Originally posted by RMandel
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
No, those are the Dark Biohazard mod by Dominion. Dark Biohazard the person is doing a 1.5 mod. It gets confusing.
You can find Dark Biohazard's stuff here - http://www.the-horror.com/forums/sho...1-5-Rooms-Beta
Originally posted by RMandel View PostHey Darkness, Dark Biohazard's RE1.5 PMOD has a lot of what you want already in it, and he's getting ready to release his "final" version. It's been stopped because of impending developments here, but that "final" release is going to have MORE of RE1.5-inspired sweetness than before. If you go back to the thread index and look up his thread, there's a link to the older rev. 2 version of his PMOD. All you have to do is unpack it over a regular retail install of RE2 (either version, original or SourceNext) and go from there. It won't have all that the new one will, but it's got a lot - RE1.5 character models, some of the animations and weapons, parts of the RPD and Underground Lab, and almost all of the Warehouse level. Maybe it'll help slake your thirst until then. No word yet on when he's going to release the third and "final" version.Originally posted by Original Sin View PostIf you can provide me a link to somewhere that I can upload them, I have 1.5 Leon, Elza, and Sherry models on my hard drive from that site, that I can upload for you.
EDIT: Uploaded to Zshare. Enjoy !
RE_1.5_Elza_Walker.zip - 314.8 Kb
RE_1.5_Leon_Kennedy.zip - 145.9 Kb
RE_1.5_Sherry_Birkin.zip - 114.2 Kb
Another link to Dark Biohazard's PMOD
Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Postlol You're not the only people who can speak Spanish in this world. On the flip-side of that coin there are few people here who actually DO understand Spanish. So for their sake, stick to English. Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor."I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
PSN Gamercards
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post"Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor."
Está tentando dizer "Por favor, tente ser um pouco mais educado"?"I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
PSN Gamercards
Originally posted by Leonardos5 View PostOuch, man... I don't even know what dialect you're speaking but I understood, that was messed up... C'mon, we're one community, lets not stoop down to the point of turning against each other, we're better than that...
"Are you trying to say 'try to be a little more polite'?"Last edited by Guest; 01-21-2013, 12:29 PM.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostThe thing is, the line "Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor." was written by a brazillian. I'm brazillian too, and I don't even know what this means...The line I've written " Está tentando dizer "Por favor, tente ser um pouco mais educado"?" means:
"Are you trying to say 'try to be a little more polite'?"The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostThe thing is, the line "Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor." was written by a brazillian. I'm brazillian too, and I don't even know what this means...The line I've written " Está tentando dizer "Por favor, tente ser um pouco mais educado"?" means:
"Are you trying to say 'try to be a little more polite'?"
It seems the word ,"tente", translates to the word I know as, "trata" which may mean, "try" or ,"treat", based on the context...
Hehe, see everyone? Lesson 1: Translation, even within the same language, branch is not easy, lol"I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
PSN Gamercards
Originally posted by Leonardos5 View PostWell, I speak just, Spanish, like from Spain/Cuba, and by it,"Por favor, ser considerado los educados menor.", translates to, "Please, be considerate to those who are less educated." And I drew, from your dialect,"Por favor, tente ser um pouco mais educado"?, to, "Don't you mean, Please, try being a little more educated?" Which I interpreted as a scornful retort.
It seems the word ,"tente", translates to the word I know as, "trata" which may mean, "try" or ,"treat", based on the context...
Hehe, see everyone? Lesson 1: Translation, even within the same language, branch is not easy, lol
Yep, I give up.
Meus vita, Rege, pro nefario coepto..."I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
PSN Gamercards
Y'know, I could have sworn that I told people to knock off the non-English stuff.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostI, however, understand everything and would much prefer it if you stayed in English unless there is a very good reason to speak another lunauge, such as woprking or discussing a translation.
Knock it off, people. I do not want to tell you again.