY LIVE THAT DAMN FAR AWAY. Claire going into the city can clearly be explained as being brash/reckless/tomboy/stupid, but Leon's entry is so contrived. Speaking of contrivances, my final question, why does Jill dive out of an exploding building in RE3? Why would she wear such a preposterous outfit when she knew damn well that the zombie outbreak had already occured?

                    1) Leon doesn't work in Raccoon City. He is in the process of moving there for his first day.

                    2) Raccoon City had an influx of new recruits due to the increase in crime since the mansion incident. The town itself isn't that big, so they began recruiting from outside. Many existing officers were transferred into Raccoon SWAT, so they needed to replenish the regular officers. However, Leon had applied because he wanted to, as he was interested in the bizarre murder cases.

                    3) No, nobody called Leon. The station's communications were dead and he himself overslept and rushed in. Even if he had heard about the military blockade (which didn't exist in BH2) he would have tried getting in anyway. No details about city's condition were reported outside, just that shit had gone down.

                    4) The outbreak occurred on September 23. Leon's party was planned but wasn't due until around September 28.

                    5) The outbreak happened gradually. Yes. However, nobody commonly seems to have a clue about the exact details. They assume it all came from the USS attack on Birkin. It didn't. The virus had spread into the city sewers from the mansion and contaminated the water supply. Quite a few people had become zombies by then, but it was chalked up as a new disease. It caused an increase in "crime" (bizarre murders, that is, people eating people) but the city was otherwise functioning normally. Then, Birkin overloaded the processing capacity of the waste disposal plant and caused the virus to leak from there into the ground. Finally, the large leak in the sewers was then carried by rats, who managed to infect a number of people throughout the city. Later that day (September 23), a zombie strolled into the crowd at Warren Stadium and began eating people, sparking a "riot" and causing the infection to spread extremely rapidly. This crowd is the horde seen in the "Outbreak" scenario. The city quiets down for a bit until September 26, by which time the virus had spread to the point where the city was completely paralyzed, and it only got worse from there with more people being infected as the police and National Guard began to fail at keeping it under control. There was no "alarming amount of zombies" UNTIL that very moment in the Outbreak scenario with the main characters in J's Bar, which had all broken off from the main horde from the stadium.

                    6) BH3 gives absolutely no impression about news or media coverage. The city is completely cut-off. The only thing shown to the media were video feeds by Umbrella showing the U.B.C.S. attempting to rescue people, in order to stall the city's destruction.

                    7) Again, Leon attempted to call but received no answer due to the station being dead. He's in the same boat as Claire in terms of being "brash." Neither had any real reason not to go since they had no idea what was happening in the city, just that shit happened.

                    8) Jill "dives out" because how the fuck else are you going to move with a shockwave behind you?

                    9) Jill wears what she wears because the character designer wanted her to and the director agreed. The writer had nothing to do with that choice (and he applauded when it was lampooned in the Chinese comics based on the game).

                    Finally; BH2, BH3 and Outbreak were written by completely different writers, the latter two had to build up their own story from scratch as CAPCOM were shit at record keeping back then. There are inconsistencies, although you can work around them.

                    Leon and Claire being able to enter the city despite the military blockade was explained by the writer of BH3 here:

                    Q10) Did you have an explanation for how Leon & Claire were able to enter Raccoon City despite the military blockade?

                    Leon and Claire were fortunate (or perhaps unfortunate) in that they were able to slip by the blockade when the military forces quarantining Raccoon City retreated after facing an attack from the zombies.
                    Raccoon City is located in an isolated area in the mid-west, and is surrounded by stretches of wasteland with nary a building in sight. Since the majority of the citizens had been confirmed dead, the military decided to quickly back off to prevent any unnecessary casualties.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                      There's one thing that has bothered me in RE2 and RE3 and that's the timeline of the outbreak. This came as a result of having Leon and Claire enter Raccoon city instead of already being in the midst of the outbreak as Leon and Elza were in 1.5. It raises more questions than it answers. For example, if Leon is working in Raccoon city, why does he live so far away? I can buy the answer that it's his first day, and he's planning to move to Raccoon city at some point. However, this raises even more questions. Why is Raccoon city recruiting from outside the city? Is there really such a shortage of workers from within the city that they have to bring outside help? The size of Raccoon city is at least 100,000, that they wouldn't have any problems finding police officers from within. This leads to the next issue. Upon arriving, we see that a welcome party was planned for Leon. This would mean that things would have been generally okay between the time the party was planned and Leon's imminent arrival. Assuming the officers did not plan the party long in advance, and probably the day before, the outbreak would have occured in a VERY short time frame. Did no one think to call or tell Leon that there was a freaking Zombie outbreak? Are we to assume that Leon lives so far away as to make this difficult or impossible? And that just feeds back into the first query, why does he live so damn far away? Another question related to this. From RE3 and the Outbreak games, we learn two things. That the outbreak happened somewhat gradually, with people still living their everyday even in the midst of a very alarming amount of zombies. Just think of the bar scenario in Outbreak. There are a huge amount of zombies that swarm the place, while people inside are carrying on their merry way. RE3 also gives us the impression that there is news and media coverage regarding the outbreak to the outside world, and even news and media coverage leading up to it. Would Leon and Claire have been oblivious to all this media coverage. Would Leon not have thought to call and make sure everything was okay. DOES HE REALLY LIVE THAT DAMN FAR AWAY. Claire going into the city can clearly be explained as being brash/reckless/tomboy/stupid, but Leon's entry is so contrived. Speaking of contrivances, my final question, why does Jill dive out of an exploding building in RE3? Why would she wear such a preposterous outfit when she knew damn well that the zombie outbreak had already occured?
                      You forgot:

                      Why did he starts to work at night?

                      And, why he's already dressed as RPD officer?


                      • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                        You forgot:

                        Why did he starts to work at night?

                        And, why he's already dressed as RPD officer?
                        He starts work at night because he slept in and was meant to arrive earlier that day. Presumably he would have been thrown on night-shift. He's already dressed because he was expecting to start work literally straight away.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • They must have sent his uniform in the mail, I heard or read somewhere they were just about ready to issue the RPD battle armor but the outbreak happened. Might have sent him a set for promotional reasons? I dunno.
                          And there are night shifts.
                          Last edited by Darkness; 01-15-2013, 02:44 PM.


                          • The armor was a newly-issued one that was designed as a direct result of the increased crime. Kevin wears the same one with a short-sleeved shirt, while Leon has a long-sleeved shirt. Leon no doubt had it mailed to him.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • One big inconsistency I've always noticed, is that Jill in RE 3 arrives at the RPD on the night of September 28th (the day before RE 2) and Marvin is already dead, and on a writing on the wall is written September 29th.


                              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                                One big inconsistency I've always noticed, is that Jill in RE 3 arrives at the RPD on the night of September 28th (the day before RE 2) and Marvin is already dead, and on a writing on the wall is written September 29th.
                                It was never mentioned that he was dead...just fatally wounded by zombies...
                                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!

