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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
    1 - Kill a mod and take there powers.

    2 - Bribe Carn with his alcohol of choice.

    Or 3 - Be Ungodly ancient and trusted with dark secrets that would shame people in power if they came to light. Which is what I did. I still have one of Ice's writing projects here somewhere...

    Seriously, people, I've spent the last two days watching this thread in awe as it degenerates into the same load of bullshit crazy that made me lock it before. Read the title of the thread, think before you post, and I can totally not murder you all.

    And yes, I'm sure there will be many cries of how horrible a person I am. I utterly fail to care. Your hate makes me stronger.

    Now how about we discuss things in a civil manner instead of arguing, going nuts, or telling other people what to do and think?
    I propose a motion to prohibit the explicit use of the words, "mod", and ,"restoration" (in context to it's reference as a whole), in favor of reference to Mr.BZork's possible future release as...
    the ,"project".
    Any other proposed names?
    All in favor?
    "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
    PSN Gamercards


    • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
      I propose a motion to prohibit the explicit use of the words, "mod", and ,"restoration" (in context to it's reference as a whole), in favor of reference to Mr.BZork's possible future release as...
      the ,"project".
      Any other proposed names?
      All in favor?
      Just stop bringing it UPPPPPPP


      • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
        I propose a motion to prohibit the explicit use of the words, "mod", and ,"restoration"
        There's only one person who had an issue with that, the same one who started the argument and ironically now asks to be a moderator.

        People call this project whatever the hell they want. And since a restauration is a mod (but the contrary does not hold), both are correct anyway. So let's call it a mod, a restoration, or whatever else.

        But I don't want this one person coming back telling people they have to call it this or that. It's not a fucking dictatorship, and the logic behind his remark had absolutely no factual basis.

        From now on, I'm gonna call that project Barbara. It sounds cool.


        • When the team completes "noahs ark" (my name for the project), there will be heavenly light shining down. Though there is no expected date for finishing. The goal of noah's ark isn't a solid vision, and plugging in holes is time consuming and you find new holes daily.


          • They should include the Zoo featured in Outbreak File 2 then


            • Man, this is almost better than watching Dr. Phil. RE15 - the talk show! (shakes head). Hey, the rest of you standing back here - got any popcorn?


              • This is entirely pointless, I check this thread once a day and find almost everyday two new pages of nothing, 1 comment related to the 1.5 and then 20 comments of completely garbage, spam, and off topic. It´s a completely waste of time to read so many stupid comments.

                I agreed with the mod´s decision of closing this thread and I will agree if they choose to close it again and forever. Sadly, there are stil a few serious and respectable users, I´m sorry for them, but the others only posts pure trash.

                I´m not a moderator, so it´s not my decision, but I suggest, from my modest place, that a thread with only information, and no comments availability, of the Team´s project will be the best choice to put an end to this. Just my opinion.
                Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-28-2013, 01:17 PM.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • The last part is not a good idea, the fun part of this thread is people speculating and piecing things together (that requires us to all comment and interact with each other) if we make it so no one can comment and only leave it for the new stuff from the team we won't get no where. I'v been surprised at how much information we, as a community have been able to figure out just through interactions and looking at pictures/videos. I think people who continue to argue should get warnings or infractions. Like stated above, i'm not a mod but i feel it's a good idea, maybe some people will get the point then.
                  Last edited by Guest; 01-28-2013, 02:36 PM.


                  • I'd sure like to find out exactly why that damn door is rendered


                    • ...fuck me running.

                      People. Put down your crack pipes, and then scroll to the top of the page. You'll see a title there. It says;

                      Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots (Respect the mods, avoid stupidity)

                      The next person to go on about whether it's a mod or a restoration?

                      I ban that person.

                      The next person to go on about whether we should be discussing things?

                      I ban them, too.

                      At this point, I will probably ban the people standing either side of those people at the time, and possibly any pets they may have too. As for how long? However long I feel like at the time. You lot are going to learn to follow instructions or die trying. I'm not entirely sure which I prefer.

                      You will discuss 1.5, the mod project, and anything else actually relevant. Even the shadow argument, as batshit crazy as it was, was remotely relevant. You will talk about it in calm, respectful fashions or I will descend upon you, lacking both calm and respect, and try to work out how to gnaw through a jugular via the internet. I suspect a java script holds the key.

                      Consider yourselves amply warned.


                      • I agree about banning about the 2 points you said. It's normal what happens here: hot thread, hot waiting in a hot awaited game, offtopics comes when there's no "official" news in a while. Please people get some of patience with everybody here. But the thing about "mod" or "restoration" is totally useless right now. The thread is cool, it gets higher hopes for people like me who knows a little about 1.5 while guys who knows a lot let us learn of what we missed, and what we'll get. Cheers !
                        Last edited by Mae77; 01-28-2013, 01:44 PM.
                        The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


                        • Okay guys, so back to the discussions...
                          I'm actually quite curious, as far as BZork has lead on, the project will be able to run on PS1, but do you think it'll be able to run SMOOTHLY with the touched up models (dem polys) and maybe a better dynamic shadowing system like everyone loves to talk about, on ze PS1?
                          Last edited by Leonardos5; 01-28-2013, 02:11 PM.
                          "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                          PSN Gamercards


                          • A better dynamic shadowing system?


                            • I think he was referring to clipping issues, which were referred even before as "better shadowing" or whatever.

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                I'd sure like to find out exactly why that damn door is rendered
                                Its interesting........

