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  • Originally posted by LongTimeLurker View Post
    'History' has shown that the in-fighting and arguments within the community, as well as the hassle that people with 1.5 have to endure, can jeopardise it seeing the light of day. That's why people need to be sensible, Kegluneq is 100% correct, it is boarderline lunacy at times.
    i have seen no evidence of that happening. unless you are referring to curator, in which case i doubt what anyone else did really had an impact on that childs choices.

    i think its pretty well settled this is coming out no matter what the community does.

    and this is too exciting of a time for everyone to be "sensible".


    • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
      It's not about "a video game", it's about honor and trust. Just because the reasons aren't vivid and out in the open doesn't mean there aren't valid or it's silly.
      And Alzaire hit the nail directly on the head. There's a reason the public don't know everything, and it's not for being 'spiteful' at all. Jobs can be on the line with sensitive information.

      I'd just like to expand on my previous point that, we were never meant to get the game, ever. After 1997, that's it, 1.5 was shelved.

      It's pretty remarkable how far we've come. I have to be honest - and I'm sure this applies to some of you - I would have never heard of the beta if it wasn't for INFLAMES and BioFlames. It's pretty shocking how far we've come from magazine scans and clips from Capcom to an '80%' build being shown at BioFlames and '40%' build at PSM. To this.

      Just keep that in mind when you're begging for information and trying to justify it. We were never meant to get the beta. And look what's happening. Be grateful and just wait.


      i have seen no evidence of that happening.
      There was something after the Curator era, it was messed up again however (and it wasn't even public afaik). I don't have too much information on it though, I know it was reported here at some time.
      Last edited by Gradon; 02-01-2013, 09:39 AM.


      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
        and this is too exciting of a time for everyone to be "sensible".
        Sometimes we have to "beg"
        The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


        • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
          And Alzaire hit the nail directly on the head. There's a reason the public don't know everything, and it's not for being 'spiteful' at all. Jobs can be on the line with sensitive information.

          I'd just like to expand on my previous point that, we were never meant to get the game, ever. After 1997, that's it, 1.5 was shelved.

          It's pretty remarkable how far we've come. I have to be honest - and I'm sure this applies to some of you - I would have never heard of the beta if it wasn't for INFLAMES and BioFlames. It's pretty shocking how far we've come from magazine scans and clips from Capcom to an '80%' build being shown at BioFlames and '40%' build at PSM. To this.

          Just keep that in mind when you're begging for information and trying to justify it. We were never meant to get the beta. And look what's happening. Be grateful and just wait.


          There was something after the Curator era, it was messed up again however (and it wasn't even public afaik). I don't have too much information on it though, I know it was reported here at some time.
          I guess i was one of the ones who found bioflames AFTER i found out about 1.5, hell i'm not even signed up at bioflames and i'v been following 1.5 since it was shelved. But yup, it's quite amazing how far we've came, all the stuff we've dealt with.... now it's all paying off. We're finally gonna get to play the game!


          • ^ Same here about Bioflames.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              And when he started selling off his "Museum", a lot of items he's known for being in posession of were excluded from the lot (likely for various reasons)
              Most likely sold under the table.

              Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
              Ever since you clued me in to this info, it has driven me nuts to see people talking about the Curator having 1.5.... No matter how many times I corrected people. xD And I agree, after that massive shit storm I doubt he'd ever help the RE community again.
              If you want to "correct" people, you should probably re(re)ad the whole story first:
              It's been five years we all know Curator was behind all that mess. I have absolutely no idea why Alzaire still defends him though.


              • We aren't defending him - we just aren't as sure as some that he has his own copy. That he was the troll? Sure. That he has a copy? Who knows...

                Well, I do, but that's because I'm awesome.


                • I'm not defending him. All I've ever really said was that he wasn't the owner of the disc and did not have it. Which was true. Whether he had a copy or not though, up to speculation. Most likely he did, but it wasn't going to do anyone any good to worry about it.


                  • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                    We aren't defending him - we just aren't as sure as some that he has his own copy. That he was the troll? Sure. That he has a copy? Who knows...
                    Well, I didn't include you. I have the utmost respect for you guys, and especially for Dot50 since he was very active on the backstage and I think I can perfectly feel how disappointed he really his (was).

                    I understand why Alzaire defended him back then, when you have some cards in your hands, you don't throw them out of the window and he was managing the situation as best as he could. But once Dot connected the dots (hoho..), the situation became pretty evident. Of course it was him, the IP address, profile pictures and all these things were hard evidence. The only way it couldn't be him is that if he was working the whole time with "Goromacida". But come on, what kind of duo would do something that retarded. They would have had to share material since the very beginning of that fiasco, and I don't believe it one minute.

                    Ultimately people can think whatever they want, but for me the evidence is here. And I am certain that the version the team is working on comes from the curator. And I don't think he made as much money as he would have made back in 2007 if the deal had worked. He's selling his whole museum, do you really think he'd keep a 300usd game for himself? He was probably still in touch with some people and what happened happened.

                    Of course we'll never know if is is true or not. But honestly I don't want to know, and it's not important. The only positive aspect in this whole story is that there's a team working on it now. They are willingly spending hundreds of hours of their life working on something that is far from deserved, and we can be eternally thankful for that. I really felt terrible back in 2007, but maybe it allowed the current events to unfold the way they do, and there's a chance that had curator not started the whole mess, we might have had that "40%" version already, but not the mod. And making the game playable is, from my point of view, a much bigger opportunity than playing an half-assed beta of some kind.

                    Future will tell, but it seems to be heading in a really good direction.
                    Last edited by Rick Hunter; 02-01-2013, 01:33 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      The only positive aspect in this whole story is that there's a team working on it now. They are willingly spending hundreds of hours of their life working on something that is far from deserved, and we can be eternally thankful for that. I really felt terrible back in 2007, but maybe it allowed the current events to unfold the way they do, and there's a chance that had curator not started the whole mess, we might have had that "40%" version already, but not the mod.
                      had incident of curator not happen, maybe you'd see more build long ago. i think project still happen, but only if staff of the horror or other potential build owner willing to work. i actually try to work for other project with curator back then for two other game, but nothing was happen.

                      Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                      I can't stress this enough. Regardless of what your opinion of GManWillis is, it's my belief that he was correct in saying that the development of the project's team was delayed (the release date was scheduled to Halloween according to him), and the most likely reason for this was the leaked information that got out. That's a shame, because even if people are good intentioned, they end up fucking things and harming the people working on this project and the community as a whole.
                      not all people good intents for right reason. many people just look for the attention and quarter of fame. you familiar with how you track a thing?


                      • Well, I hope you will be credited in some way or another in the long term and benefit from it, because that kind of project is really interesting. I can't imagine how hard it must be to manage it and try to stick to a schedule when you have other things to worry about.


                        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                          So did we confirm if these photos he posted were real?
                          They were on ebay, and everyone was writing about it at the time. Alzaire said, the one with Elza on the conveyer belt, is from an earlier build. If you compare it with the background images of the factory, from the BH2 trial disc, you will see it has less detail.
                          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                          • I hope the release of 1.5 (and what I assume will be a huge number of downloads and a lot of feedback) persuades capcom to try the old style of gameplay again. that'd be rad.


                            • Well capcom did do a Megaman Revival in 8bit form for MM9 and 10.
                              It would be interesting if they would ever consider making a PS1 Era style Graphic ResidentEvil game, complete with tank controls. But from there I wouldn't be sure if they would make it Piñata-mode or true survival horror mode. (Piñata-mode as in that RE4 parody picture of the mob spilling Ammo/Gold/Health on every kill).


                              • ^love tank controls.

                                Capcom will never make old PS1 style resident evil game. never. it is not wise marketing decision. capcom as any decent firm, is build upon making money. a bunch of oldschoolers vs new youngtest hunting resident evil 7 gives you marketing options on table. no need to think here. period.
                                Last edited by Marvin; 02-02-2013, 02:49 AM.
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

