A few of us have been trying to shed light on recent discoveries, which are often overshadowed anyway. Aside from investigation and analysis, I'm not sure what else there is to talk about until new information is released. I encourage anyone unfamiliar with the game's finer details to study Kegluneq's public collection, which he took many pains in assembling. I'm sure that there must be some questions that would arise.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
I wonder, but I doubt if the era 4 build of the game has an actual ending. If not, I wonder how the team will do the ending? Will it tie in with something next? Or somehow workout to tie into the next game: Last Escape. Of course would be non cannon, but just curious and looking forward to what I shall play!"
"Even the shadow argument, as batshit crazy as it was, was remotely relevant"
Sorry I found that quite funny haha.Last edited by Guest; 01-28-2013, 04:17 PM.
Well, from what I've always understood, Leon's game was pretty much complete and Elza's was almost complete - insofar as the "final" 80% build goes. We have screen snaps and footage of Leon (not counting the post-BZork stuff) of him at almost every point of his game from start to finish. Elza's game - as we know it - ends in the underground lab somewhere between the fire and the escape train. I'm sure at least one of our resident experts will quickly correct me if I'm wrong (wink), but that's how I understood it back when I was drafting my "Story of RE15" video series. We knew how Leon's game ended. We didn't have anything image-wise for the ending of Elza's game. Maybe those images - if they existed - didn't get released, but now I'm speculating. If anyone's got honest-to-god, undoctored, unshopped, and non-recreated images of Elza fighting the final form Birkin, either on the train level or inside it on the way out. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
Originally posted by Morellus View PostGuys , i saw some footage (on YT, some time ago) of Leon in the Lab (in fire) fighting with the Man Spider with the autodestruct alarm... Could someone send me the link? :/"I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by RMandel View PostWell, from what I've always understood, Leon's game was pretty much complete and Elza's was almost complete - insofar as the "final" 80% build goes. We have screen snaps and footage of Leon (not counting the post-BZork stuff) of him at almost every point of his game from start to finish. Elza's game - as we know it - ends in the underground lab somewhere between the fire and the escape train. I'm sure at least one of our resident experts will quickly correct me if I'm wrong (wink), but that's how I understood it back when I was drafting my "Story of RE15" video series. We knew how Leon's game ended. We didn't have anything image-wise for the ending of Elza's game. Maybe those images - if they existed - didn't get released, but now I'm speculating. If anyone's got honest-to-god, undoctored, unshopped, and non-recreated images of Elza fighting the final form Birkin, either on the train level or inside it on the way out. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
This might mean that Leon's portion in the final build was completed because he was intended to be the first one to leave the laboratory. Elza's portion might be unfinished because the developers hadn't decided how they would handle her escape, especially if both scenarios were not meant to finish in the same manner (different pre-rendered background due to being different escape trains, different locations where the final boss would be fought, different events happening). Remember Ys1's comparative analysis? There some new pre-rendered backgrounds that never found their way into final build. This could be for two different things:
- The developers did not like the pre-rendered backgrounds they choose and therefore, decided to change them;
- The new pre-rendered backgrounds reflect the new segment of Elza's escape route
The former applies to changes that precede the laboratory escape, but the latter might have something to do with Elza's unfinished portion of the game. Also, take a look at the following images:
Does Birkin seem that significantly different from one to another? We know that Leon fights him in the power room of the laboratory B3F (if I'm not mistaken), but Elza might be fighting him in the central 2 hallway of the laboratory B2F. Remember that although both Leon and Elza fight the same Bio Gorilla's in the RPD, they battle them at different locations. This could be the same thing. However, if Birkin does present to have different degrees of difficulty (due to some new attacks or behaviour) how do you balance that out?
This might be why you see Leon fighting Birkin twice. If you look at these two images of Birkin, you can see there is not a whole amount of difference between them. Perhaps the developers were testing two different battles against Birkin to decide which character would fight him in the train platform, and which other would fight him in the train. The most difficult to fight against would be placed against the character than had an easier time fighting him in the lab to even out the difficulty among the characters. The objective was eventually to implement that in Elza's unfinished portion of the game, but it never got to that point.
This would also fall in line with the number of boss fights that each character has to deal with. Leon fights 5 bosses and Elza fights another 5, which is reminiscent of BioHazard 1 (Yawn, Plant 42, Black Tiger, T-002, Super Tyrant) and BioHazard 2 retail (G-Creature, Giant Crocodile, Birkin II, Birkin III, Birkin IV; T-103, Birkin I, Birkin III, Super Tyrant, Birkin V). Furthermore, it extremely excessive to have both characters fight up to 4 (or 5 depending on whether you believe that Elza and Leon fight every single form of Birkin) bosses just before getting access to the laboratory. A complete shift in terms of pace. Not impossible, though, given the Pursuer in BioHazard 3 can be fought up to 6 times before leaving part of the Raccoon City in the cable car.
Bear in mind that this is all speculation, though. It's not founded on any concrete evidence found in BioHazard 1.5. It's merely an attempt to connect the dots to understand why was Elza's portion of the game unfinished. In the bioflames.com photographs, there is not a single screenshot of Elza in the laboratory, which might mean that entire part of her story was still in the works (though footage of her does exist in the laboratories).
Originally posted by randomwab View PostSo people now think Elza's scenario wasn't ever finished 'cause they don't have screens?
Originally posted by randomwab View Post1.5 brings out the dumbest in everyone. I hope the team release it quick so we can euthanize this mass stupidity and move on.
Also, it's entertaining to see that it's a member of the THIA staff the first to break the rules imposed by the main moderator in the previous page.
For the record, I'm done bringing any further additional subjects pertaining to BioHazard 2 Prototype in the future that could help us understand the nature of the story, gameplay and design of the game. Getting a little tired of this shit, to be frank.Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-28-2013, 07:31 PM.