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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    What you saw was running on a dev kit.
    and announced to be a gamecube project ? rooms were used on some early BH4 builds for testing ..?
    what the heck was that thing the GC couldn't handle, they could either remove it / replace it / dumb it down, am i right ?

    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Limitation wasn't the only problem and the girl and dog weren't a problem because they were too "powerful." Much like 1.5, there were quite a few issues. Unlike 1.5, most were technical rather than quality related.
    By powerful you mean ?
    Last edited by Mrox2; 02-04-2013, 05:55 AM.
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • You're running around in circles.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        You're running around in circles.
        Nope, Im running around in squares ....
        Last edited by Mrox2; 02-04-2013, 06:45 AM.
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
          You worked at capcom or what?
          Maybe in aother life lol, but I've seen similar leaks in the movie industry with the so called "work-print", many old bootleg alternate versions of movies we know today like apocalypse now, night of the living dead, fight club etc.. has surfaced in the last years, and all of them were stolen either from company's vaults, houses(tom savini). but none of them couldn't care less whether they where stolen or not because they don't even remember that they still exist in the first place because those workprints were very old and full of dust, but you can't possibly get away when you leak an upcoming movie which was x-men origins at the time, caused huge $^*@ storm for fox since they were gonna suffer a great lose in profits and reputation when most people start to download the movie to watch it for free and never go to see it in the theaters!
          Last edited by Guest; 02-04-2013, 08:00 AM.


          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            To employ a real world sample of a typical studio;

            In most of the offices of most of the clients I've worked with, we've had at least two "secure" areas. One would be a giant ass safe where we kept milestone builds of everything - Stuff in that safe would range from cancelled products, to stuff from the early 90s, and things still in concept stage + a pile of different libraries of various types of assets. The other would usually be the mastering lab - There you tend to find a server with a much larger digital equivalent of the same safe and the equipment to log in and master/author duplicates of things. Both of them requires you to log in with the appropriate passwords and/or access IDs + register in/out whatever you took from them.

            Imagine the shitstorm that occurs whenever something's missing from the safe or a master build is made for whatever reason, but never properly archived or shredded anywhere when they were closing up shop for the day.

            So to go back to your sample; the problem isn't that your old draft's missing. The problem is that whoever accessed that draft has access to all other stuff too. A common test of routines at both big companies and even the military is having "someone" - usually a higher up of that people don't really know the face of too well - go for a walk in restricted areas people aren't supposed to be in without either an escort, proper permission or an identification (often also snatching a key or two, maybe a build, take a few pictures in the "no cameras" zone and such, to then do a second round where you introduce yourself and ask if anyone noticed something out of the ordinary)
            Perhaps more so nowadays.. definitely not 15 years ago.. Asian companies tend to have quite a few security weaknesses which they are just ignorant of, like not questioning strange white people wandering around on the premises (seen this happen a lot even when security are right there).. I'd say it would be possible to get RE 1.5 quite easily if you knew a little inside information, had been there a few times and looked reasonably trustworthy. They just wouldn't see it coming.

            Looking through some of the files on the RE2 beta 2 CD with a hex editor you can see where they stored it on their internal file server. It would be piss easy as an internal employee, where its easy to move around/do stuff even in big corporations.. so even if its recorded in a log, there's a good chance it won't be checked.


            • Originally posted by Scream View Post
              Looking through some of the files on the RE2 beta 2 CD with a hex editor you can see where they stored it on their internal file server. It would be piss easy as an internal employee, where its easy to move around/do stuff even in big corporations.. so even if its recorded in a log, there's a good chance it won't be checked.
              I remember that, its the same cause with Bio4 too, kinda funny.
              Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
              ^ Lol ...


              • ^It's common to contain paths and stuff in your source code. Especially with server paths et al when you're likely to be several people working on the same assets and stuff too. Funny little details, though, when you know their work stations like the back of your own hand, thanks to a game

                Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                and announced to be a gamecube project ? rooms were used on some early BH4 builds for testing ..?
                what the heck was that thing the GC couldn't handle, they could either remove it / replace it / dumb it down, am i right ?
                Problem is when the effect you want to build something around doesn't play out the way you want it to on the target hardware. Removing it or dumbing it down isn't really something you wanna do when you're clearly trying to build a game around a concept/design that heavily relies on those effects/designs. And replacing it? Did you play this game called Resident Evil 4? Yeah. That's how you replace something that just aint working; you find something that works instead ;D
                Last edited by Carnivol; 02-04-2013, 09:50 AM.


                • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  ^It's common to contain paths and stuff in your source code. Especially with server paths et al when you're likely to be several people working on the same assets and stuff too. Funny little details, though, when you know their work stations like the back of your own hand, thanks to a game

                  Problem is when the effect you want to build something around doesn't play out the way you want it to on the target hardware. Removing it or dumbing it down isn't really something you wanna do when you're clearly trying to build a game around a concept/design that heavily relies on those effects/designs. And replacing it? Did you play this game called Resident Evil 4? Yeah. That's how you replace something that just aint working; you find something that works instead ;D
                  but its soo far from a "dumbed down" version, they completely changed the story, the designs , the characters , the locations and everything, only Leon was kept as the main protagonist.

                  from technical reasons to scrapping the whole project and starting from scratch ...

                  say current gen can handle this stuff now, they still don't bother anymore. they really can release all of these betas compleated in a form of a Beta Collection disc or alternate universe / reboot, it would work quite well !
                  Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                  ^ Lol ...


                  • i am working in a very big company, can't say though where. I used to work another big company. All I noticed was that you actually just can't move freely around inservers and poking files. i don't know exactly about what used 1996. but it was defanately windows 95 and windows 3.11 workgroups. Either way everything was handled on file share and permissions. the completed builds where transfered to cd burning machine and so on. I see it today too. Permission scheme is based on what project you are working. I am part of one product for instance, although I know other products being stored on same machine, I can't access those files. And even if I do, all is logged. Back in the days when I started out as system administrator I remember many times when I had literally digg in log files to check on some user activities. Yes, people where fired when I found out something. Can you imagine people get fired dependant of how good you use unix utlity called grep. haha. all the code revisioning tools even back those days used module or path based permissioning scheme. only way to sneak out product like this is to make two copies of build cds or by memorystick on some machine. still it would be possible to trace down from server logs who accessesd speciif file and so on. It is not so easy at all. And the contracts you sign you name on are quite ugly regarding if you violate terms. I have seen many of such style contracts, one I am assigned right now.

                    Walking in the company and stealing stuff, this is the most rediciolous joke I have ever heard. Itäs not like its on some dude shelfs. Even if it exists in servers, you can't do jack shit about it. one could suggest man in the middle and wifi cracking? In japan? WEP2 with TKIP Company mode? haha. no. Only way your scheme can work is if you start building up your career in company.... and gaining access .. to certain permission people and hacking on from there is the only reasonable way. But let me tell you one thing. Once you inside one company earning good salary, playing 1.5 for instance in your home (after finding it)... pursuing resident evil 0 64... obtianing it as well. you won't risc releasing this shit, couz you feel respectful to company.

                    i was once 15 and dreaming of swating into Capcom like a Rikimary with sanitor clothes and stealing off 1.5. haha. grow up. ou gee... i am turning 31 after few months... omg i am old....
                    Last edited by Marvin; 02-04-2013, 10:03 AM.
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                      playing 1.5 for instance in your home (after finding it)... pursuing resident evil 0 64... obtianing it as well. you won't risc releasing this shit, couz you feel respectful to company.

                      i was once 15 and dreaming of swating into Capcom like a Rikimary with sanitor clothes and stealing off 1.5
                      Why feel respect because of leaking an old scrapped game that the company forgot about and keep saying shit about ? actually a capcom employee could leak it anonymously, but I guess conscience plays a role here ...
                      I guess you are probably right but still ...
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • That same file from RE2 beta also has the variable names for all the values the game has (volume of footsteps etc). Useful if you're making your own RE engine, a neat touch to say your engine has the same variable names ;)
                        Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        Itäs not like its on some dude shelfs.
                        Good place to check! Nah, we're talking more social engineering and copying from workstations (i.e. abusing trust). Just contributing more hypothetical BS to the thread, don't mind me. No-one really knows anything about Capcom's security.

                        By moving around I meant physically - like after work hours when people have gone home, workstations are still on, Ethernet ports everywhere, unused hardware, opportunities abound. Files will be restricted by department but you will know people in other departments. Right, no employee in their right mind will do this for financial gain, but perhaps personal gain (home copy).


                        • Originally posted by drunkdog
                          MrBZork posted 21 hours ago
                          who think time for new video? video just need sound. scheduling now.
                          beat you to that post by 18 hours hoss!


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            beat you to that post by 18 hours hoss!
                            haha my bad, its the first thing i saw when i woke up so posted it in a frantic panic = P


                            • they really can release all of these betas compleated in a form of a Beta Collection disc or alternate universe / reboot, it would work quite well !
                              Sounds terrible, if I'm quite honest.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Sounds terrible, if I'm quite honest.
                                Yeah because you dont want to see that happen and be the only who has Info on the Betaz ...

                                You may have 1 or two and few information about them, but don't even think you will be forever.
                                Enjoy the ever lasting truth *BAM*
                                Last edited by Mrox2; 02-04-2013, 12:22 PM.
                                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                                ^ Lol ...

