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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I don't think that this topic should be locked as a whole, but I do think that any 'repeat offenders' who are warned but keep bickering and disrupting things are the ones who should be pruned and banned from the thread. That way there simply won't be any more of the crap. I come to this forum/thread (and the other threads elsewhere online) to try and relax a bit and at times have some laughs but all I get is more stress. I'd hate to speculate how these same people behave in person.

    Anyway, it's a shame that the manchildren of the web have such a possibility to ruin it for everyone else. I really want to play this game, i've been waiting to since the first screenshots in magazines such as Tips & Tricks and Gamepro. To me, this is the game that I was led on for so long by Capcom to be Resident Evil 2, only to be lied to in the end and be hugely disappointed. I don't want that disappointment again because of the misbehavers. I view retail RE2 as just a Capcom horse & donkey show parading as Resident Evil 2, and that's a shame in of itself because it's a really good game otherwise and the extreme battle mode is excellent. I feel that it should've been called something else and I wouldn't feel this way about it.

    Does anyone know the level of 'damage detail' that is programmed for the zombies? In some video footage, zombies get some skin blown off when shot and you can see their bones underneath. I wonder if for zombies who are on fire if they will become skeletal after burning for a while.

    Hey 1.5 Team, if this isn't already in-game, could you add this feature in? Like for zombies that get caught on fire, you could replace their character model with a 'burnt' skeleton version. It would be so cool to have charred skeletons with only eyeballs & teeth visible getting back up and still coming after the player.
    Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-07-2013, 04:36 AM.


    • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
      In some video footage, zombies get some skin blown off when shot and you can see their bones underneath.
      Source? The zombies are already missing their arm/leg flesh, I don't think I've ever seen it getting "blown off" when shot.


      • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
        I don't think that this topic should be locked as a whole, but I do think that any 'repeat offenders' who are warned but keep bickering and disrupting things are the ones who should be pruned and banned from the thread. That way there simply won't be any more of the crap. I come to this forum/thread (and the other threads elsewhere online) to try and relax a bit and at times have some laughs but all I get is more stress. I'd hate to speculate how these same people behave in person.

        Anyway, it's a shame that the manchildren of the web have such a possibility to ruin it for everyone else. I really want to play this game, i've been waiting to since the first screenshots in magazines such as Tips & Tricks and Gamepro. To me, this is the game that I was led on for so long by Capcom to be Resident Evil 2, only to be lied to in the end and be hugely disappointed. I don't want that disappointment again because of the misbehavers. I view retail RE2 as just a Capcom horse & donkey show parading as Resident Evil 2, and that's a shame in of itself because it's a really good game otherwise and the extreme battle mode is excellent. I feel that it should've been called something else and I wouldn't feel this way about it.

        Does anyone know the level of 'damage detail' that is programmed for the zombies? In some video footage, zombies get some skin blown off when shot and you can see their bones underneath. I wonder if for zombies who are on fire if they will become skeletal after burning for a while.

        Hey 1.5 Team, if this isn't already in-game, could you add this feature in? Like for zombies that get caught on fire, you could replace their character model with a 'burnt' skeleton version. It would be so cool to have charred skeletons with only eyeballs visible getting back up and still coming after the player.

        yeah there are some people on here who like to start trouble and pick on peoples comments to try and make themselves feel superior , when really there is no need for any of that, we are all here because we like 1.5 so it baffles me as to why people would want to start an argument other things that don't even need arguing.

        but anyway Im looking forward to the possible release of the new video this weekend , though I'm not sure if the video is coming out 100% this weekend.
        Still Id be very happy if it did !

        Im hoping to see maybe the use of some other weapons and maybe how theY make a cut scene with words instead of voice acting.

        also doe's anyone know if Marvin ,John and ada have voice's for when they get attacked or damaged ?


        • Hmm.. I think it was footage with Elza. I could be remembering incorrectly, though. I'll see if I can find the footage i'm thinking of.


          • To me, this is the game that I was led on for so long by Capcom to be Resident Evil 2, only to be lied to in the end and be hugely disappointed.
            Lied to? Where exactly? Games get scrapped and changed all the time. Sometimes for the better (1.5), sometimes due to development trouble (BH4).
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • People just made some clever comments ...
              Why don't the mod's just ban certain repeat offenders at least from the thread.. though I doubt that is possible..
              I keep checking because I don't want to miss anything - the first page doesn't get updated all that much and I fear I may miss things hidden inbetween pages and pages of childish bickering.

              Heads up for this weekend though, can't wait! Fingers crossed..

              @News Bot

              Yh it annoyed the hell outta me when they radically changed what was going to be Tomb Raider Legend..
              It was still a good game with most of it the same but still .. what could have been and all that.
              Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 02-07-2013, 04:59 AM.
              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


              • Not only that, but they are illegally trying to bully Capcom into releasing Resident Evil 1.5 - a game that was scrapped in 1997 and would eventually see release as Resident Evil 2. They claim to know someone who possesses a copy of it, but he will not sell it unless someone pays him like $9999 for it.
                oh god what a retarded and misinformed comment, why people doesn't take their time to search about stuff?

                Reported By: John Smith
                I think that it was just a troll...
                Last edited by Aleff; 02-07-2013, 05:11 AM.
                Hail the heros of the revolution!


                • I'm very curious about any new 1.5 info or footage, but at the same time I hate spoilers.. yet I know i'll most likely end up watching the video anyways lol.

                  Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                  yeah there are some people on here who like to start trouble and pick on peoples comments to try and make themselves feel superior , when really there is no need for any of that, we are all here because we like 1.5 so it baffles me as to why people would want to start an argument other things that don't even need arguing.

                  but anyway Im looking forward to the possible release of the new video this weekend , though I'm not sure if the video is coming out 100% this weekend.
                  Still Id be very happy if it did !

                  Im hoping to see maybe the use of some other weapons and maybe how theY make a cut scene with words instead of voice acting.

                  also doe's anyone know if Marvin ,John and ada have voice's for when they get attacked or damaged ?


                  • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                    People just made some clever comments ...
                    Why don't the mod's just ban certain repeat offenders at least from the thread.. though I doubt that is possible..
                    I keep checking because I don't want to miss anything - the first page doesn't get updated all that much and I fear I may miss things hidden inbetween pages and pages of childish bickering.

                    Heads up for this weekend though, can't wait! Fingers crossed..

                    @News Bot

                    Yh it annoyed the hell outta me when they radically changed what was going to be Tomb Raider Legend..
                    It was still a good game with most of it the same but still .. what could have been and all that.
                    I think you're confusing Tomb Raider Legend with the Anniversary Version of the first Tomb Raider by Core Design which got scrapped.
                    Last edited by Alfred; 02-07-2013, 06:09 AM.
                    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                    • I found it. Starts at 8:04. First Elza shoots a skinny zombie in half and you can see a chunk of its lower spine hanging out. Then the skeletal-arm fat zombie comes crawling. I was remembering things slightly wrong. Here I guess I just assumed that since that fat zombie has no skin on its arm and it's the same model who has skin on it's arm, that the one on the floor had been already shot (but not seen) and its arm was damaged from it. When the next fat zombie is shot in half if you watch close, it seems to 'snap' into a new animation. But then the clip ends too early to see if its arm became skeletal or not. I figure there is either a damage system in effect or there has to be a normal fat zombie model and a separate model without arm skin. But the footage leads me to believe they can be visibly damaged.

                      Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      Source? The zombies are already missing their arm/leg flesh, I don't think I've ever seen it getting "blown off" when shot.


                      • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                        I think you're confusing Tomb Raider Legend with the Anniversary Version of the first Tomb Raider by Core Design which got scrapped.
                        Nah, sadly Legend was shown as something completely different than the final version.


                        • Lied to as in false advertising. The game was darn near complete and the game was featured just about everywhere at the time. Resident evil 2 'Coming soon!' etc. The game released is not this one. It may be called Resident evil 2 but it isn't Resident evil 2. Take Super Mario Bros. 2 for example. The version released outside of Japan is just some other game with the Super Mario Bros. 2 title slapped on it.

                          I agree that games change all the time, but the difference is RE2 being so publicly advertised for so long then scrapped and changed so radically. It's very unprofessional behavior and it is wrong to trick the customer.

                          I hadn't followed the development of RE2 for a short while right before the games release and I can tell you I was expecting was the creepy version advertised to me for so long. My excitement for the game as I played it for the first time quickly turned to 0. It felt like a cruel joke, Capcom may have well just came into my house and kicked me in the groin. I'm much older now and I don't generally get excited anymore over games like I did but at that age but at the time I was very let down.

                          If you're a company developing a game , you shouldn't show it so openly like Capcom did if you don't plan to release it. What Capcom did is they remade the original version but only released the remake of it. It's just a very mean thing to do.

                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Lied to? Where exactly? Games get scrapped and changed all the time. Sometimes for the better (1.5), sometimes due to development trouble (BH4).


                          • John smith, could it be...


                            • yeah I was gutted when I was a kid and found out they were changing the game all over again.
                              Not that I didn't enjoy RE2 retail infact it's one of my all time faves , but I always loved the style of lighting and colours in 1.5 like most people say all the time.


                              • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
                                Take Super Mario Bros. 2 for example. The version released outside of Japan is just some other game with the Super Mario Bros. 2 title slapped on it.
                                Not exactly. You see, Doki Doki Panic (the game SMB2 USA was derived from) started out in development as the *Original* Prototype for Super Mario Bros. 2 JPN, but when the company decided to abandon that build of the game, they ended up doing the more SMB1 faithful based SMB2 JPN. The Original SMB2 Prototype was later completed and reworked into Doki Doki Panic. When Howard of Nintendo of America (of Howard and Nester fame) played the Japanese SMB2, he found it far too hard and frustrating, and said american gamers wouldn't like it. But then he found out that the company originally made a totally different SMB2, that was cancelled, that had later been completed and reworked into Doki Doki Panic. Howard asked the company to rework Doki Doki Panic BACK INTO Super Mario Bros 2. That's actually what happened.


                                More Information from Wikipedia: "Doki Doki Panic originally started as a Mario prototype developed by Kensuke Tanabe. The prototype emphasized vertically scrolling levels and throwing blocks. Notably, it was originally intended to be a two player co-op game allowing players to toss each other around. The gameplay was considered not fun enough at the time and was scrapped until later when Tanabe received instruction to use the Yume Kōjō mascots in a game, at which point he expanded the gameplay and developed Doki Doki Panic."

                                Last edited by Eteponge; 02-07-2013, 07:37 AM.

