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  • Pardon me Gentlemen,
    I've heard about the N64 REZero dumping incident but not in full details, I would like to simply know what year did the event occur.

    I am Aware that Capcom did not intervene for the dumping of the Gameboy Beta which happened recently, with this said do you think that if someone still has a copy of N64 REZero beta and would try to dump it, would Capcom now at this year and age would try to intervene again?

    It's just that if the first time Capcom Intervened with the Dump of REZero might have happened +8 years ago (I'm unsure of the date of the Event, that's why i asked), then perhaps by theory if the dump was attempted again, capcom wont do anything about it due to Capcom not doing anything about the recent dumping of the Gameboy beta.

    What are your Opinions on this.
    Last edited by Tewi; 02-02-2013, 11:41 PM.


    • Carn, your prize :

      and Kegluneq, here is yours
      Last edited by Marvin; 02-02-2013, 11:54 PM.
      ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


      • Originally posted by Tewi View Post
        Pardon me Gentlemen,
        I've heard about the N64 REZero dumping incident but not in full details, I would like to simply know what year did the event occur.
        I would like to know the full details as well, but most of the time I see it talked about here, merely the event itself is briefly mentioned (RE Zero 64 somehow got out, wasn't dumped, Capcom stopped them, that's all that is known), almost whispered about, with nothing further being said about it. On another forum, the very mention of the incident itself is banned from conversation. So, maybe it's best not to pry.
        Last edited by Eteponge; 02-03-2013, 12:42 AM.


        • Re0 N64 is not leaked.


          • Click image for larger version

Name:	Sem título.png
Views:	1
Size:	384.6 KB
ID:	402417

            So... the train with hole is on Trial?

            does anyone knows something about this?


            • Well yes it's in the files. No idea where the first picture comes from though.


              • The first background comes from the retail product.

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  To be honest, I consider myself more of an achievement whore . . .
                  So? I'm a trophy AND achievement whore!
                  See you in hell.


                  • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                    I'm a mod, can't I have anyone crawling in my ass?

                    P.S How would they fit? That would be an interesting sequel to "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids"
                    Alzaire, you're a lucky guy, bro.
                    I'm a blackstar.


                    • I still don't know why people still want to play RE0 N64 beta, it was far less completed like the original RE4 fog version when they decided to shift the production of the game to the game cube, the story and settings remained nearly unchanged in the released version.


                      • I'm glad people at least have noticed the type of protectiveness certain companies have of certain properties. Stuff like Chrono Trigger is a perfect sample of what a mess these things can bring. Basically, something like Chrono Trigger probably repeatedly causes problems due to the fact that there are so much outsourced/contracted work on it that you probably have every contributing party's legal department asking the publisher "What's the deal with this? Is this you? My contract says I should be paid for derivative work and that I should be given the yay/nay on future usage."

                        Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                        So, even though *some* Prototype owners can be total na-na-na-na-boo-boo-look-what-i-have-and-you-dooon't dicks (like Curator, and a guy on Youtube with a prototype of the only known copy of Socks The Cats who posted a Curator style teaser video of himself playing it on a real SNES on TV and then taunted and laughed and na-na-na-naed at everyone asking for him to release it) not all of them are like that, and I can understand *WHY* prototype owners have to be so secretive and have a complex system of rules and trust behind the scenes in order to trade these games amongst themselves to keep them in the wild.
                        The known Socks the Cat prototype is owned by DreamTR. That's no secret. He contributed footage of it along with other prototypes to SnesCentral. It's been known for ages and he did video footage of it on request, as it's pretty much the only "major/infamous" title in his wast archive that he hasn't either resold to other collector's (for private holding or public release) or accepted donations to publically release. I'd almost dare say that a huge majority of cartridge based 80s and 90s prototypes in one way or another either comes almost directly from DreamTR or has somehow passed through that guy's hands.

                        Originally posted by Tewi View Post
                        What are your Opinions on this.
                        The case of RE0 N64 is a bit extra tricky, mostly since the initial surfacing of it happened even before the GameCube version was done and because someone signed a non disclosure agreement regarding the material and those things always complicates things - even further down the line. It means you'd basically have to cut off the one and only lead you have, look for alternative sources, and also avoid, unless you're a complete asshole, that the Party Van doesn't roll up the driveway of either sources when you start showing off your new freshly baked ROM dump. Stuff like N64 is a bit like holding a grudge, but not 'cause you necessarely wanna hold a grudge, but because you have a contract signed regarding certain issues and for as long as that contract is valid -- gotta hold onto that grudge and maintain whatever either parties agreed upon. Failing to do so might bite you in the ass if a second incident occurs and someone starts questioning why you're giving them hell and not the other guy who signed the same papers.

                        REGBC turned out to not be that tricky. The biggest problem was just finding it ... and then finding it again, I suppose.

                        Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                        I still don't know why people still want to play RE0 N64 beta, it was far less completed like the original RE4 fog version when they decided to shift the production of the game to the game cube, the story and settings remained nearly unchanged in the released version.
                        Curiosity, I guess. Just like people wanted to see Resident Evil GBC (which on its own is a pretty interesting technical marvel).
                        Last edited by Carnivol; 02-03-2013, 05:49 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          The known Socks the Cat prototype is owned by DreamTR. That's no secret. He contributed footage of it along with other prototypes to SnesCentral. It's been known for ages and he did video footage of it on request, as it's pretty much the only "major/infamous" title in his wast archive that he hasn't either resold to other collector's (for private holding or public release) or accepted donations to publically release. I'd almost dare say that a huge majority of cartridge based 80s and 90s prototypes in one way or another either comes almost directly from DreamTR or has somehow passed through that guy's hands.
                          Hm, I looked at that YouTube video's comments again, and the uploader of the video (the one being a total juvenille ass troll in his responses to people) isn't DreamTR, but DreamTR *does* respond in the comments and said he would sell the game, and a poster mentioned in a later post that DreamTR had sold the prototype to someone, so, it's out of his hands now. But the uploader of the video claims to own a copy of the Rom (apparently a friend of DreamTR?), but he won't release it.

                          However, here's the problem I see with that. The company that made Socks The Cat is long defunct. Therefore, there is no company to go after them for releasing it. But they still won't. :/
                          Last edited by Eteponge; 02-03-2013, 06:07 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                            Hm, I looked at that YouTube video's comments again, and the uploader of the video (the one being a total juvenille ass troll in his responses to people) isn't DreamTR, but DreamTR *does* respond in the comments and said he would sell the game, and a poster mentioned in a later post that DreamTR had sold the prototype to someone, so, it's out of his hands now. But the uploader of the video claims to own a copy of the Rom (apparently a friend of DreamTR?), but he won't release it.

                            However, here's the problem I see with that. The company that made Socks The Cat is long defunct. Therefore, there is no company to go after them for releasing it. But they still won't. :/
                            Haven't looked at the Socks situation in a while, but someone put down money and time to acquire it. DreamTR more or less seemed to live off going high and low on the search for prototypes and reselling/trading them in retro collector communities. They put a lot of effort into this and people in general don't have a habit of doing things for free for random strangers. As for someone possibly sitting on a ROM dump of DreamTR's (former?) cartridge; releasing that ROM is a no go. Like I said elsewhere regarding ISO trades and stuff; it's just not something you really do. It's bad sport sharing/spreading a dump of something unrelased that you're not the owner of the physical source medium of (unless you have permission from the current owner to do so.) DreamTR's done donation driven releases, mostly focused on either paying down what he's been offered for the cart by collectors or by helping him fund the next thing he wants to buy/acquire from somewhere. Far enough if you ask me.

                            It's kinda funny to see how people directing their attention more and more towards "what could have been" has more or less directly affected the insane price changes seen in these communities over the years, though. The $400 (or whatever) that was once paid for Earthbound (NES) would've probably been $4000 (or even more, since it's a first party title) on today's market. Can't imagine what would be asked if someone stumbled upon SimCity for NES.


                            • Originally posted by Tewi View Post
                              I am Aware that Capcom did not intervene for the dumping of the Gameboy Beta which happened recently, with this said do you think that if someone still has a copy of N64 REZero beta and would try to dump it, would Capcom now at this year and age would try to intervene again?
                              I highly doubt it. It was an abandoned project, and in the end, the already released the game. The have nothing to protect.

                              Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                              I still don't know why people still want to play RE0 N64 beta, it was far less completed like the original RE4 fog version when they decided to shift the production of the game to the game cube, the story and settings remained nearly unchanged in the released version.
                              RE064? Purely nostalgia factor and to see what kinda cool things they could do with the game. + those visuals add a distinct je ne se quoi. The fog version, eh.
                              Both don't really have too much priority for me but it'd be cool to try them. Mostly RE064 for me, though.

                              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                              The case of RE0 N64 is a bit extra tricky, mostly since the initial surfacing of it happened even before the GameCube version was done REGBC turned out to not be that tricky. The biggest problem was just finding it ... and then finding it again, I suppose.
                              AHA, so see, it does actually disrupt their direct profits, whereas other betas that have been abandoned may not!

                              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                              Haven't looked at the Socks situation in a while, but someone put down money and time to acquire it. DreamTR more or less seemed to live off going high and low on the search for prototypes and reselling/trading them in retro collector communities. They put a lot of effort into this and people in general don't have a habit of doing things for free for random strangers. As for someone possibly sitting on a ROM dump of DreamTR's (former?) cartridge; releasing that ROM is a no go. Like I said elsewhere regarding ISO trades and stuff; it's just not something you really do. It's bad sport sharing/spreading a dump of something unrelased that you're not the owner of the physical source medium of (unless you have permission from the current owner to do so.) DreamTR's done donation driven releases, mostly focused on either paying down what he's been offered for the cart by collectors or by helping him fund the next thing he wants to buy/acquire from somewhere. Far enough if you ask me.

                              It's kinda funny to see how people directing their attention more and more towards "what could have been" has more or less directly affected the insane price changes seen in these communities over the years, though. The $400 (or whatever) that was once paid for Earthbound (NES) would've probably been $4000 (or even more, since it's a first party title) on today's market. Can't imagine what would be asked if someone stumbled upon SimCity for NES.
                              Maybe we should use DreamTR to find some prototypes for us, lol
                              Community fund raiser to hire him as like a private eye hehe

                              Well, everyone focus seems to be shifting to RE064... Perhaps this is where we will turn once 1.5 comes to us, eh? LOL
                              Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-03-2013, 07:26 AM.
                              "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                              PSN Gamercards


                              • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
                                Maybe we should use DreamTR to find some prototypes for us, lol
                                Community fund raiser to hire him as like a private eye hehe
                                Dot50Cal's been there and done that. Only ... wow ... 8 years late or something ... man, time swoops by fast.

                                Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
                                Well, everyone focus seems to be shifting to RE064... Perhaps this is where we will turn once 1.5 comes to us, eh? LOL
                                Ahah. I guess after News Bot crushed everyone's dreams and hopes of ever seeing anything mostly anything of 3.5 in playable form on retail hardware ... I guess there's not much else to turn towards
                                Last edited by Carnivol; 02-03-2013, 07:32 AM.

