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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • is there anyone here who knows anyone who knows someone who played 1.5 at TGS many years ago ?
    any Japanese friends that got to play it at the booth.

    also when you take control of Sherry or Marvin did there menu screen have any photo id ? or would it of just been another Chris Redfield ID CARD ?


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      What the hell is 星沖撐秧英庸 supposed to mean?
      Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


      • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
        Parece que han abierto las puerta para idiomas extranjeros...
        La puerta siempre estaba abierta... ;-)


        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
          La puerta siempre estaba abierta... ;-)
          iSeñor, has ganado mi respeto y admiration completa!
          Tu conocimiento en multiples idiomas es impresionante.
          Espero un dia llegar un nivel parecido al tuyo, lo que me hace mas falta es el Japonés, hehe...
          Sera mas facil hací jugar unos juegos, o ayudar en cabiarle el idioma a un juego.l
          Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-20-2013, 06:36 PM.
          "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
          PSN Gamercards


          • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
            iSeñor, has ganado mi respeto y admiration completa!
            Tu conocimiento en multiples idiomas es impresionante.
            Espero un dia llegar un nivel parecido al tuyo, lo que me hace mas falta es el Japonés, hehe...
            Sera mas facil hací jugar unos juegos, o ayudar en cabiarle el idioma a un juego.l

            Hola , yo siempre fui lector de este foro pero jamas me había registrado por falta de interés , ya que solo para ver este tema no veía la razón de registrarme , en fin me alegro que hablen español ya que para mi el español es mi idioma nativo. Puedo hablar en ambos idiomas ingles o español , ya que soy bilingüe. Espero que puedan seguir hablando en español en este foro para que todos los latinoamericanos puedan entender , ya que la gran mayoría no maneja el ingles perfectamente.


            • detenga el flood, muchachito!

              pare com o flood, menino!

              stop the flood, lil guy!

              im afraid of
              Last edited by yurieu; 01-20-2013, 07:04 PM.


              • what the hell is all this spam? anyways it looks like another making of video is right around the corner, woo hoo!!


                • Originally posted by mgo17 View Post
                  Hola , yo siempre fui lector de este foro pero jamas me había registrado por falta de interés , ya que solo para ver este tema no veía la razón de registrarme , en fin me alegro que hablen español ya que para mi el español es mi idioma nativo. Puedo hablar en ambos idiomas ingles o español , ya que soy bilingüe. Espero que puedan seguir hablando en español en este foro para que todos los latinoamericanos puedan entender , ya que la gran mayoría no maneja el ingles perfectamente.
                  Entiendo tus razones, creo que sera possible traducir information nueva en este foro para los individuales como usted que son habladores de Espanol nativo.

                  Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  what the hell is all this spam? anyways it looks like another making of video is right around the corner, woo hoo!!
                  YES! I wonder how this got past me, lol, I check his youtube page up to 5 times daily, hehe... Anyways,
                  Well, pretty much, Enigmatism and I were communicating in Spanish, pretty much I'm saying that I really admire his trilingual abilities and that I'd like to learn Japanese some day as well, and it seems I inspired a long time reader of this post to join because he's now confident that a proper translation of information can occur.
                  "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                  PSN Gamercards


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    I've been jonesing for the prototype so bad I reinstalled RE2 PC to do some modding. I wanted elza, the 40% build weapon animations and 1.5 leon model, 1.5 sherry, but son of a....all those mods STILL don't have download links since megaupload got taken down by the communistic gov! Does ANYONE know where I can get them?
                    If you can provide me a link to somewhere that I can upload them, I have 1.5 Leon, Elza, and Sherry models on my hard drive from that site, that I can upload for you.

                    EDIT: Uploaded to Zshare. Enjoy !

           - 314.8 Kb
           - 145.9 Kb
           - 114.2 Kb
                    Last edited by Original Sin; 01-21-2013, 12:08 AM.
                    Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                    • lol You're not the only people who can speak Spanish in this world. On the flip-side of that coin there are few people here who actually DO understand Spanish. So for their sake, stick to English. Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor.


                      • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                        Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor.


                        • Hey Darkness, Dark Biohazard's RE1.5 PMOD has a lot of what you want already in it, and he's getting ready to release his "final" version. It's been stopped because of impending developments here, but that "final" release is going to have MORE of RE1.5-inspired sweetness than before. If you go back to the thread index and look up his thread, there's a link to the older rev. 2 version of his PMOD. All you have to do is unpack it over a regular retail install of RE2 (either version, original or SourceNext) and go from there. It won't have all that the new one will, but it's got a lot - RE1.5 character models, some of the animations and weapons, parts of the RPD and Underground Lab, and almost all of the Warehouse level. Maybe it'll help slake your thirst until then. No word yet on when he's going to release the third and "final" version.

                          Updated - here's my own link -->
                          Last edited by RMandel; 01-21-2013, 10:15 AM.


                          • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                            lol You're not the only people who can speak Spanish in this world. On the flip-side of that coin there are few people here who actually DO understand Spanish. So for their sake, stick to English. Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor.
                            Ironic, isn't it?
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Creo que él no entendió nada y por eso escribió ese comentario jaja.


                              • I, however, understand everything and would much prefer it if you stayed in English unless there is a very good reason to speak another lunauge, such as woprking or discussing a translation.

