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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I always thought Elza's first meeting with Roy played out very much like Marvin's in retail where he is supposed to lock the door after you leave. If the screenshot is any indication, it seems like he later tries to leave the interrogation room (unlocking the door ) only to collapse a few steps outside of it. There's probably a key item in the interrogation room (possibly used in restoring power to the comms equipment) he was holed up in. His situation is very reminiscent of Darrio's in RE3.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-24-2013, 02:51 AM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • I wonder if roy was going to basically have marvins retail script lines, or at least something very similar.


      • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
        I wonder if roy was going to basically have marvins retail script lines, or at least something very similar.
        Seems likely to me, possibly Chief Irons as well.


        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
          Seems likely to me, possibly Chief Irons as well.
          yeah except I doubt he gives off the scary im going to kill you vibe lol like in retail 2


          • Just wondering something.
            In RE2 trial, is the bloodied body on the table in Chief Irorns office Clair?
            Considering she was in the game at that point, I'm just wondering why it's there (along with Kendo in the chair). It only shows up when you walk around the table.
            Were the models just placeholders for Irons and the Mayor's daughter later on?


            • Originally posted by braders1986 View Post
              Just wondering something.
              In RE2 trial, is the bloodied body on the table in Chief Irorns office Clair?
              Considering she was in the game at that point, I'm just wondering why it's there (along with Kendo in the chair). It only shows up when you walk around the table.
              Were the models just placeholders for Irons and the Mayor's daughter later on?
              It was the model of the female zombie in shorts. The entire shot is just a placeholder to frame how the cutscene with Irons would play out.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • I'm not sure if anyone can answer this but in 1.5 when Elza or Leon are teamed up with there own partners like john and Marvin , will John or Marvin actually help you fight the Zombie's ect ? Or will it be one of those things were they look like there helping you but there shot's don't actually do any damage.


                • It's possible. But if you'll notice, the side characters only ever seem to team up/regroup with Leon/Elza during the first and last few closing parts of every level, i.e. when there aren't really any enemies around while exploring. Ada herself seems to disappear during the parking boss fight. There is this one shot of John standing in the corner of room during the boss fight in the conference room, but it's likely to be just a bug they haven't gotten around to fixing yet:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	biohazard013.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	44.5 KB
ID:	402347
                  Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-24-2013, 05:58 AM.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                    It's possible. But if you'll notice, the side characters only ever seem to team up/regroup with Leon/Elza during the first and last few closing parts of every level, i.e. when there aren't really any enemies around while exploring. Ada herself seems to disappear during the parking boss fight. There is this one shot of John standing in the corner of room during the boss fight in the conference room, but it's likely to be just a bug they haven't gotten around to fixing yet:


                    ah ok cool thanks for the fast reply also I love that screen shot !
                    reminds me when the licker breaks through the glass in the ceiling in retail 2
                    Last edited by chrisliam2; 01-24-2013, 06:05 AM.


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      It was the model of the female zombie in shorts. The entire shot is just a placeholder to frame how the cutscene with Irons would play out.
                      Correct, they were left over for some reason perhaps due to the game not being finished or something else, they're on the PC demo too.
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Originally posted by braders1986 View Post
                        Just wondering something.
                        In RE2 trial, is the bloodied body on the table in Chief Irorns office Clair?
                        Considering she was in the game at that point, I'm just wondering why it's there (along with Kendo in the chair). It only shows up when you walk around the table.
                        Were the models just placeholders for Irons and the Mayor's daughter later on?
                        They're placeholders used to help gain perspective on how camera angles look with human models in the frame. It's necessary when trying to create camera angles and translate those to separate 3D models, having the model in the frame lets them see how it should look so they can get a better match.
                        Last edited by Guest; 01-24-2013, 08:26 AM.


                        • Yep, its basically an in-engine storyboard. Not that storyboards aren't sometimes just tossed into the engine by themselves, like with the ending to the original Xbox version of Kameo before it was moved to the 360


                          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                            It's possible. But if you'll notice, the side characters only ever seem to team up/regroup with Leon/Elza during the first and last few closing parts of every level, i.e. when there aren't really any enemies around while exploring. Ada herself seems to disappear during the parking boss fight. There is this one shot of John standing in the corner of room during the boss fight in the conference room, but it's likely to be just a bug they haven't gotten around to fixing yet:

                            Yeah we still don't know if they actually help you take out the baddies. Of course the team knows. But judging from John's gun pose and marvin's gun in his hand during that one cutscene photo they gave to us, they do.


                            • Speaking of boss battles, as there been any indication as to how many times Birkin is fought by each character?

                              News Bot, can you clarify on this one?

                              In case there's some confusion regarding to the amount of times Birkin is fought by each character, this question was spawned after I analyzed the footage from Complete Disc Movie 4. There's two different cutscenes with Birkin, but in both of them, he seems to have the same form (although this could be due to the low quality of the movie itself).

                              This got me thinking. Perhaps, like with the Bio Gorillas, both characters fight the same bosses, but at different locations. The photographs provided by Kim of also show two different battles against Birkin at the Train Platform and during the Train Escape, but Birkin does not appear to have significantly changed in-between battles. This might mean that one of the characters fights him before the train is activated, and the other after the escape begins. Same deal with the laboratory.

                              Furthermore, this would mean that the boss fight for each character is 5. Which seems to be in line with that of BioHazard 1 (Yawn, Plant 42, Black Tiger, T-002, Super Tyrant 002) and 2 (Scenario A: G-Creature, Giant Crocodile, Birkin Mut. II, Birkin Mut. III, Birkin Mut. IV; Scenario B: Tyrant T-103, Birkin Mut. I, Birkin Mut. III, Super Tyrant 103, Birkin Mut. V).
                              Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-24-2013, 01:22 PM.

                              BioHazard YouTube Channel
                              BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                              • Theres birkin with pipe, birkin shoving his arm through a factory door mutating and gaining his trademark claws (bzorks avatar and psm anniversary footage), birkin stabbing the manspider and it dies cutscene, birkin dropping on leon in the power room, and the various birkins in the train area.

                                So yes, I'd equate it to roughly 5 fights per scenario. Birkin was alot more involved and ruthless
                                Last edited by Darkness; 01-24-2013, 01:41 PM.

