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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • "Claire is now a dog, and Piers is a part of RE2 now and hes a dog too !"-Mrox2


    Sorry for the terrible artist impression, but I just couldn't resist.


    • Originally posted by EvilMarshy View Post
      Sorry for the terrible artist impression
      that's an understatement.
      Hail the heros of the revolution!


      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
        glitchy everything, cant do anything i want to. can't even check out the models, which is the main thing i wanted from "the original" 1.5 anyway... i feel like this was a waste of excitement.

        people will say "be glad you have something", but the reality is, this is shit. nothing to me. at all. less than the "40%build". at least then you could look at the files.
        NEWS AT 11!
        The public is in shock, as the build of an unfinished game, currently under restoration, turns out to be ... broken, unfinished, unstable and in dire need of repairs.

        Nah. Just kidding. Had to get that out. By the way, regarding the "missing" files, the PS1 actually rarely uses direct file references, and more often than ever actually just instructs the game to fetch specific data from specific LBAs on the disc. You can see this in quite a lot of console games on CD-ROM formats. Especially when you try to alterthe file order. Square-Enix are probably the best sample I can think of in terms of companies that mask stuff in either giant container formats or "outside" the normal stuff ( the only stuff the PS1 really needs to start something is a system.cnf instructing what to start and the file it's instructed to start ... Unless that file is called PSX.EXE, in which case the console can technically ignore he system.cng and jump start that one right away)

        The more you know, I guess. Sometimes these things work as copy protections, as consumer products can't replicate them, other times it's for optimization reasons (since normal disc structures don't always allow certain types of "features")
        Last edited by Carnivol; 02-18-2013, 11:01 AM.


          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • Seems like the flavor texts in the P-4 lab tells a neat little story:

            BTW, if any team member reads this, are the large air units in the back really supposed to be draft chambers? They look nothing like one.
            Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-18-2013, 11:08 AM.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • It's kinda funny (and sad) that the PSM video, what we thought was just a glimpse of the build...was actually almost everything that's playable on the disk. :p

              Will say, I hope the team will tweak the damage model for the zombies. They only take two bullets to down...but take twenty bullets to actually kill! They also have the dumb thing from RE1 where you can't hit them when they're in their "getting up" animation.


              • I've been having fun with the demo sure it crashes but like everyone said we weren't even supposed to get it in the first place. As I look at it its just something to keep me busy until the full release. I'm mostly surprised how many features are present in this


                • Originally posted by The Ekamp View Post
                  can't hit them when they're in their "getting up" animation.
                  I know what you mean, but it kind of always made sense to me, because you're aiming up, and it's a recovery animation.
                  What REALLY pisses me off is how I ALWAYS manage to shoot and just as it's about to hit, the zombie hits the floor and I end up wasting ammo, lol
                  "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                  PSN Gamercards


                  • Anyone know how to trigger the zombies in the main lobby and the lobby corridor to come out of the gates? Also, anyone else notice the nice squishy sound when you explode a zombie with the shotgun? Fun fun fun
                    Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-18-2013, 11:24 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      NEWS AT 11!
                      STOP THE PRESS!
                      The public is in shock, as the build of an unfinished game, currently under restoration, turns out to be ... broken, unfinished, unstable and in dire need of repairs.

                      We are stunned..

                      But seriously, we knew this would happen one day, I think it is too much for some people to comprehend what RE 1.5 actually is.. it's not an ass kicking game withheld by Capcom but a game in dire need of some loving.

                      Does anyone have movies of stuff we haven't seen yet? I cross my fingers and hope that's there's some crazy stuff underneath that code we are not seeing yet, otherwise this game is going to be very short indeed Exploring the "giant empty lab rooms of death" will only be fun for so long
                      Last edited by Scream; 02-18-2013, 11:25 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
                        Anyone know how to trigger the zombies in the main lobby and the lobby corridor to come out of the gates?
                        Don't you have to try heading back towards the passageway with the shutter, which triggers them crawling through the front?
                        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                        PSN Gamercards


                        • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
                          Anyone know how to trigger the zombies in the main lobby and the lobby corridor to come out of the gates? Also, anyone else notice the nice squishy sound when you explode a zombie with the shotgun? Fun fun fun
                          I think you just enter as Leon. If that doesn't work, maybe enter the room from "Lobby Corridor" from the middle door beside the shutter?

                          Edit: Sorry I didn't read :p
                          Last edited by The Ekamp; 02-18-2013, 11:36 AM.


                          • Hi Mr BZork... Sorry if this was asked but I have one simply question - are the team planning to add runing and shooting gameplay like in Dino Crisis series?


                            • Says the guy who never provides sources for his lies. oh how is your good friend Colvin ? you forgot everything about him this fast ? what a world we are living in.
                              What lies? I provide sources for everything that I am able to. Sometimes I can't provide a source because they're sensitive material and I'd rather not risk losing a source and breaking professional agreements to satisfy someone like you. You won't even PM me to inquire about anything in particular, so I assume you don't even care much. Even less reason to reveal anything to you.

                              What does Colvin have to do with it? His actions were shitty, but I don't see how he relates to your comments, and I don't see how I've supposedly forgotten about him? I'm not his keeper.
                              Last edited by News Bot; 02-18-2013, 11:34 AM.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • I got an idea for a game mode, a sort of survival mode. You choose your character and it starts out fairly easy and there's also a timer. There's only the room you start in so you have to run around to survive. Say 4 zombies to kill the first round. Kill them and the shorter the time, you're rewarded with a few bullets or ammo shells. Then the next round starts. 8 zombies. Next round it starts to get a bit crazy. 8 spiders all at once coming for you. Survive that and it's 8 spider-men things. Then the apes haha. And so on. Get a good enough score and you could unlock a prize -- an alternate costume maybe? Anyway, just an thought.

                                edit: [gates] Thanks guys, I will try that out!
                                Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-18-2013, 11:34 AM.

