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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
    Crazy stuff, just today I was thinking how awesome it would be to finally play 1.5 after all these years of waiting and now this...
    I still can't believe that I'm actually playing this game, I hope I'm not just dreaming, haha...
    Today is an important day in RE history!

    Well, I'm very sorry to hear about the circumstances which lead to this release though, I really hope that this was the last time the team had to deal with such matters.

    I wish them all the best for their project, let's hope that all goes well and we'll be getting a satisfying, fully playable Resident Evil 1.5 soon!
    I have faith in their abilities, that's for sure!

    Hey, at least the waiting time for their finished build to be released won't be as long, now that we have this "demo" to toy around with!
    I already got it to play on my PSP, and I can't wait to hack some Gameshark codes for it!

    I'm sure there's tons of hidden stuff to be found in the game's code which is only waiting to be discovered! ;)
    Looking forward to your Gameshark codes ;)
    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


    • MrBzork, I am truly sorry to hear it came down to this.
      It was a bold and brave move to release the same "older unstable" Project build that Colvin had in possession in order to stop him from profiting off the Non-Profit Team's work and copyrighted Capcom Materiall. knowing how desperate some folks in the community was, it was likely they would have bought it from him too.

      I am glad that many RE-fans are glad today that they finally get to play something even if its buggy and unstable, but in my case I took the news bad, I was rather upset about the event. More upset then happy, i don't know, it didn't seem right on how it boiled down to this.
      In respect for you and your team, I will not play this released version and I'll wait for your completed version.
      It wont feel right to me if i just go ahead and play this MagicDoorZombie Build.

      However the only thing I do want from this released version is the music. The music will hype me and keep me happy waiting for the completed version.
      Thank you MrBzork for working on this project with the team in the first place. Continue on your project and please do take your time and take breaks from it to continue about with your life, don't get frustrated over it. Thank you.

      As for the rest of you, well.

      Anyone make a good quality rip of the music yet? I'd like a copy if you may.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        This build has problems on real hardware, perhaps it's just my chip, but the game lags like crazy and crashes in most rooms, can't really play it much to be honest, going to have to sort a controller out for the PC.

        I might try another burn and see if that helps.
        This build has problems under ANY hardware - real or emulated. We WERE warned ....


        • I just noticed the news of the prototype from the team is not on the front page of this website? I thought Alzaire said it would be? I was just wondering, why can't we see the contents of the CD? I wanted to extract the models and view them.
          Last edited by Black~Crow; 02-18-2013, 12:05 AM.
          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


          • Originally posted by Tewi View Post
            MrBzork, I am truly sorry to hear it came down to this.
            It was a bold and brave move to release the same "older unstable" Project build that Colvin had in possession in order to stop him from profiting off the Non-Profit Team's work and copyrighted Capcom Materiall. knowing how desperate some folks in the community was, it was likely they would have bought it from him too.

            I am glad that many RE-fans are glad today that they finally get to play something even if its buggy and unstable, but in my case I took the news bad, I was rather upset about the event. More upset then happy, i don't know, it didn't seem right on how it boiled down to this.
            In respect for you and your team, I will not play this released version and I'll wait for your completed version.
            It wont feel right to me if i just go ahead and play this MagicDoorZombie Build.

            However the only thing I do want from this released version is the music. The music will hype me and keep me happy waiting for the completed version.
            Thank you MrBzork for working on this project with the team in the first place. Continue on your project and please do take your time and take breaks from it to continue about with your life, don't get frustrated over it. Thank you.

            As for the rest of you, well.
            Better get your UMBRELLA BUG SPRAY, ITS GONNA GET FREAKY.

            Anyone make a good quality rip of the music yet? I'd like a copy if you may.
            All I've ever wanted to do since I first saw this game in the magazines is see some of its stunning artwork on my TV. I'll look forward to exploring beta content if I ever get to play the original build, and I'll look forward to the true 1.5 experience when the team finish their build, but for now it's just nice to see some of these rooms in motion. I don't plan to delve too much into this build, it will be interesting to look back on it and explore it in depth in the future when we see the end result of the teams work, but I can't help but look at some of these rooms and see what they look like for real.


            • I posted a rip earlier in LAME MP3 format at CBR 320kbps.

              In honor of the release, here's a video I made detailing my collection:

              Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-18-2013, 12:20 AM.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • i hope i'm not being inconvenient but, after all, we all can hear this in full glory, with eternal thanks to The Team

                tuh duh duh dah dah dah...


                • Thank you Robert Zork and the teamᵀᴹ for this invaluable gift.

                  I will look forward to the completion of your restoration project.

                  BioHazard YouTube Channel
                  BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                  • Well now, this sure is a thing. Makes me feel glad we got over this whole Archivist thing a few years ago.

                    Thanks to all the amazing people who got this done, I'm not going to download the iso as I'd prefer to see it once you guys have finished your fan shot of it. But seriously, great work.


                    • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                      This build has problems under ANY hardware - real or emulated.
                      We WERE warned
                      You have right and i have to repeat for who don't know:

                      This is not the Resident Evil 1.5 "fixed" or "original version".

                      We can only download a working progress version.

                      Waiting for "fixed" and "original version" = COMING 2013.
                      Last edited by killer7ITA; 02-18-2013, 02:57 AM.
                      I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                      • That's just freakin' great!!

                        Thank you TEAM! It's seems a miracle to see in Action those old magazine screenshots.


                        • I..I can't believe it! I just downloaded it and am about to play it! This is amazing!


                          • Where's Alzaire?


                            • Sorry for offtopic...

                              I was watching RE 1.5 team progress since first FB photo leak and I a glad that the fixed game will be released sometime in 2013.

                              This showed us that nothing is impossible if we want to do it.

                              I have some question related to other Capcom unreleased PSX game...

                              Is it possible that in near future someone will leake Onimusha for PlayStation One?


                              • Originally posted by mpx View Post

                                Is it possible that in near future someone will leake Onimusha for PlayStation One?

                                WOW ! i didn't know about that.
                                Thanks for the info that the "demo" of 1.5 was not the original version since it seemed The Team would have work for more years !!! This look very very incomplete and buggy, more than the old 1.5 videos look. As someone posted up, it's really amazing playing on those legendary scenes and screenshots finally ! Thanks Bzork again.
                                The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D

