Originally posted by Carnivol
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Original Sin View PostThere is no restoration to video gaming. The 40% build is.... the 40% build. The 80% is the 80%. If you are trying to make the 40% into the 80% you are modifying the original 40% to become something it never was.
Originally posted by Original Sin View PostA mod is a modification. And modding doesn't apply to just gaming. A modification is changing something that already exists. It isn't modifying something that (as you say) is retail or complete. Changing an incomplete game is modifying it instead of just leaving it the fuck alone. It's a simple word to understand... You change ANYTHING from it's original state... You are modifying it. All the scientific, internet try hard, 2 page long explanations are so old already... It's a simple thing to comprehend.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
I unbanned myself.
- the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
- the state or fact of being restored.
- a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.
- restitution of something taken away or lost.
- something that is restored, as by renovating.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_%28video_gaming%29 [not wokipadia or whatever was refered in previous pages]
Mod or modification is a term generally applied to personal computer games (PC games), especially first-person shooters, role-playing games and real-time strategy games. Mods are made by the general public or a developer and can be entirely new games in themselves, but mods are not stand-alone software and require the user to have the original release in order to run. They can include new items, weapons, characters, enemies, models, textures, levels, story lines, music, and game modes. They also usually take place in unique locations. They can be single-player or multiplayer. Mods that add new content to the underlying game are often called partial conversions, while mods that create an entirely new game are called total conversions and mods that fix bugs only are called unofficial patches. Gemini arguments are probably from this source, either way I back him up.
Now to sum it up:
The aim of our Team is to put 40% build into o r i g i n al 80% build by refering A LOT to the avialable Inflames exclusive media and other videos from later builds. That applies to whatever media they put in it. They don't just think up randomly new areas. There can be some areas as just thought up. But this is what restaurator is doing when restoring some ancient piece of shit. Hi is not just adding some random piece, he or she applies parts being similar of that era art and so on. The "Claire Is Missing" is just an easter egg. The only thing they modificate could be source code in binary format to add assets and so on. As psx games cant be just patched after installation so I guess they modificate the main exe.
I agree that it doesn't matter what we call it. It's a GREAT PROJECT! But what matters is using correct terms. And I heavily dislike persons who use terms without knowing what is the meaning.
I will not talk about this matter anymore.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Well it should have been left at there, because regardless if it's a mod or not, it's going to be referred as one - much as if it is a restoration or not, it is going to be called one.
I don't even care, I call it a mod because that's what I believe it to be. Wow at this shit storm over nothing.
Originally posted by drunkdog View PostIs this a serious question? i really hope not.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
There are days when I truly hate this place, and most of the people here...
Call it what you want. Argue over the technical definition if you want. But make a thread for it. Let's at least make something resembling an attempt at self control, people, and stop the off topic bullshit before what little self restraint I have left snaps and I delete the thread.
Truly said Darkmoon; Do any of you guys believe the team would develop an extra mode/s for the game? I was thinking about it the other day, and I mentioned it here before. What is everyones opinion if a 4th survivor like game mode was created? I reckon they could do some very interesting scenarios with different game mode ideas, like a raid mode kinda mode with characters from RE2 + 1, Extreme battle? Just throwing out some ideas. I reckon if any, a 4th survivor mode would be most probable.
Go back to hundred pages and You see how I tried to maintain this thread clean. But it doesn't matter who or what triggers it. All what is being said here is a collective reasoning mixed down. Making new thread is pointless. And due the fact that different reasoners have different amount of data at their disposal bot in 1.5 and general life, such differences give birdth to shit storms.... enough said.
Originally posted by Gradon View PostTruly said Darkmoon; Do any of you guys believe the team would develop an extra mode/s for the game? I was thinking about it the other day, and I mentioned it here before. What is everyones opinion if a 4th survivor like game mode was created? I reckon they could do some very interesting scenarios with different game mode ideas, like a raid mode kinda mode with characters from RE2 + 1, Extreme battle? Just throwing out some ideas. I reckon if any, a 4th survivor mode would be most probable.Last edited by Marvin; 01-22-2013, 02:01 PM.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Originally posted by Gemini View PostSo Resident Evil 2 and 3 have to be considered mods of RE1 because they modify the original engine and build upon that?Tired of Stupid... sigpic
Originally posted by Marvin View PostThe aim of our Team is to put 40% build into o r i g i n al 80% build by refering A LOT to the avialable Inflames exclusive media and other videos from later builds. That applies to whatever media they put in it. They don't just think up randomly new areas. There can be some areas as just thought up. But this is what restaurator is doing when restoring some ancient piece of shit. Hi is not just adding some random piece, he or she applies parts being similar of that era art and so on. The "Claire Is Missing" is just an easter egg. The only thing they modificate could be source code in binary format to add assets and so on. As psx games cant be just patched after installation so I guess they modificate the main exe.Tired of Stupid... sigpic