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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
    It means, I win a trip to the THIA headquarters, meet the staff and get a free copy of Resident Evil 1.5. Yah!
    Zombies...zombies everywhere...


    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
      Thanks for the list Gradon, I wonder about the function of these items.

      HL2K NC51
      Truth (WTF????)
      Antidote Grenade
      Nitro Capsule
      Strong Acid Drug Capsule
      Ignition Drug Capsule
      MD Media
      MD Player
      HL2K NC51 stands for H&K MC51 which was discussed earlier in this thread. One of the weapons used in the game.


      • Originally posted by Darklighterx View Post
        HL2K NC51 stands for H&K MC51 which was discussed earlier in this thread. One of the weapons used in the game.
        And MD media/md player are just the MO disks I assume..
        Antidote grenade sounds awful..
        Truth is too vague..
        Drug stuff sounds interesting, but again like Capcom experimenting with chemicals that change grenade launcher ammo it probably sucks. A temporary boost of running or something stupid like that (unless its a key item). Nitro boost!

        Think I'll wait for release before delving any further as the game appears to be on track for release.. Something to look forward to, don't wanna spoil everything now do we?


        • MD media and player might be a voice recording like the RE3 elevator.


          • OK, so the HL2K NC51 was a weapon.

            The Capsules / Drug capsules hardly can be grenade ammo, because grenades are already in the list, both for grenade launcher and for handheld:

            Hand Grenade
            Acid Hand Grenade
            Incendiary Hand Grenade
            Standard Grenades
            Acid Grenades
            Incendiary Grenades

            However, the capsule types match with grenade types, so probably they are needed in some way to make grenades or hand grenades, or perhaps they are the same grenades with different name.

            And the Antidote Grenade.... well, must be a grenade that explodes and get rid of the virus from your body, and your life too .
            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 02-06-2013, 09:27 PM.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
              OK, so the HL2K NC51 was a weapon.

              The Capsules / Drug capsules hardly can be grenade ammo, because grenades are already in the list, both for grenade launcher and for handheld:

              Hand Grenade
              Acid Hand Grenade
              Incendiary Hand Grenade
              Standard Grenades
              Acid Grenades
              Incendiary Grenades

              However, the capsule types match with grenade types, so probably they are needed in some way to make grenades or hand grenades, or perhaps they are the same grenades with different name.

              And the Antidote Grenade.... well, must be a grenade that explodes and get rid of the virus from your body, and your life too .
              "that explodes and get rid of the virus from your body, and your life too"
              explodes and get rid of the virus from your body
              explodes and get rid of your body
              explodes your body
              God, all I can imagine...
              Welcome to Resident Evil's...
              Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-06-2013, 09:41 PM.
              "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
              PSN Gamercards


              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                Remember the images appear to come from the team's build and not the original beta, so the map might also be custom, then again of course it could always be original. What does the brown circle represent in the center of the B1 pic? A manhole? Which room is that?
                That is the underground supply locker, which is where you found the Side Pack and Machine Gun in retail. Here:
                Click image for larger version

Name:	4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.1 KB
ID:	402444
                Click image for larger version

Name:	3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	66.8 KB
ID:	402445

                As for the dot, there's abviously no manhole, so I'm assuming that is your character's location.
                It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


                • the character location is a good assumption!


                  • As already pointed out, it seems like the map in the 40% build is actually from era 3, where the firing range has yet to have the vent that connects it with the kennel. As we've already seen from final era media, the hallway segment leading up to the kennel door got changed to a straight path running south, while the double doors to the parking got moved further up north and was given its own little hallway segment. We already have all the relevant screenshots of the final era hallway to make a proper map of it, which Enigmatism already did:
                    Final era:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	BH1.5_mastermap.png
Views:	1
Size:	10.7 KB
ID:	402446

                    Earlier era:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.5 KB
ID:	402441

                    And just to make you shit some bricks, both the 1.5 B1 and B2 hallways actually got reused, albeit modified, in the retail basement:
                    (Pro challenge: Make the 1.5 maps just by moving around the rooms in the retail map, see just how much you can come up with. )
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Resident Evil 2 Raccoon Police Station B1.gif
Views:	1
Size:	19.5 KB
ID:	402447
                    Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-06-2013, 11:36 PM.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                      Jesus... I can't even imagine those babies. And I have to agree, it wouldn't make sense for the team to be making presentation worthy maps in any form, correct or incorrect. If they were to make any sort of map, it would most likely be on paper for reference and only circulated within the team itself.

                      That's definitely Iron's office, but for the life of me I can't figure out what's going on there. Perhaps it is a puzzle like mentioned earlier- maybe upon solving it an item came out of the table?
                      Or a secret passage ? maybe to the sewers ?
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Careful fellas, looks like we have a critic!


                        Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        I smell a conspiracy theory!
                        To quite literally quote News Bot:

                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        I have the weirdest deja vu right now.

                        Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        So, that is what B1 map looks like!
                        That’s what the map looked like.

                        Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
                        Then to Enigmatism I ask, what oh what is going on with this map?
                        Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
                        Differences in beta builds?
                        Keg, my man, this one is all yours!

                        Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                        the kennels are missing from the era 4 build. That map is not indicative of anything (since the kennel should be placed next to the firing range, even if it was not implemented yet - era 4 build speaking). My guess is that map is from era 3 build.
                        Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
                        My earlier question still stands.
                        Oh, frightfully sorry, do go on...

                        Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
                        Assuming that you are correct (that the Kennel is not being implemented in this build), something is clearly being implemented in it's place. I can understand why some of these things don't match up because of differences in the builds, but this is a HUGE room. And I can't imagine they made it that big on accident. Just need to figure out what it is.........
                        It’s probably just a big fat Kennel placeholder mang... no monkey business here... ;-P

                        Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        As already pointed out, it seems like the map in the 40% build is actually from era 3, where the firing range has yet to have the vent that connects it with the kennel. As we've already seen from final era media, the hallway segment leading up to the kennel door got changed to a straight path running south, while the double doors to the parking got moved further up north and was given its own little hallway segment. We already have all the relevant screenshots of the final era hallway to make a proper map of it
                        Looks like we have a pretty steady consensus so far!

                        Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        Not so fast, he used MY maps as a reference!
                        Gee, you sure wouldn’t know it from looking at them though... :-P

                        Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        maybe they don't have all the maps, so they have to recreate them?
                        I could have sworn that MrBZork implied something to this effect in a YouTube comment... Oh yeah, he did:

                        Originally posted by Enigmatism415
                        Was I right about the Kennel, or did I "get it all backwards" ?
                        Originally posted by MrBZork
                        there is some issue with maps. maybe best you wait and see.

                        Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                        Or a secret passage ? maybe to the sewers ?
                        That’s a pretty interesting theory; it makes sense since that’s basically how it happened in retail right? However, it would likely prove to be quite a pain to climb into that model... Oh, and not to mention that we’ve already long known Leon and Elza’s access points to the Sewer. I believe that Kim’s source even told him outright.

                        Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        In the leaked item list from the 40% build, there's no diorama puzzle items mentioned though. It's possible that you had to arrange the diorama pieces in a certain layout (probably once you restore power to the building) and the middle piece of the diorama would rise up to reveal a hidden compartment. In all other shots we've seen of the room, the diorama has remained consistently pre-rendered all throughout, so I assume the compartment would only rise up if you examine the puzzle (thereby showing the examination angle) and would sink back down (in the exact same angle) once you're done perusing its contents.
                        Now this I can agree with.

                        Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                        That's definitely Iron's office, but for the life of me I can't figure out what's going on there. Perhaps it is a puzzle like mentioned earlier- maybe upon solving it an item came out of the table?
                        A 3D object would normally sit in the depression; it’s probably a puzzle from which one obtains a key item upon its solution.


                        Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
                        Maybe the pictures didn't come from the team, but from him and a copy HE might have!
                        When the team announced the project, he tried getting rid of his beta while the price was still high, before they release the project and their untouched build!
                        Then it got taken down, and he was pissed!
                        It’s The Team’s W.I.P. build; the shot of the Power Room is one of their beautiful reproductions.


                        Originally posted by Scream View Post
                        And MD media/md player are just the MO disks I assume..
                        If the MD media worked like the MO disk, there would be no need for a player. These items are probably used for a certain special puzzle that was reused in Biohazard 3: The Last Escape. In the Raccoon City Hospital, perhaps?

                        Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                        MD media and player might be a voice recording like the RE3 elevator.
                        Oh yes, right!

                        Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                        the character location is a good assumption!
                        Correct again.


                        I don't know what else to say...


                        • Originally posted by BeefWellington View Post
                          This fucking thread should honestly be locked to anyone except moderators and Mr.Bzork. Every fucking day its a shit storm with you immature children. I implore that moderators take action because this is utterly ridiculous
                          I don't feel this would be fair at all to the honest people who, like me, are just waiting patiently for new info.
                          Looking back, even I am rolling my eyes at the petty arguments started over practically nothing.
                          Why does it matter really. Most of it is in the past and can't be/or has changed by now by the Team anyway.
                          We get what we will get - be grateful we get to play it at all!

                          BTW Back on Topic - The new pic of the diorama looks awesome. Reminds me of Code Veronica (reused idea?)
                          Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 02-07-2013, 04:05 AM.
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • [QUOTE=Enigmatism415;245421]

                            Careful fellas, looks like we have a critic!


                            LOL what an Ass he said we are bullying the team into releasing the game , I have not seen any bullying done to the team.
                            And sure some people on here get into heated arguments , but I suppose it's only because they have a huge passion for this classic gem of a game.
                            like anyone gives a crap that he is complaining , how sad is he lol he clearly has too much time on is hands.

                            most of the people I have spoken to on here are polite enough to answer my questions and are friendly , it's just like any other forum out there , so to the guy that wrote that waste of space article , move along nobody gives a crap what you think about our forum and threads.


                            • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                              LOL what an Ass he said we are bullying the team into releasing the game , I have not seen any bullying done to the team.
                              Reading comprehension issue.
                              Not only that, but they are illegally trying to bully Capcom into releasing Resident Evil 1.5

                              Actually I find it rather funny.
                              Last edited by Rick Hunter; 02-07-2013, 04:04 AM.


                              • Just glanced at the article LMAO
                                Clearly if the person had read/followed this entire thread he would have known better. What a dick..
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

