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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
    It looked like the game was playable up to the lab area, this is before the team got this from curator?
    Pretty certain there's no indication of where they got the build. I would doubt it came from Curator considering he pretty much stuck to his guns that he didn't have a copy and I doubt he'd have the interest in providing it to RE fans after everything.


    • Could be a copy. I bet it ORIGINALLY came from the same disc. haha.


      • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
        I doubt he'd have the interest in providing it to RE fans after everything.
        You know that he was in need of money, right? He's not running a charity...


        • Yep, in dire need of money. It's why he's selling his entire museum. Someone ponied up enough cash for 1.5? Might be the heavenly soul allowing this project now.


          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
            You know that he was in need of money, right? He's not running a charity...
            Actually, the "Museum" was pretty much him running a charity. A guy searching high and low for all things (mainly PS1) and sharing with the public his findings.

            What people fail to understand when it comes to sites like PSM is that their owners/staff have a certain amount of integrity and a lot of their content, just like with any other media outlet, comes with a lot of dos and don'ts in terms of how you can treat the information you've either acquired or somehow been provided by third parties. And when he started selling off his "Museum", a lot of items he's known for being in posession of were excluded from the lot (likely for various reasons)
            Last edited by Carnivol; 01-31-2013, 08:10 PM.


            • Making a video of himself playing RE 1.5 on a real PS1 with Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing mockingly playing in the background sure shown the "integrity" of his Museum.

              EDIT: Didn't he also request hentai of Elza Walker and a PSP for RE 1.5, even though he didn't actually own it? Not much "integrity" there.
              Last edited by Eteponge; 01-31-2013, 09:30 PM.


              • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                Pretty certain there's no indication of where they got the build. I would doubt it came from Curator considering he pretty much stuck to his guns that he didn't have a copy and I doubt he'd have the interest in providing it to RE fans after everything.
                Ever since you clued me in to this info, it has driven me nuts to see people talking about the Curator having 1.5.... No matter how many times I corrected people. xD And I agree, after that massive shit storm I doubt he'd ever help the RE community again.


                • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                  Making a video of himself playing RE 1.5 on a real PS1 with Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing mockingly playing in the background sure shown the "integrity" of his Museum.


                  • Alright guys, I've been away from this site for far too long. I noticed this thread really has blown up in the last couple months, but I was wondering if perhaps anyone can catch me up to speed. I am aware of what's going on, but not sure as to what has been announced or shown within the past couple months.

                    Hope no one minds filling me in.

                    EDIT: Alright, I see that the media has been posted at least on the front page (somehow I neglected to think to check the first post, forgive me on this part), but still am not aware of information announced in the past couple months. There really is too much information to look through on this thread.
                    Last edited by ChibiGoku; 01-31-2013, 09:41 PM.


                    • Originally posted by ChibiGoku View Post
                      Alright guys, I've been away from this site for far too long. I noticed this thread really has blown up in the last couple months, but I was wondering if perhaps anyone can catch me up to speed. I am aware of what's going on, but not sure as to what has been announced or shown within the past couple months.

                      Hope no one minds filling me in.

                      EDIT: Alright, I see that the media has been posted at least on the front page (somehow I neglected to think to check the first post, forgive me on this part), but still am not aware of information announced in the past couple months. There really is too much information to look through on this thread.
                      i think its good to follow the BZork Feed on youtube and his responses to youtube users. handful explanations this way.


                      • Originally posted by News Bot;244611You should just admit that you can't handle it when someone doesn't absolutely adore a game that was scrapped [B
                        for being inferior[/B].
                        See, man, here is where I take issue with what you're saying. I understand what you're saying, but I disagree with your open acceptance that 1.5 was inferior to 2. Just because it was different, doesn't make it worse. It could have all been a matter of preference, and in that, the devs prefered 2 over 1.5, but just because they didn't like it, doesn't mean it was inferior to 2 (but that doesn't mean it was better either). As it stands I view them as 2 different products, and I'd like to evaluate 1.5 on my own to form my opinion as to which I found to be better, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better.
                        I don't know if you're expressing that you feel this way, but the claim is not fact, it's preference, man.
                        But that's just it. Everything else you're saying I totally understand.
                        Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                        Ever since you clued me in to this info, it has driven me nuts to see people talking about the Curator having 1.5.... No matter how many times I corrected people. xD And I agree, after that massive shit storm I doubt he'd ever help the RE community again.
                        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                        PSN Gamercards


                        • We need new media to discuss...


                          • Originally posted by Hepatus View Post
                            We need new media to discuss...
                            Most definitely. Of course, after the new media is unveiled, it will just start this childishness all over again. Only that time, it will revolve around a new subject.


                            • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                              Most definitely. Of course, after the new media is unveiled, it will just start this childishness all over again. Only that time, it will revolve around a new subject.
                              Kyle this is how the world works. If You Wanna Find Some Quality Friends You Gotta Wade Through All the Dicks First!


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                Kyle this is how the world works. If You Wanna Find Some Quality Friends You Gotta Wade Through All the Dicks First!
                                There can be only two types of people in the RE1.5 arena; 1) Bitter enemies and 2) People who know more than they're telling us. At least that's what I've come up with based on my observations of this thread... hell, this forum. In any case, things will get better for a time after BZork and the team grace us with something shiny and new to look at.

                                P.S. Oddly, it disturbs me that you capitalized every word in that sentence...

