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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
    I hate to say it, but it's people like you that are seriously making the 1.5 community look bad. The Team didn't have to release the WIP build. You want the original and untouched build, fair enough, but just wait for them to finish their project. If you don't like it, don't download it and wait.
    Wait, am I missing something, I thought they "HAD" to release this build to prevent people making profit from it. They didn't want to, but had to come to a hard decision and release it. There could have been other ways of stopping people profiting from this version of their build, but I think it was the right decision to make.
    Last edited by EvilMarshy; 02-18-2013, 07:29 AM.


    • edit: I was very tired when I originally posted this. While the freaking out part caught me off guard and I found that aspect really funny, I hope no one thinks that I support this sort of behavior because I do not. What the team is doing for all of us is fantastic.
      Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-20-2013, 06:47 AM.


      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
        Do you realize that most of your posts are pure garbage? Do us all a favor, keep posting on RE123 and avoid THIA. Thanks.
        Come on, we know both forums share the same humor, threats, fights and fun actives including a game of Twister with Leon Kennedy.
        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
          Do you realize that most of your posts are pure garbage? Do us all a favor, keep posting on RE123 and avoid THIA. Thanks.
          You have no right to talk to me, I didn't talk to you in the first place so dont throw yourself in something unrelated to you ok ? stop bothering me already.

          after all the game is properity of Capcom, and that is why Colvin threatened them, hidding the files like as if they did something really BIG ... and all they did was nothing more than som random translations with some BGS replaced and lines of codes, I appreciate it fine, game belongs to capcom all the way, ok they wanna hide their work, Im fine with it, just dont do this with the pure build.
          Last edited by Mrox2; 02-18-2013, 07:34 AM.
          Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
          ^ Lol ...


          • I haven't seen anyone here directly insulting the team, something that seems to be tolerated over there, especially coming from people like DXP who blatantly call them assholes. THIA has its up and downs, but I don't want to see it contaminated with these idiots.

            Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
            You have no right to talk to me, I didn't talk to you in the first place so dont throw yourself in something unrelated to you ok ? stop bothering me already.
            Stop being an idiot, learn respect and grow the fuck up. Then nobody will "bother" you.
            Last edited by Rick Hunter; 02-18-2013, 07:35 AM.


            • I don't mind people being assholes, I just hate it when assholes don't listen.


              • Originally posted by EvilMarshy View Post
                Wait, am I missing something, I thought they "HAD" to release this build to prevent people making profit from it. They didn't want to, but had to come to a hard decision and release it. There could have been other ways of stopping people profiting from this version of their build, but I think it was the right decision to make.
                Well, you have some people here who are bitching since the released iso is encrypted, i.e. they can't take it apart to scalp the files to discover/enable hidden content, and port it over to the retail PC version of the game. It's probably a security measure they added to deter people from hacking the game, including those who'll probably try to pass it off as a different build and profit from it (which is exactly what they are trying to avoid).
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Originally posted by BioHazardBeta View Post
                  Yes I feel the same way It seems this game was not as atmospheric but very brutal and dark. I love it so far and as I stated cannot get a actual feel until everything is put together.Yes the zombies are fucking awesome they look so creepy and do not go down easy.
                  Yeh it's great how the zombies reel back after a shotgun blast, don't go down and come speeding/lunging angry or whatever. Really cool. I'm really looking forward to seeing and taking on zombie hordes in the final game (1.5 can have more on-screen than retail, although I don't remember the exact number).


                  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                    Well, you have some people here who are bitching since the released iso is encrypted, i.e. they can't take it apart to scalp the files to discover/enable hidden content, and port it over to the retail PC version of the game. It's probably a security measure they added to deter people from hacking the game, including those who'll probably try to pass it off as a different build and profit from it (which is exactly what they are trying to avoid).
                    Yeah, just as I thought, and like I said a page back; "To prevent splinter builds". Heheh and like I said "... when assholes don't listen". Thanks for that.


                    • Locking the files is a no brainer, this is not the original build but does contain real assets that could be very damaging to other people should they be used maliciously. The whole point of releasing this build was to prevent the unauthorised distribution of 1.5 material, real, modified or fake. The build they possess still isn't public domain and untill it is we can't expect them to give us unlimited access to something they privately own when they're clearly trying to protect them selves and others from fraudulent sales. If you don't like it then fair enough, but the release of this build wasn't to satisfy beta fans, it was to protect the team and to try and flush out any people who might be trying to profit from this situation. One day, some day soon we'll have the original build and it will be public domain for us to do as we please, untill then we still need to be patient and just enjoy what we can in the meantime.


                      • I hope the message gets across, soon enough.

                        Also, not exactly a big discovery, but awhile back Newsbot posted what species the mutant baboons in 1.5 are:

                        striking size difference between the sexes (males are often twice as large as females), which is common to all baboons,
                        If you couple this with the difference in voice pitch of the larger and smaller baboons (masculine and femine grunts/shrieks, respectively), it seems like the bigger ones (boss type) are supposed to be males, while the smaller ones (the ones in the lab) are supposed to be females.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Irons' Office crashes on console. Actually a lot of stuff causes crashes on a console.

                          Even the RE1 Gameboy beta was more complete. Maybe now people will understand the work they're having with this game. Go team!
                          Last edited by Aleff; 02-18-2013, 08:03 AM.
                          Hail the heros of the revolution!


                          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                            I hope the message gets across, soon enough.

                            Also, not exactly a big discovery, but awhile back Newsbot posted what species the mutant baboons in 1.5 are:

                            If you couple this with the difference in voice pitch of the larger and smaller baboons (masculine and femine grunts/shrieks, respectively), it seems like the bigger ones (boss type) are supposed to be males, while the smaller ones (the ones in the lab) are supposed to be females.
                            Nice catch!
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • You know what's funny? I loaded the game on my playstation with my old memory card plugged in, and the loading screen says that I have a savegame with Elza at Irons' Office, hahaha.
                              Hail the heros of the revolution!


                              • That's because the console apparently thinks it's Resident Evil 1.

