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  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
    gemini, if people wanted to be real hackers, they would be. but it is called the 123 modding forum. saying modders aren't hackers...well duh!
    So now hacking and modding are entirely a different thing? I could swear somebody said the opposite. This story about "incorrect" nomenclatures is always funny to listen to.

    you make it sound like some god-like ability not many people can understand, when all it takes is a want to learn.
    Being proficient with something doesn't mean you're god, it means you're good or simply experienced. Gathering experience is something most people can do, but it seems like some of them prefer bitching instead of using their time for something a little more constructive.
    Last edited by Gemini; 02-19-2013, 09:08 AM.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
      quoting one statement and slamming all of team96 is silly. especially when people like resiyoyoyo are hardly around!
      Not only that statement. Also various others scattered around the Resi 123 Forums. Though I have no desire to look for them. I have better things to take care of now.
      Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


      • You can mod without being a hacker, for example you make a new skin and place it in the game, or you replace a music file (No hacking involved or minimal). But it is tricky to hack without making modifications that change the game, maybe you are trying to reverse engineer something within the game but as you do so lot's of modifications are made in the process of you getting to your goal. Maybe an example of hacking without making modifications would be cracking a file format, you could have it decompress/unpack and compress/pack without actually changing the content of the file in which the game uses. Hacking and modding are two different things, that's why we have two different words for them. This is me talking out of my backside though, someone else could probably give a better explanation.
        Last edited by EvilMarshy; 02-19-2013, 09:33 AM.


        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
          So now hacking and modding are entirely a different thing? I could swear somebody said the opposite.
          modding is working inside the guidelines changing what is there, hacking eliminates those limitations. what is said before was you can give a whole new experience without hacking if you can figure out how to work within those limitations.

          or were you not referring to me? hard to tell how deep your sarcasm runs sometimes.
          Last edited by J0shuaKane; 02-19-2013, 09:53 AM.


          • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
            modding is working inside the guidelines changing what is there, hacking eliminates those limitations. what is said before was you can give a whole new experience without hacking if you can figure out how to work within those limitations.
            In this case modding and hacking are really hypernyms of the same process: replacing data, being it really whatever type of binary sequence. Altering code to make the game's core taste like jellybean is not a must-do phase - some engines are programmed in way that doesn't always require changes to the machine code. Romhacking works exactly on the same basis and it's still considered either as modding or hacking, even tho I wouldn't really consider it as a mod given what it means in communities such as those where modders create new maps for games such as Quake or Half Life. That's really where the term comes from, at least from what I can remember. I could be wrong, but in this case the story applies with the criteria mentioned above.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • I'd like to think I'm courteous to the boards I attend, whether it be Bioflames back in the day, THIA or RE123 for quick examples. Yes RE123 has become focused on the 1.5 topic and the shit storm inside that topic has become so ridiculous I scroll past half the time. Certain members have become extremely outspoken, whether this is just true colours coming to the surface or just a personal vendetta against the team remains unseen, but it's easy to choose the latter because sometimes that's how it seems to me.

              But there are many of us that go to RE123, myself included, just to learn and interact with fellow fans. I know basic modding for the classic games and I would never be able to touch some of the knowledge others have. Gemini, for instance you arrived at RE123 and clashed with some members over your opinions. That's not my business of course, however you provided a great Dino Crisis tool and I know myself and many members were very grateful for it as half of us don't know any real hacking or coding. I know the statement was pretty specific (Team 96) but if it was generally aimed at RE123 then please, don't tar us all with the same brush. Not saying you personally, but anyone who's been getting the wrong impression about the boards, it's so easy to see why but it simply isn't that way.

              Those outspoken members do not speak for the majority of us over there, as you well know, we come here and respect and observe what the team and other members are talking about and sharing. I know this has little relevance but I thought I would share my thoughts, those members can do whatever they like, I'm just personally tired of the flame wars about it and how it will make the RE123 community look as a whole.
              Last edited by BiohazardFE; 02-19-2013, 10:08 AM.

              "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


              • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
                I know the statement was pretty specific (Team 96) but if it was generally aimed at RE123 then please, don't tar us all with the same brush.
                I wasn't really trying to accuse the whole community there, but only a certain group whose random claims are given on a regular basis, playing king of the hill when the hill is somebody else's. I actually have great respect for some members of the community, such as PmData, Markgrass, and Leo2236. They proved to be a great help to the entire community, on par to what is done in other communities as well.
                Last edited by Gemini; 02-19-2013, 10:10 AM.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • Everyone acts like these background, model and music hacks are amazing and they're really not. They're... admirable but hardly awe-inspiring. No-one has ever reverse engineered the Resident Evil engine like the team has done. Has anyone even got these background and model hacks working on PS1 hardware? No. The modding scene for RE1-3 is dry as hell and only the same mods are happening. The latest breakthrough was MarkGrass' cutscene tool.

                  Edit; I just wanna edit here because I realize my statement comes across as obnoxious and belittling. I'm not trying to belittle the breakthroughs the modding community has had with changing certain aspects of the Resident Evil engine, I just wanted to make it clear that what the team is doing doesn't deserve itself to be 'belittled' when no-one has even got a pinch close to what the team is accomplishing. It's like trying to justify why your mod is the most amazing thing ever but because some team is getting praised for hacking you need to cut in and say 'yeah its not that amazing'.


                  you make it sound like some god-like ability not many people can understand, when all it takes is a want to learn.
                  It's more than just 'learning' as to understanding the code and file formats of the engine to try and see what they do and crack them so you can modify them. Then they have to program a tool to modify these things so that the rest of the team can use them. Saying all they have to do is 'learn' is extremely ignorant. Why don't you go and learn how to modify extensive parts of an old Playstation game engine? Or will you just wait for the baby fed tools?
                  Last edited by Gradon; 02-19-2013, 10:11 AM.


                  • @BiohazardFE, I'm sorry about that, I know how you feel. Today I'm not going to be lenient at all (It's getting out of hand). If any groups of people start flame wars I'll make sure they regret it. I'll make sure people express their opinions in a calm and respectful manner.


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Your claims of lies and idiotic accusations, mainly. I'm sure you haven't already forgotten.

                      You don't have a single wickydicky clue what you're talking about.
                      Listen sweetheart Total Dick Douche Fag, You'rethe biggest liar here, all what I said was obvious, I may have over acted, but nothing was wrong, Don't forget about yourself, you say soo much shit without providing any sources or mainly you are just selfish like the rest who are like you and you know who those are. say hello to your friend Colvin.

                      Embarrassing to ban your friend for a piece of crap. I'm sure he hates you with a passion now ;P

                      The Team is doing a good job maybe but they still should release the original >dump<, it's Capcom copyrighted anyway ... but oh they might even hide the files again.
                      This build being shit and buggy ? well yeah could be true that this is a really old build of "their" work, but why are the exact features in this build were introduced at the second commentary video ? eh.
                      Last edited by Mrox2; 02-19-2013, 10:16 AM.
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Well guys, I don't know about you, but I'm laying back and this broken build gives me such a pleasant sense of satisfaction.
                        Here I was only expecting a non-broken section on only like the first 3 rooms in the game, but wow...
                        We got all this...
                        This is amazing... and seeing it all broken it's awesome discovering parts, putting them together seeing how they fit, and then entering areas with no enemies, I just sit back and think to myself, "Oh BOY! I can't wait to see what this is going to be like with enemies, how this is all going to be together and be an awesome experience when I'm powerless and playing the actual game XD"
                        The same with rooms that could use some work in my opinion or seem clearly not finished... I'm just so glad to sort of have a behind-the-scenes look at it, and I'm pumped to see them when they're finished.
                        I'm excited now. Seeing this all together, 1.5 wasn't what I thought it'd be in MOST aspects. Some of the areas are what I expected in how awesome they are (I can't wait to see Spoiler:
                        The elements fit together a lot better than I speculated they would. The one thing that kinda bugged me was the control scheme (been playing Resident Evil 1 all month)...
                        As opposed to my opinion of 1.5 being lowered, my opinion of 2 raised. I sort of see how 2 works better overall in following for a perfect proper sequel to 1... It was really very nice, and awesome, and while I still like 1.5, I've now really limited only a few things I wished were in from 1.5...

                        This is marvelous and awesome!
                        Really, what The Team have got going on is just.. WOW
                        You guys are outstanding, astounding, and any and every other compliment I can give you, please accept it, guys. It's amazing, and keep up the fantastic work, that is just so much awesome, amazing effort and everything else going into this....

                        Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                        Everyone acts like these background, model and music hacks are amazing and they're really not. They're... admirable but hardly awe-inspiring. No-one has ever reverse engineered the Resident Evil engine like the team has done. Has anyone even got these background and model hacks working on PS1 hardware? No. The modding scene for RE1-3 is dry as hell and only the same mods are happening. The latest breakthrough was MarkGrass' cutscene tool.

                        Edit; I just wanna edit here because I realize my statement comes across as obnoxious and belittling. I'm not trying to belittle the breakthroughs the modding community has had with changing certain aspects of the Resident Evil engine, I just wanted to make it clear that what the team is doing doesn't deserve itself to be 'belittled' when no-one has even got a pinch close to what the team is accomplishing. It's like trying to justify why your mod is the most amazing thing ever but because some team is getting praised for hacking you need to cut in and say 'yeah its not that amazing'.


                        It's more than just 'learning' as to understanding the code and file formats of the engine to try and see what they do and crack them so you can modify them. Then they have to program a tool to modify these things so that the rest of the team can use them. Saying all they have to do is 'learn' is extremely ignorant. Why don't you go and learn how to modify extensive parts of an old Playstation game engine? Or will you just wait for the baby fed tools?
                        Didn't they mentioned they hadn't reverse-engineered the engine, but had instead implemented some merged form of the engines from 1 and 2 and used C-injections.
                        Would C-injections count as reverse-engineering? I mean... I guess...kinda?

                        Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                        Listen sweetheart Total Dick Douche Fag, You'rethe biggest liar here, all what I said was obvious, I may have over acted, but nothing was wrong, Don't forget about yourself, you say soo much shit without providing any sources or mainly you are just selfish like the rest who are like you and you know who those are. say hello to your friend Colvin.

                        Embarrassing to ban your friend for a piece of crap. I'm sure he hates you with a passion now ;P

                        The Team is doing a good job maybe but they still should release the original >dump<, it's Capcom copyrighted anyway ... but oh they might even hide the files again.
                        This build being shit and buggy ? well yeah could be true that this is a really old build of "their" work, but why are the exact features in this build were introduced at the second commentary video ? eh.
                        Honestly dude, at this point, your little titty fits are just coming off as pathetic, and apparently you're jut pissed at Newsbot for some reason...
                        You're like a little kid at this point... you're just mad, bro...
                        Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-19-2013, 10:21 AM.
                        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                        PSN Gamercards


                        • People aren't friends if they can't forgive each other. Though sometimes it's about making the right choice. The way I see it, what's more important your friends or internet forums with people you may call your friends?


                          • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
                            Didn't they mentioned they hadn't reverse-engineered the engine, but had instead implemented some merged form of the engines from 1 and 2?
                            I believe they did mention the C Injection; I'm no programmer, but even I'm sure that's no walk in the park.
                            Not to mention that they must have worked on modifying a shit tonne of internal files to get things running and working.
                            Is there a reason there are a lot of outspoken modders that dislike the team? Is it because the team knows how to do everything they want to understand?
                            It doesn't make any sense why they'd bitch and moan over a team that is trying for the community by doing hacking techniques unseen in the RE modding community.


                            • I just went and read some of the stuff at the 1-2-3 forum at Enrico's suggestion, and dear God...I have never seen such bitterness, jealousy and outright bullshit.

                              A lot of what is being said, about how it's all just RE2 data being spliced in, about how the Team have done nothing, how this is all a stunt, how they didn't pay what they's all pure bullshit, from what I can see, and have been told.

                              Welp, since it's so damned easy, I'm sure those nice people will be doing most of the stuff the Team have done in the next few weeks. We'll have the doors linking to the (freshly rebuilt) areas, we'll have air Jesus solve, we'll have all the items fixed and working...'cos all it require is splicing in the right stuff from RE2, right guys? Right? Huh?

                              And don't get me started on the people who are sympathising with Colvin...he promises not to leak anything, then leaks stuff. He's whining that he didn't sell it, but I can assure you, if that's true (and I have heard otherwise) it's only because he couldn't find a deal in time. He was trying to. Pretty damned hard. He's even declared that he'll get the mod shut down by his sources at Capcom, while at the same time declaring that he thinks this is just an excuse to shut it down due to the Team's 'lack of talent' (although how he gets to that, I've no idea...) so I have no idea what he's on about. Apparently him doing modding stuff is OK, but other peoples ones are illegal?

                              I want to cock punch the Internet right now. Maybe I should talk Enrico into making me a mod over at 1-2-3 just so I can beat some sense into people with an iron bar.



                              • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                                Is there a reason there are a lot of outspoken modders that dislike the team? Is it because the team knows how to do everything they want to understand?
                                It doesn't make any sense why they'd bitch and moan over a team that is trying for the community by doing hacking techniques unseen in the RE modding community.
                                Same thing happened before with Dominion's Dark Biohazard. It's just some people getting royally butthurt because they are attention seekers, nothing more, nothing less. Want attention? Create something that would interest people instead of claiming other's work sucks because 'you' can't do anything comparable.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

