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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
    Is it just me or is the soundtrack complete rubbish compared to REtail 2?

    I like that it's a lot more eerie, in which it reminds me of 'Alone in the Dark'...but it feels Souless? I don't know.

    I guess I'm spoiling myself now since I'm listening to the OST ;_;

    Like Main0D, which is almost the same as the REtail version of G-Formation...2 theme? But it's lacking...something. It's so cut off!

    Thr only tracks I like in retail are the ones left over from the original. Heck, one of the best ones is insultingly only used in that small 2 fingerprint reader room. I feel that otherwise the retail soundtrack feels pretty darn boring and uneventful. It's never really that urgent. The original soundtrack has a frantic, crawling-under-the-skin, very cold and isolated feel to me and I love that.
    Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-18-2013, 10:28 PM.


    • I have been playing this non stop since it was released. this is fucking amazing.


      • Click image for larger version

Name:	charhazard.png
Views:	1
Size:	28.3 KB
ID:	402523


        • Lol I wonder if it's actually possible to play with that overhead camera.


          • So I don't have all that knowing of the series in my mind like some people do, eg Mr. Bot. Like what makes a game good, tings from an artistic standpoint, etcetera. 'What makes a game good' per-say. Perhaps this is conditioning from finding out about this forum and reading it since a year ago (Only found out about 1.5 then, Lol. I only played Resident Evil 3 when I was a kid. Friends told me to play 1 and 2) and reading other peoples critical opinions, but I seem to find the backgrounds in 1.5, the limited I've seen more interesting , I won't say 'more in deph' than the retail version's, because I have no right to. No matter how much of a cock-up some people believe that 1.5 is (not trying to be rude) they stand out well more to me. I find the retail 2's bland and boring.

            e: I've been hooked on Resident Evil/ Bio 2 since I've been told about it, replayed it to death, still do today.
            Last edited by Guest; 02-19-2013, 12:51 AM.


            • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
              This all stands to them, they used contents from final RE2 and claim this is all their work, they have done nothing which is their work, even the injected codes were taken from already existing games, its just the translations and silly Backgrounds everywhere stating that "Claire is missing" and that "Claire" is a dog, next we are going to see that Claire's name written on a plushie or a toilet or just on a dumb bin ....
              Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
              I'm already awake, its been 12 hours since I was awake, oh and I drank coffee.

              I'd rather have original crap than this, and if thats so, I wouldn't want a build were the game is so much fucked up to the point it passed the line of how it was intended to appear originally by the original Capcom development team.

              Want to screw up the game and release it ? no thanks. don't wanna release the original build ? keep it for your graves.
              You have no fucking idea of what you are saying.
              First of all: The original build was crap, they've shown us that and they can show us again in their documentaries. Don't blame THEM. CAPCOM have never intended to release this, how the fuck can you expect a 40% completed game to be working properly? With all the guns working and stuff considering it's UNFINISHED??? Most of the guns are unfinished, the animation of zombies exploding is unfinished, some models are unfinished, of course the game will crash, just like it happened with RE2 BETA 2. If you play the game with a beretta and avoid 3D objects, the game is completely playable.

              Secondly: How can you say they did NOTHING? Who remodeled Marvin, Roy, John and Linda? Who modeled the new areas? Who made the Inventory Menu completely playable? I bet it was you, since they have done nothing of their own...If we were playing the original 1.5 40% build right now, Irons, Marvin and Roy would be all copies of Leon.
              Last edited by Guest; 02-19-2013, 01:01 AM.


              • Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View Post
                I have been playing this non stop since it was released. this is fucking amazing.
                Haha yes, yes it is!


                • Originally posted by DXP
                  Hmmm only thing I will say what a crock of shit this entire thing is, i'll take back what I said about bastardization this has now internally sucked the life out of anything at all and has caused the biggest shall we say screw up in history?

                  So many people thinking this is a 1.5 thing needs to open their eyes there is nothing here that resembles it just a bunch of fools thinking they can make a game from something that isn't there own, and lets face it what its only say 2% of things that are original its shit not worth the hassle of leaking it.
                  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


                    • Sorry to be off-topic for a second, but you guys will love this:

                      This thread was locked after only three minutes though:


                      • Illegal roms, warez, emulation, hacking, mod chips/console mods, links to ISOs, firmware and other related downloads, links to sites advocating or discussing illegal, destructive and malicious activities and/or drug or substance abuse.

                        1.5 really is a drug
                        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                        • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                          Illegal roms, warez, emulation, hacking, mod chips/console mods, links to ISOs, firmware and other related downloads, links to sites advocating or discussing illegal, destructive and malicious activities and/or drug or substance abuse.

                          1.5 really is a drug
                          It actually got me to stop smoking for a day. Imagine what the final beta can do.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                            It actually got me to stop smoking for a day. Imagine what the final beta can do.
                            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                            • must a drug lol i have not stopped playing this lol I havent played my 360 or ps3 since this game came out , It's just so nice to play an old classic resident evil style game even though im limited in what I can do with the game Im still enjoying myself , I miss the days of the ps1 when all you had to do was put the game in and play away . Playing 1.5 is like a trip back to the past


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                (I personally consider splicing in RE2 code a minor miracle, having talked to various modders over the years)
                                More like pretty much impossible, and I'm being code-generous. Even with extremely similar games, porting straight copies of code is not an option, given all the static references compilers generate. I tried something really similar with Persona 2: Innocent Sin years ago, by importing some battle code used in the fusion spell list directly from its complementary game, Eternal Punishment (which uses the very same engine, it's 98% identical to IS). Turns out I had to rewrite most of it from scratch because the references didn't translate at all and most specific routines were not available in Innocent Sin. Direct code injections are a chimera: they are not possible and I find funny how they pretend the team could have ported retail code to a game that barely resembles what we got from CAPCOM. Then again, it comes from a person who thought BETA 2 compares prototype completion and knows no jack shit, along with his Team 96 dear friends, about the amount of work that goes into serious projects like this. Welp, even a translation hack is a million times more complicated than their "serious" modding experiments, where the best attempt is replacing a couple files while leaving a mess of crap in the way. The day they'll even be able to replace data in the MAP menu, hell shall freeze, but in the meanwhile let's enjoy the show where they badmouth people like Dominion for their achievements only because they suck at what they do, thinking they are real 'hackers'.
                                Last edited by Gemini; 02-19-2013, 05:19 AM.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

