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  • No one could say what Capcom did with the old Resident Evil game betas, unless they worked for Capcom. The simplest answer is probably true. The kept the games around to use the game assets for other games, like some have suggested.

    And another thing, what would happen if some other team acquired a different build of Resident Evil 1.5? Would they fix it or just leave it as is? I think it is nice of the people working on fixing resident evil 1.5, so it is playable for us fans. Unless, they are just fixing it to sell on ebay? I doubt Capcom would sue or go after a beta of a game that was already finished and made money years ago. I think they would, if the game was in development and was going to be released on a certain date.
    Last edited by Black~Crow; 02-03-2013, 06:15 PM.
    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      It wasn't uncommon I would say in the large part of the 90s and even into the early-mid 2000s for companies to delete large parts of games or game assets after a game was completed and released. With the advent of HD releases, remakes, reboots, and expansions, as popular as they are today, this trend is starting to reverse. More game companies are holding onto old games and old game assets. Unfortunately a lot of the older 90s PS games fall into that, "it's too old to give a shit/give a proper HD treatment" pile. For example, retail RE2, if a remake were to be released, it would just simply be an entirely new game, instead of attempting to reuse assets from the original, which is just too old, technology wise, to be relevant beyond just a frame of reference. A more recent example of the opposite though, is FFX, which is getting an HD treatment, but lends itself much better to that process.
      Look to the example of Silent Hill 2 HD.
      A big contributor to the crappiness of it was that Konami LOST or maybe deleted the Source Code, so pretty much, they had to work with what they had and try to patch up 8 months of lost testing on a 10 year old game, with incomplete assets. I'm pretty sure the same thing may have happened with FFX HD, it seems to be a possibility, considering how long they're taking, maybe they're tracking down individuals who'd recieve royalties, or quite possibly it's a tiny team like the 2 man group who's been working on the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX. Hence, a BIG reason why I'm against announcing release dates with game announcements. It may be annoying to wait long as hell, but it's better than getting a crappy game that was thrown out the door to drag in as much money as possible. The Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX could have had 358/2 days REMADE! But, nope, we want Square wants da money NAU, or the Silent Hill Collection may actually have been good. Damn shame :/
      I don't understand why some of these much older games are only getting remasters, when it seems like it'd be much easier to REMAKE them, a la RE1, Oddworld, or Double Dragon.
      Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-03-2013, 06:15 PM.
      "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
      PSN Gamercards


      • Well, your words on FFX are speculation. But the Silent Hill example is true. And it seems that this singular event, and others like it, are now the reason more companies are backing up and filing their old games in an orderly fashion. You never know when an old game could be updated or rereleased to make a quick buck. That, and if a series is created, a compilation could be created as well. So it pays to keep old asset around, for more reasons than one. We're hot in a remake/HD/compilation environment at the moment, which wasn't necessarily the case in the 90s.

        I think Capcom and Square to an extent, are good examples of companies that influenced this particular trend. Capcom had released how many version of SFII in the 90s? At least 5. Then there's Alpha, the SFIII series, the EX series, and so on. These games reused huge amounts of assets between them. And Square is probably the game company that has released the largest amount of rereleases, HD, remakes and compilations of any.

        I suppose originally this discussion was relevant to 1.5, but now I seem to be digressing. Anyway, my original point was, though it may seem like I was saying the obvious, is that Capcom probably held onto a lot of their game assets, old and new, if their track record is any indication.
        Last edited by doriantoki; 02-03-2013, 06:22 PM.


        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          That's what i was trying to say, the game was scrapped long time ago and never intended to be revived or it's assets to be reused by the company again, in other words a piece of garbage in a trash bin, so why would they give a rat's ass if someone leaked now and waste money to prosecute the culprits whom responsible for the leakage ?
          You worked at capcom or what?


          • I wonder how B.Zork feels about his role in all this... Being the buffer between (what I assume is) the relative calm of the team and their workings and the absolute, stalker level madness of the community. XD


            • I'm sure people are hounding him for it. I feel bad that he might be dealing with people who feel entitled or are just begging him for it. The community seems to have been rather calm lately though. To me it's like the calm before the storm..

              I can't wait to play this. I really hope it's done before July as my birthday is on the 7th. Gonna be 26 then. I feel old...
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                I'm sure people are hounding him for it. I feel bad that he might be dealing with people who feel entitled or are just begging him for it. The community seems to have been rather calm lately though. To me it's like the calm before the storm..

                I can't wait to play this. I really hope it's done before July as my birthday is on the 7th. Gonna be 26 then. I feel old...
                More like, the bore before the storm.
                There isn't much to really discuss, and when there is, it's lasting just a bit and resolving, and it seems to be more concentrated conversation, pretty much drawing mostly people who know what they're talking about.
                I think the calm will be when someone posts that BZork has updated, and everyone goes and watches the video for 7 minutes...
                those 7 minutes will be the calm...
                THEN, we must be braced for the bombardment of recounting of the video, speculation, interpretations, theories, newcomers, discussions, and back-and-forth arguments, followed by swerving into off-topic spamming that pisses off the mods and everyone else... and we return to the cycle, just long enough for them to release a new video and spike up interest once more. Just like Economic Business Cycles expand and compress, these "Interest" Cycles seem to coincide with them...
                It begins...
                Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-03-2013, 11:29 PM.
                "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                PSN Gamercards


                • I like how everyone recognizes the problems, for which they've been reminded countless times, (the unnecessary squabbling back and forth), and yet they recant it time and time again, without fail. Seriously. I guess it doesn't help that we continually complain about it, though.


                  • Every company handles assets differently. Soem companies, like EA, have full development trees for some projects where they can go back and build the game from the code on just about any day they wanted to. Others have been known to slash and burn.


                    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                      I like how everyone recognizes the problems, for which they've been reminded countless times, (the unnecessary squabbling back and forth), and yet they recant it time and time again, without fail. Seriously. I guess it doesn't help that we continually complain about it, though.
                      Very true...

                      Although I must say, it is entertaining watching a wild mob of people throwing e-punches at one another like they're rollicking drunk. xD


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        If you're referring to BH4, then yes. Both versions (Castle & Hallucination) were scrapped because the GameCube hardware couldn't handle them

                        That's soo silly, what exactly the GC couldn't handle ? all what we have seen was perfect tbh. they could have just left or dumbed down the impossible stuff, and if it was because of the girl and dog they did it for Haunting Ground which apparently was a waste as it haven't sold much ...

                        Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                        i do believe if Capcom some day goes nuts and release this, they will have to port it to a new platform. then they should pay everyone again: the engine owner(maya?), all the dudes like shibata, sugimura(isnt him who supervisioned 4D executer?) and probably nintendo for the debbuging, programing, the lead artists, paul mercier...
                        There is a possibility but knowing capcom

                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        "3.5" is an annoying term since it's actually referring to two completely different versions. One simply couldn't run on any hardware and the other was a small demo that never got very far at all.
                        Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
                        And it seems the one everyone is after is the latter one.
                        Im after the first one, the latter one as Newsbot said had no plot or anything, the first one is just soo mysterious and interesting, why the sadness fills me when I think of it ?
                        Last edited by Mrox2; 02-04-2013, 02:42 AM.
                        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                        ^ Lol ...


                        • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                          That's soo silly, what exactly the GC couldn't handle ? all what we have seen was perfect tbh. they could have just left or dumbed down the impossible stuff, and if it was because of the girl and dog they did it for Haunting Ground which apparently was a waste as it haven't sold much ...
                          Why would they show you the broken aspects? And the girl and the dog were a separate reason it was scrapped.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • wasn't haunting ground going to be clock tower 4 ?


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Why would they show you the broken aspects?
                              Who said they should show it in the first place ? its just not a reason to scrap the WHOLE game for just limitation reasons ...

                              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              And the girl and the dog were a separate reason it was scrapped.
                              Haunting Ground ... *cough* PS2 ... GC *cough* GC is more powerfull ...

                              Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                              wasn't haunting ground going to be clock tower 4 ?
                              Yes early in development, as you can see it also shares many elements from previous CT games and the save points all being clocks.
                              they changed it early cause Clock Tower 3 didn't sell well as expected so they changed the title in hope of it being a new IP to get more sales, although it didn't ...
                              Last edited by Mrox2; 02-04-2013, 05:39 AM. Reason: P.V.O.C
                              Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                              ^ Lol ...


                              • Well you said "everything we've seen worked fine so why would it have suffered problems?" so... you said. What you saw was running on a dev kit.

                                Limitation wasn't the only problem and the girl and dog weren't a problem because they were too "powerful." Much like 1.5, there were quite a few issues. Unlike 1.5, most were technical rather than quality related.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 02-04-2013, 05:49 AM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

