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  • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
    You guys should make a new thread if you want to discuss the minutia of variations of local Spanish dialects.
    Those offtopics are typical of HOT THREADS when there's no "official" news in a while XD.
    It's hard to say about the work of Da Team...
    MOD is the typical modification of something; RESTORATION is typically used for keep on safe something through the time; perhaps here the correct way to say is: "unofficial completion". But since we know, the team is pollishing models (a MOD of the original ones), this case may be a mix of the latest 3 things I mentioned.
    Wish they add some "rumor" on the game as a parodius of them (if there's one in the fan minds). I don't know about rumors in older RE games (unless the fake playable Gouki/Akuma on RE2) like the many famous SF2 rumors (Chun Li throwing brazelets, Honda on the bathroom, Sheng Long, etc.) like the funny "Claire is missing".
    Last edited by Mae77; 01-22-2013, 12:41 PM.
    The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      Who the fuck cares?
      Shots fired! Everybody, man your canons!


      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        Shots fired! Everybody, man your canons!


        • It could be called a restoration because they're restoring many of the missing features from certain builds.

          It could be called a modification because they're adding weapons icons and designing some of the backgrounds.

          Either way, it can be called both. Does it really matter though? There's seriously no need to argue about it. It seems like you could argue about anything.


          • I also realize the irony in me saying "who the fuck cares?" in a pointless Internet debate.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              That one should be called "tuning". ;D
              Nah tunning is for pussies who have lame cars.

              Modding is the true thing!


              • That one is still considered as "tuning".
                Last edited by Gemini; 01-22-2013, 12:51 PM.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                  The word "mod" comes straight from modifications created using retail games, mainly FPS. It never covered prototypes and it usually involves tools coming straight from the developer (it was specifically the case of games such as Quake or Half Life). Technically speaking, they are even different from regular hacking considering how they were born in the first place. Still, it doesn't make much of a difference in the end.
                  Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                  Semantically and technically speaking, it's neither a mod nor a restoration. You consider something a mod when you grab a retail game, change things, or add new features that were never planned in the first place. Other than that, you're basing your work on something that already exists and works as intended. A restoration takes whatever missing feature (or asset) from a game and adds that back in, making the process a simple hypernym of "mod". When you speak about prototypes, neither applies because you're completing a partially/entirely broken engine, making yourself part of the development process (a mod can't be considered part of that, no matter what one would think).
                  A mod is a modification. And modding doesn't apply to just gaming. A modification is changing something that already exists. It isn't modifying something that (as you say) is retail or complete. Changing an incomplete game is modifying it instead of just leaving it the fuck alone. It's a simple word to understand... You change ANYTHING from it's original state... You are modifying it. All the scientific, internet try hard, 2 page long explanations are so old already... It's a simple thing to comprehend.
                  Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                    That one is still considered as "tuning".
                    Car tuning is the improvement of the performance or appearance of a vehicle.
                    Tuning is supposed to be an improvement, I don't know if it's the case here


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Who the fuck cares?
                      Coming from the person who's at the center of many unimportant debates and arguments...

                      Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                      It could be called a restoration because they're restoring many of the missing features from certain builds.

                      It could be called a modification because they're adding weapons icons and designing some of the backgrounds.

                      Either way, it can be called both. Does it really matter though? There's seriously no need to argue about it. It seems like you could argue about anything.
                      There is no restoration to video gaming. The 40% build is.... the 40% build. The 80% is the 80%. If you are trying to make the 40% into the 80% you are modifying the original 40% to become something it never was.
                      Last edited by Original Sin; 01-22-2013, 01:04 PM.
                      Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                      • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
                        Coming from the person who's at the center of many unimportant debates and arguments...
                        Yeah, that's when you know your argument is really fucking pointless.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Yeah, that's when you know your argument is really fucking pointless.
                          Not My argument... I chimed in after the initial argument. And pointless or not... As long as replies are given, I will give mines... That's your philosophy ain't it ???
                          Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                          • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
                            Not My argument... I chimed in after the initial argument. And pointless or not... As long as replies are given, I will give mines... That's your philosophy ain't it ???
                            Didn't mean you specifically, I was speaking generally. But that is besides the point; the argument is silly. Continuing will achieve nothing, not even a mutual understanding.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Who the fuck cares?


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Didn't mean you specifically, I was speaking generally. But that is besides the point; the argument is silly. Continuing will achieve nothing, not even a mutual understanding.
                                I concur. On with the real discussion. Apologizes on my behalf to all for more unneeded arguing. =)
                                Tired of Stupid... sigpic

