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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I'm kinda displeased with this release to be honest, they tossed us a wip ISO image but they blame us (yes they blame Colvin but I felt the message was for the whole "community") at the same time for "shutting doors" like not being able to contact Capcom for endorsement and PSN publication, etc. and how they're so great because they're cooking up a homage to classic 1.5 etc etc.

    I'd rather not have this work in progress build...
    Hail the heros of the revolution!


    • Hi people. I've read most of this topic but not everythinggggggg... I found something strange. Is it just me or this picture looks like Claire Redfield with the word MISSING at the top? Or I have too much imagination?Click image for larger version

Name:	bio1.png
Views:	1
Size:	105.5 KB
ID:	402500
      Last edited by BrYaN55; 02-18-2013, 05:21 AM.


      • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
        I'm kinda displeased with this release to be honest, they tossed us a wip ISO image but they blame us (yes they blame Colvin but I felt the message was for the whole "community") at the same time for "shutting doors" like not being able to contact Capcom for endorsement and PSN publication, etc. and how they're so great because they're cooking up a homage to classic 1.5 etc etc.

        I'd rather not have this work in progress build...
        Some elements of the community have been cunts about it from day one. It's quite understandable.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
          I'm kinda displeased with this release to be honest, they tossed us a wip ISO image but they blame us (yes they blame Colvin but I felt the message was for the whole "community") at the same time for "shutting doors" like not being able to contact Capcom for endorsement and PSN publication, etc. and how they're so great because they're cooking up a homage to classic 1.5 etc etc.

          I'd rather not have this work in progress build...
          Don't feel bad man, at last, something is arriving to us. Thanks to them will get this as a decent product. I can understand your point but well, they're not forced to anything.

          Originally posted by BrYaN55 View Post
          Hi people. I've read most of this topic but not everythinggggggg... I found something strange. Is it just me or this picture looks like Claire Redfield with the word MISSING at the top? Or I have too much imagination?[ATTACH=CONFIG]8198[/ATTACH]
          Everybody knows that since the Halloween Teaser, it's an added stuff from da team.
          Last edited by Mae77; 02-18-2013, 05:40 AM.
          The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


          • Originally posted by Mae77 View Post
            Don't feel bad man, at last, something is arriving to us. Thanks to them will get this as a decent product. I can understand your point but well, they're not forced to anything.

            Everybody knows that since the Halloween Teaser, it's an added stuff from da team.
            Oh, I didn't know personally. I didn't follow much of this, I didn't want to be disappointed in the end.


            • So have any patches for this build surfaced by any members yet? Will be interesting to see if anyone manages to fix some of the problems cursing this builds current playability.


              • What would be the point of trying to fix this build if it's a work in progress and the team is working on it? It's really silly.


                • Here's a question for Mr. Zork: from when was this build compiled? I'm sure some people are interested to know just how far back the work-in-progress build that was released is (if it's from at least a few months back, or a recent one, etc.).
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    What would be the point of trying to fix this build if it's a work in progress and the team is working on it? It's really silly.
                    I think Geluda meant something like a hotfix.. which could "possibly" be doable quite quickly and restore a bit of functionality. But who knows what state it is really in, perhaps its broken at a more fundamental level..


                    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      So have any patches for this build surfaced by any members yet? Will be interesting to see if anyone manages to fix some of the problems cursing this builds current playability.
                      MartinBiohazard where are you?

                      I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


                      • Ught thanks again, this looks like it isnt the original build from the looks of it, kind of a tease demo eh ? nice one, but now ? as Mr.Mark said ... Who is to blame ?

                        Well wait, every original little thing was REMOVED and REPLACED with their OWN material, I .... don't like that to be honest, anyway its not worth it anymore

                        WHY THE FUCK SHE HAS CLAIRES VOICE ?! HA ? .....
                        Last edited by Mrox2; 02-18-2013, 06:49 AM.
                        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                        ^ Lol ...


                        • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                          Ught thanks again, this looks like it isnt the original build from the looks of it, kind of a tease demo eh ? nice one, but now ? as Mr.Mark said ... Who is to blame ?

                          Well wait, every original little thing was REMOVED and REPLACED with their OWN material, I .... don't like that to be honest, anyway its not worth it anymore
                          What exactly do you mean by "every original little thing"?
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                            I think Geluda meant something like a hotfix.. which could "possibly" be doable quite quickly and restore a bit of functionality. But who knows what state it is really in, perhaps its broken at a more fundamental level..
                            Yeah exactly. For example, someone might be able to fix fix some of the guns (perhaps import them from the Trial Edition), fix the glitches which are causing the game to crash when you shoot a zombie, or perhaps someone might be able to fix crashes in various rooms. I don't mean for someone to fix everything on the level the team are working but there are a few niggling problems in this build we could benefit from by being tinkered with, it's playability would be greatly improved if some weapons and enemy functionality was restored to working glory.


                            • Tried just a bit more of this with Leon in the police station, had some fun killing zombies. I'm assuming that the disappearing bodies after you kill them are due to the incomplete nature and not a feature of the game itself. Surely the dead bodies will stay on the floor like in the retail games when this is finished?

                              I've really enjoyed what little gameplay is here. The zombies are indeed creepy in this, both visually and audibly. One made a squeal-type noise when I killed it and it actually startled me the first time haha. Great stuff. At this point I'm having an especially hard time understanding why this version was ever canceled. Just not seeing it. The graphic style, character designs, the sounds, the animations, the weapons, the environments, the music ... everything. All of it is better to me. I'm going to have a hard time ever going back to retail 2 after this. Can't wait for the final release! I still can't believe I actually got to finally play this.


                              • RE 1.5 zombies are awesome. Funnily enough, I feel like doing an RE2 run now.. been ages since I played that game.

